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Posts posted by Goldie

  1. There was never a cover over the wiper motor, only bit covered is the other side where the fan intake is.


    I think there is a group buy for an after market cover that goes across the car fully if you fancy something like that.

  2. Good shout with the not jacking it up with the roof down.


    Shes done the deal and got one. Its the top spec with leather and all the rest of it, only a 1.6 though.


    If shes happy then ill let her get on with it.

  3. Welcome to the forum freddy_t.


    Question 1, carry out a search, ive read about that hapenning to guys before.


    Question 2, 110 is nothing to worry about, itll get hotter than that if you cane it.


    Question 5, the accelerator pedal is stiff on them all. When i get in any other car i rev the ass off it because after the Rado i think its too light!!


    Im sure others will come to your rescue for the remianing questions.


    Good luck.

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