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Posts posted by Goldie

  1. Have had a bit of a search but still feeling a bit in the dark.


    Want to change the gearbox oil in my 95 VR.


    What grade of oil do i need?


    Recommendations for a quality make?


    How much do i need and how much is it gonna set me back?



  2. My mrs is on the verge of buying one of these.


    While i can appreciate its not everyone cup of tea and not really mine either has anyone had or got one and know anything to look out for??


    Cheers for any clues.

  3. Im back on with this again.


    Changed the bulb that i thought was shot and no difference.


    Sat in my mates Valver the other day and his clocks are well bright.


    My MFA screen and odometer windows are both lit up fine. The actual speedometer is well lit also but both sides, ie the temp gauge and revo counter are very dim.


    Any ideas???

  4. I have seen a couple of pairs for sale on the bay and on here before.


    I did mine and the tip about taking your time is the key.


    If your motor is a daily runner id suggest getting another set so you can take your time. I paid £25 from a fellow member for mine.

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