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Posts posted by Goldie

  1. Yes mate, mine is an aftermarket system fitted when the car was about a year or so old.


    Have had a couple of problems with it, needed a regass and a new control relay but now its up and running its freezing.


    Id definitely recommend, i believe its expensive to have it put in but it does the trick.


    There are quite a lot of aircon specialist companies, just do a search on google and see what comes up.

  2. Ive done the search and read loads of info but still have a couple of questions.


    Ive just bought magnecor 8mm blue leads, but ideally wanted red ones, anyone know of a supplier who does 8mm in red??


    As magencor do red in 8.5mm has anyone fitted these to their VR6, was told id have to mod the channels that they sit in, is it an easy job??


    Any clues??

  3. Drove my car in the dark for the first time the other day and noticed that the petrol and temp gauge seem very dim in comparsison to speedo and rev counter.


    Does anyone know how many bulbs are behind the clocks or whether they are on seperate fuses??

  4. Have sanded them back with 1000 grit, cleaned them up and done the thin layers and now they look business.


    Ill give them a good polish in a couple of days once they are fully dried out.


    Cheers for the tips.

  5. Quick question to anyone who has painted there standard lights red.


    Ive done mine, paint and laquer and they dont look very smooth. Did anyone else have the same experience??


    Any advise on polishing them smooth? T cut, very fine wet and dry???

  6. Another tip i was told was if you do get stopped by the police for them they may not allow you to drive the car until legal plates are back on so stick your original set in the boot just to be sure. Could save alot of messing about on top of that £30 fine!!

  7. They look good aswell but i think the reds just a nice subtle change.


    What width of masking tape have you used? Smallest i can find in B&Q is about 15mm which is too big.

  8. Backtracking a little bit here.


    Im in the process of doing a set of rear lights red. Have seen the guide on here advising using stripes to allow the orange through. Has anyone striped them all the way round i.e over the reverse lights or have they just done the corner indicator part and left the reverse lights white??


    I think id like to colour the reverse light but wonder what the stripes would look like. Has anyone got a close up photo to give me an idea??

  9. Speaking from my own experiences ive had two Corrados and they are far more solid than the two Fiestas and one Escort ive owned in the past.


    The lights on my old Valver were poor but never got round to changing them and my new one does the job without the uprated loom. Not lighting the town up so could be something to think about.


    Lupo wipers or TT wipers are the way ahead, look out for one thats been smashed, ebay or bite the bullet and go to the dealer.


    Im running standard HT leads so will be interested in your findings and as for the wheels they shouldnt have a huge effect on steering unless you go for really wide jobs.


    Best of luck.

  10. Thanks for the pointers fellas.


    Started the car again later today and it ran fine however the clicking/cracking is still hapenning.

    Checked the history file for the car and the leads are ancient so think im gonna bin them as a matter of course and see how i get on from there.


    Ill check out the other suggestions, get the leak fixed and fingers crossed for happy motoring agin.


    Thanks again.

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