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Posts posted by Jon_vr6

  1. Was waiting at some traffic lights near the arndale centre in manchester and i get a tap on the window from a guy saying what i thought at the time was "do you want to buy a telly" i said no (i thought im not rolling down my window to make sure i heard right)! Any way parked up and walked down to the printworks to meet up with an ex (just mates now) and told the story to her and it became clear when the ex said he probably said "Are you selling" and it was at that point i remember him giving the car a good look over as he walked away! Was pleased to say the least and glad i gave the right answer NO! :lol:

  2. Your problem sounds similar if not the same as mine!! All worked last week then all of a sudden no fans apart from the 3rd stage! Im going to take it to a garage near me monday and see if they can sort it!!

    Mine warms up as normal then where it is supposed to kick in the fans nothing happens and it just then creeps up to and over 110 and coolant lamp starts flashing!


    If the garage sort it ill let you know what it is! I would have a go myself but electrics aint my thing shorting wires and all that! To me it must be the thermoswitch or the fuses are each of the fuses for each of the fan stages??

  3. Right no air lock as i thought! When i filled the coolant i filled from the top hose then once there was some in the coolant reservoir i filled from there! Top hose gets warm first then after bwt 10-15mins the bottom hose starts to warm up! So to me its either


    1. the fuses for the fan

    2. the thermoswitch



    I used the same sensors when i changed the thermo housing as they where in good condition would this make any difference with them being the old ones and not new ones??


    Think im going to ring a garage near to me on monday as i really cant be arsed checking this stuff myself electrics is something i know fook all about! Should i just ask them to check them two items above ??? And after last weeks pain in the arse changing the housing etc i think this time i need to pass the buck onto someone else!

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