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Everything posted by JoeNose

  1. Send the correspondance, unanswered, to your insurer. Do the same with anything relating to this incident you recieve in the future (this may not be the only communication you recieve). And don't worry about it anymore, any and all liablility pertaining to you has already been accepted by your insurance company :)
  2. Give it a try. If it's no good you can always get shut afterall. 182s are worthy of great respect, read Evo or Autocar if you disagree. I just wish they looked somewhat less sh*te...
  3. That safe speed graph on road deaths says it all. What gets me is that the "constant survellience" ANPR news story seems to generated no significant political protests at all. Looking at the process abuses of camera partnerships (and police - plenty of examples at pepipoo.com) - not to mention the numerous mistakes made by Transport For London's Congestion Charge system - I wouldn't have any confidence whatever that people won't be screwed by this system. Frankly there's only so much personal data I want to give to our civil service's hopeless computers and employees who don't give a f**k. No I've nothing to hide, so they dont need to know. Actually, I don't buy the "I have nothing to hide" outlook at all. Why not data-tag every citizen and install CCTV in private homes if we have nothing to hide?
  4. Waiting for a loom and can't get in touch with him?
  5. Car was having a bunch of stuff done in a garage at the time Will, although I hear it's quite straightforward.
  6. I think some low-volume humming can be OK - more than one garage in the past has told me it's pretty normal on VAG cars. Having said that, I replaced the (humming) fuel pump on mine some time back, but found the new pump was silent. However, only a few months later the hum had returned. It's been like like for nearly 2 years now; not down on power and fine to drive. Untill it starts getting really loud I intend to leave it.
  7. Kevs isn't quite a standard VR Conley ;)
  8. Or ask to have the car looked at by a VW / Corrado specialist garage, not the AA/RAC. For one thing, they should be able to carry out a VAGCOM onboard diagnostic check which could pick up a number of faults not immediately apparant. For instance, I'm sure when I bought my C the cam position sensor had failed leaving the car about 30bhp down, but not having driven a VR before I didn't realise what I was missing.
  9. JoeNose

    Tom Tom Go

    It's the Go 700 I bought on 'Buy Now Pay August 2006' from Savastore.com. And it is indeed one of the best pieces of kit I've owned! And yeah, the free speed camera database was one thing I was after right from the start ;) I understand I have the improved mount, but I've still found it can come loose when travelling over an especially bumpy road. Doesn't do a great deal for my driving suddenly having to lunge forward to hold it in place... The only worry I have with the Brodit Proclip is that the diagram for the Corrado version (651811 on http://www.brodit.se) seems to indicate it obscures part of the stereo, which could be a problem as I have a face-off Kenwood unit. Has anyone actually seen this mount used on a Corrado?
  10. Having decided to make an early Christmas present of one of these (from me to me) :) I'm finding the standard windscreen mount is not perfectly secure. Does anyone have any experience of using a dash mount for one of these in a Corrado? If so which is there any which could be recommended?
  11. Kinda agreeing with Zippy here, Pumas have always enjoyed a really good rep in the press as being fun to drive, much more so than a numb-steering Polo. Right price bracket too...if she/you can accept the badge ;)
  12. True initially, but claims have to be notified within 6 months from the time of the incident to be valid. In other words, if nothing happens and your missus has lost NCD, the insurer should reinstate the NCD and refund any extra premium 6 months from now.
  13. Very gorgeous indeed! 993 definately seems to have a tad more kudos than the 996 :)
  14. Always thought that S3 was particularly worthy of admiration too, damn shame. WTG on walking away from that one though!
  15. Phoning a scrappy is the way to go with this...
  16. Just be careful using sites like Confused.com. Sometimes the quotes you get come through with, say, a £1000 excess, which may not be immediately apparant yet go a long way towards getting the price down! Otherwise, I'd always try an internet quote rather than go with the renewal figure you are initially quoted. At the end of the day, it IS a lot cheaper for the insurer to process your cover in this fashion.
  17. Corrado leaving Goodison today with an EFC plate?
  18. I don't know about hate, but quite a few C owners seem to not take them seriously 'because it's a Clio.' They should. The new Trophy in particular with it's very fancy Sachs dampers is reputably blisteringly quick around a track. It's just a shame it looks so...Clio-ish. Lets face it, the car looks odd, and is about as sexy as Lemmy's warts. that's part of the reason why owning a Clio is just not on the same scale of cool as owning a Corrado.
  19. Without question, this...out December...
  20. The Clio 182 does get a good rep in the press, 'old-fashioned hot hatch style.' I've no problems believing it's great to drive either, despite the fact you sit much too high. You are wrong about the 0-60, the VR6 figure is 6.7 seconds, although some sources quote less. Also, so many of the VR6s around now are modified many will be faster than this. Renault's official (and probably consevative figure) for the 182 Cup is 0-62 in 7.1 seconds, by the way. I can still see some Clios reaching 60mph ahead of a standard C, depending on driver and circumstances, but past 70mph the tables would be turned. Overall it's quite a good match. I certainly don't think you will be "destroying" any VR6s anytime soon ;)
  21. Yeah, I've just spent some readies to get my C's bonnet resprayed because of the stone chip thing....this kind of shunt would have been the ideal accident ;)
  22. Hmm, training from a BTCC champion. How many folks are trained per day I wonder...
  23. Your not going to see much of a difference unless your car has other engine mods...mine had a Unichip fitted with the Schrick, even then I don't think it gave me any more horses, just enabled the Schrick to work in a smoother fashion. As a standalone mod on a vanilla VR6, better to spend your money elsewhere IMO.
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