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Posts posted by Harrier

  1. It still amazes me how easy he makes it look.


    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk


    I have never had one come off that easily !

    I have managed to get one off without damaging it, I unbolted the window so it dropped down out of the way a little and I modified / bent an old thin bladed screwdriver into a hook and carefully eased the underside of the trim away from the top of the door.

    It helps if you can look at another trim so you can see exactly how it bends round the door

    Good luck :)

  2. It's quite a large item which kind of doubles back on itself when fitted, you might struggle to fit it with the engine in the way !

    No idea of the part number I'm afraid

    Trying to get a picture up

  3. Having had two black C's I do like them in that colour, my current car is Diamond black which is very nice but if I'm honest I slightly prefer the Brilliant black LA9V of my previous car, looked lovely when the sun was low which picked up the tints of other colours in there.


    As the thread is asking 'the most desirable colours ?' I think perhaps Storm Grey and Silver.

    White is popular now but I remember 10-15 yrs ago they were possibly the least desirable :shrug: :)

  4. From that post it might suggest the alternator is overcharging ??

    Worth a check, shouldn't be much higher than 14.5 v

    Could be a fault in the instrument panel , do you have access to another you could try?

  5. So ran my car up to Stanford Hall today to enter it in my first Concours event. Left home at 6am with my lad and enjoyed clear sunny sky for the drive,

    Arrived at about 8.30 and was guided to the concours area, a few others had already arrived .

    Set about getting the car clean which was pretty dirty, not from rain but from where the roads had been salted. Got it clean in time for judging at 10.30 and then enjoyed the show, very nice to catch up with folks and enjoy the very pleasant surroundings.

    The results were given around 3.30 and I was more than happy with 124 points out of 140. Giving me joint 3rd in class behind Judith & KIp .

    Top day out 8) 8)

    A few pics




    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  6. I'm on the CCGB stand and will be bringing a few items of club merchandise along for those interested. Darren did you manage to find hotel to stay I'm in Holiday Inn Express just off J15 M1, and I'm looking forward to seeing your efforts have you made space for the trophy at home !!

    Also have heard J19 M1 has changed loads avoid it if you can. I'll be coming off at J18 crick from South. Those from North use J20.


    Hi Ron

    I'm still undecided on travelling up early Sunday or going Saturday eve, will let you know soon :)

  7. Does anyone have any ideas of any large corrado meets?


    I'm from the Reading area and was thinking when the weather improves does anyone fancy having a large gathering and go on a cruise followed by some pub grub?


    I will be going up to Leeds for the VW Festival and coming from the South. Might be able to get a convoy going. :)

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