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Posts posted by OSV

  1. I believe it was the more sought after 'flat cap' variety that was difficult to source. They normally come with a bulge cap. And IIRC, there used to be 'ATEV As' aswell as 'AZEV As', all very confusing.


    Another heavy wheel. I used to have some 7x15 As on my MK1 and they felt like they had the same atomic weight as Uranium.


    Certainly quite heavy and 8x17 ET30 required to clear the brakes on a standard VR6

  2. I'm a bit dissapointed by the weight. My bathroom scales say 10.4 Kg, which from previous experience (Oettinger RE) ruins the handling on these cars (imo).

    yeah, that seems odd, especially since James confirmed 9.4kg to gareth and ET35 should be the lightest offset compared to anything lower than that?


    Agreed they advertise the lightest as 9.4kg which as you say would be the ET 35 wheels. I hope Kevs scales were out as the weight was an important factor in choosing the wheels. In fact they specifically refer to improved brake clearance and weight saving in the sales information (ectract on page 1 , lifted from their site).

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