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Everything posted by MuckinFunkee

  1. Hi Dave, Just a quick thanks for posting the kit out so quick, considering i'm not very technical I managed to follow a mixture of both sets of instructions (all that info on hand, it seemed a shame to waste any :grin: ) and i'm pleased to report within an hour and a half I had the whole thing off, fixed and back on the car, all on my own ..... I was so proud of myself :nuts: So thanks for being a bad ass and inventing such a great piece of kit H xxxx
  2. Payment sent last night and pm'd u my address, thanks again H xx
  3. Arrrggggghhhhh !!!!!! Just sold my car .... which is good ..... but sad Anyway the Drivers side handle went on me this morning as I was getting all my stuff out for the guy to collect the car this weekend :epicfail: Can you send me details of how to pay you for a drivers side one of these and if I pay like NOW !!! :grin: Would you please post it me like yesterday !!! :nuts: Thanks, H xx
  4. Cool arrange a proper meet for summer then ! Thanks for the link have pm'd Dave hopefully he will get back to me soon Lv H x
  5. Hey you :wave: , Hows things with you and "blue car" going ok I hope! Things are ok with my g60 now running really well, I broke the passenger door handle today though trying to open it while the door was frozen shut :epicfail: think I might have read something about a kit to fix handles on here ...... :shrug: Have moved back to Notts cos Lee and I have decided to go our separate ways but at least in means the car gets a good run to Derby for work every day now ... every cloud has a silver lining Need to get my 2ltr 8v up for sale soon really cant justify owning, maintaining and insuring 2 and driving one, my mates 300zx is off the road though so he is driving the 8v round for me so it dont seize or owt ... might ask him to buy it cos he loves it lol Let me know when u are back on the road and we will sort a proper Notts meet up seeing how u missed the last one! Take care, speak soon, H xxx
  6. Ok bit vague cos this was on friday and Ive had a birthday and got very drunk since ........ Green? friday 2pmish? bottom of M1 junction 3ish? going southbound, reg S7EVE, Didnt wave cos I was in a lorry going the other way, btw the higher up view from the lorry cab meant I saw you for a while and your raddo looked awesome flying down the road :grin:
  7. Hi, Nice to see you have made a start, hope it all goes well, keep this updated!! H x
  8. Hi, The hubby is up for this, he works conti shifts though so wont be available every single week, his gamer tag is LowestVEEDUB if you wanna add him, I like the idea of this it keeps him out of my face for a bit :grin: :grin: :grin: Might go and find out about this sunday one you speak of too lol H x
  9. Hey, thought I better post here as keep bumping into people who are asking about the car, The good news is its finally sorted :grin: :grin: :grin: Its had a new engine, had the charger rebuilt, mot'ed it just for the hell of it and it flew through so now its officially no longer a lemon!! .... and it goes like "poo off a shiny shovel" :grin: :grin: Does anyone else find it strange how these cars break down on you cost you a small fortune but as soon as you pull off in them once they are fixed its all forgotten and forgiven, I must be :cuckoo: lol anyway till the next time it causes me heartache im officially Happy !! H xx
  10. Really I thought I was doing it loads of harm, It is down seriously on power, I got left by a corsa :pale: I just did this "im not racing u cos I know I could have u" look at him lol and luckily its old enough to be decat so no worries there, its still doin 35mpg so not too bad there either, thanks for that casual, I feel a bit better now xx
  11. Hi everyone, Ive decided I have sulked enough and achieved nothing from it so I thought I would update this, here goes ...... Right, the new engine is in YAY !!! it is an absolute peach, couldnt be more happy, while it was being done, the mechanic checked the supercharger, decided it was making "funny noises" when he was taking it off some bolt or another sheared off :censored: and needs to be drilled out before it can be properly mounted again, so it is currently sat there with a crackin engine and a disconnected charger I NEED ADVICE HERE - the mechanic has put the charger back in place apart from this one bolt and not put the belt back on, he has told me to drive it for 500 miles to give the engine chance to do anything it might want to do, basically how safe am I to drive my car with the s charger in place but no belt on it? sounds dodgy to me :shrug: Thanks, H x
  12. Hi Mort, Your right its killing me not driving the car, especially with only having owned the thing for a couple of mths!! I just keep stealing Lees though, thats the beauty of having 2 I suppose Goin to get the engine on Saturday, Lee is gutted cos he is workin and cant go with me :lol: Not doing it on the drive as the car is already in the garage with the engine removed so just going to get him to drop the new one in, though you do know that now you have offered to help you will be called on if anything else happens dont you :grin: Thanks, H x
  13. Totally goin off topic (sorry) but I just had to say that C488ADO is the most awesome plate i have ever seen, I am soooo jealous :( :D
  14. I know the one you mean mate, he works at my place. Ive spotted him leaving a few times but he doesnt seem too bothered Iv'e waved to that one too, was sad when he just looked at me like "who are you?" waste of a corrado imo :lol: Saw a dark blue one coming onto the a52 from raynesway today with an oldish chap driving (oldish being about 50) was in work van so didnt wave
  15. :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: WOOHOO !!!! I have found a new engine, Just need to pick it up, get it dropped in the car, and i'm mobile again :grin: :dance: :grin:
  16. If its like you say just losing a bit of coolant, and not overheating will you need a full skim?
  17. Please tell me you did this :lol: :lol: :lol:
  18. Hi Andy, the packaging held up fine, dont need a spare head or manifold yet .... :lol: Will let you know if I do, I just want my car back so I can put my stickers on ... :lol: Thanks again for your help, H x
  19. Hi :wave: , Thats a cracking offer on the clutch, I rang the garage and they have already picked a new one up and I cant really justify buying another one at the mo, so its a thanks but no thanks for me, im sure someone will have it if you do a for sale post, Maybe some good news today The work hasnt started on the crank yet, the engine is just out of the car and I have found someone selling a full engine rebuilt 20k ago with relevant paperwork, im just waiting for a call to say I can have it (crossing every body part imaginable :grin: ) so it might now be an engine transplant rather than a rebuild Also as a few of you have said, top priority now has to be given to the charger, the guy I bought the car off said it had been done 500 miles ago but has no paperwork, so thinking its best to air on the side of caution and get it done myself, and with the potential money saved on an engine transplant rather than a rebuild it looks like its about time to call Jabbasport Thanks to you all for "feeling my pain" :lol: It makes easier :grin: will report back soon, H x
  20. Hey, Thanks again to dub_nut_g60 this time for the crankshaft (and the stickers :grin: ) arrived seriously quick, with some serious wrapping, and was in seriously good condition, mechanic said "bloody hell its like new" :grin: overall a seriously awesome transaction :notworthy: (whats with the serious overkill on the word seriously :shrug: :nuts: )
  21. oh and I need a water pump, [strike:1i5y4c5c]a standard charger pulley (I might have one of these)[/strike:1i5y4c5c] and a clutch kit, if anyone has one knocking about that they bought and aint used for whatever reason (this is not as stupid as it sound I had one for a 2ltr 16v that I gave to culshaw when he bought "blue car" off me, cos I didnt need it ...... I hope it aint the same one that I need now ..... !!!!)
  22. I have been to see the car, went to drop off new crankshaft, cheers to the guy I bought it off on here, and thanks for my stickers too :grin: (I will find out your name and do a proper thanks lol) anyway ......
  23. Yes, I had the vag com on mine when it was the aftermarket immobiliser / ignition switch problem and all it did was tell me my drivers side abs sensor wasn't working !!! very frustrating ! Try a new ignition switch first and go from there, H
  24. Just passed a blue c on Harvey road, on a H plate, with a lady driving it, hubbie and her exchanged waves, I was too busy fighting with my bag !!
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