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Posts posted by robrado974

  1. Thanks for the replies chaps. I will have a look online tonight. As I said it’s repeating all the mods, how long have you been driving etc . Then it’s “let me put you on hold sir while I speak to the manager to see if we can beat the last quote “. The phone bill will be as much as the insurance lol .

  2. I hate it !. I’ve got my renewal through from Adrian flux . £244.00. It’s only gone up £2.00, but I’m sure I can get it down . Any decent company’s online?.I get fed up with ringing round two or four places, repeating myself over and over .

    Kind regards


  3. I’m sure I read the other day that you can get the seal . Heritage/ classic parts . I used silicone to seal mine , I did it years ago , never had a problem. I hope I’m not tempting fate now lol .

  4. Its strange that they supply blanks to fit where the senders should go . I ordered a full kit from VW , when i went to collect it the bloke from the car parts counter put these on the desk . I said to him that i ordered the senders , he said thats what fits in the block . I had to explain to him , that they dont and that the senders fit in the block.

  5. When you say "crack pipe" what part do you mean mate?


    The crack pipe as some of us call it is a plastic pipe which runs from the block to the thermostat housing. Well worth changing if the radiator is being replaced. You can’t get to it when the rad is fitted. Yours is probably old , it’s Sod’s law that when you replace one part another will break. You don’t want to fit a new rad and have to remove it again .

  6. The same happened to me , the elbow started to leak . I bought a new elbow , when I fitted it the captive nut in the rad gave way . I ended up buying a hella rad , then went the whole way and bought the thermostat housing and crack pipe as well .

  7. Like I said on the CCGB page earlier I dont have a problem getting on the forum, I like it as it’s always been on my phone or Mac . Tapatalk made it easy to post pics which was great. I haven’t been on here as long as some of you ( I joined in 2009), but long enough to see the difference between then and now . I like using the CCGB page and the forum, both are fantastic. I would love to see the forum as busy as it used be .

  8. I feel i have no choice but to write this . Around three to four weeks ago PETEMCR put up a wanted thread for an ISV. i responded and he paid me for it using paypal. I sent the ISV one day after receiving the money in my account and he thanked me , saying it solved his idle problem . I put a wanted ad up for a MAF around three weeks ago , Petemcr said he had one , he told me what he wanted for it and i paid promptly . Im still waiting for the part to be delivered .He sent me a messege two weeks ago saying he had it ready for postage and left it in his van but would post it the next day . That is the last i heard from him . Ive sent three messeges to him and heard nothing back . Mods im sure you can read our private messeges when it comes to disputes , so please feel free to read mine . Pete if you finaly end up reading this , feel free to write your side of the story .

  9. I think the fuse box pins will be a good one to make .There have been a few ideas knocking around lately by Jim and Hasan . Jim did a couple of runs of the binnacle plastics so I don’t know what demand there would be for them now . The VR badge is for sale already painted in brushed chrome and red . While there’s nothing to stop you from producing the badge , you would need to sell the finished product I think , otherwise you would end up with perfect badge but would have to get it painted, the red is hard enough to do let alone the brush finish. Good thoughts though, I’m sure there are plenty of bits we need .

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