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Posts posted by aide

  1. cheers Dan, got tonnes of wee dents and scrapes which need sorting, have also found the dreaded rust around the filler :(


    brakes are way better than they were, and feel like proper brakes now, highly recommend it, give us a shout if you want a hand doing yours.


    yeh i know, was always going to be a short stint this year with the way the previous owners tax worked out, next year will be proper 6 month from May through to October though :) am actually looking forward to it in a way, as i just dont get chance to work on it much and prefer to drive it if i can, at least if its off the road i can chip away at the next stages;


    - drop the tank and replace the fuel lines DONE

    - front subframe and engine mounts DONE

    - cylinder head, and maybe convert from dizzy to coilpack, 263? HALF DONE

    - get someone good with a welder to sort the filler cap... DONE THAT MYSELF TOO :)

  2. got them in maplins, got loads left if you want some?


    had to shave the back off and then stuck it on, when i go for a respray (big when) i plan on doing it properly and flattening the hump out.

  3. Not much progress lately, on Sunday I managed to fix the central exhaust hangers which has thankfully cured the faint exhaust/ beam knock i had, will have to fit new hangers though.


    Wasn't happy with the way i'd done the rear wiper delete, so got a larger and shinier grommet to replace it :)


    Cars gonna be off the road at the end of October so plan is to drive it loads until then, got some scenic pics too :camp:

  4. you forgot to mention the non existent irish MOT's though, the ones in the North are gestapo style, rest of the UK gets of light on MOT' tho!


    laughing at the road statement, either briliant or teeth chattering terrible. went up one road in north donegal a few months back, they let you get halfway up it, then tell you its 1:1, then tell you there's nowhere to turn around, best bit is the virgin mary at the top for those who want to offer their thanks for making it :lol:

  5. don't think this one has been mentioned yet - queue hoppers, you know the one or two ignorant arses who bypass the long orderly queue of traffic in the lane beside yours, only to surprise surprise stop and indicate into your lane about 30 cars in front... i always wonder why the hell their time is more important than mine :scratch:


    At the risk of being controversial, the highway code does say that with two lanes of traffic merging into one you should use all the available space in both lanes, and merge in turn at the point at which the outer lane stops... I don't understand why people feel the need to merge left 600yards before and then sit there in a massive queue with one lane completely empty, it just wastes road space in my opinion.


    I have been deliberately held up by someone who'd seen me, in the right hand lane overtaking a queue of stationary traffic in the left lane, they pulled out and sat in the right lane in front of me and went at the speed of the left lane until the last moment... :bad-words:


    yes that's all well and good, and i've no problem with merging, but that's not the situation i get miffed about.


    let me explain, when leaving Belfast there's a five lane motorway, left lane 1 goes onto a slip, lanes 2 and 3 go onto the M2, lanes 4 and 5 go onto the much quieter M5. The ignorant arses are the ones who speed along lane 4 on the M5 bypassing the queue on lanes 2 & 3, only to cut in at the last moment! in fact some numpty's just grind to a halt indicating on lane 4 because people refuse to let them into lane 3, consequently this creates problems for people who actually want to travel along the M5 who have to slam their anchors on!


    edit: lane numbers wrong :)

  6. don't think this one has been mentioned yet - queue hoppers, you know the one or two ignorant arses who bypass the long orderly queue of traffic in the lane beside yours, only to surprise surprise stop and indicate into your lane about 30 cars in front... i always wonder why the hell their time is more important than mine :scratch:


    my other two;

    - tailgaters, particularly on single carriageway and no chance of overtaking roads, relax ffs

    - roundabout zombies who spend 30seconds looking at each other waiting for someone else to move.

  7. fairly sure its counter clockwise to weaken, you'll need a long 3mm allan key.


    from bitter experience i know its very sensetive to slight adjustment turns, shouldn't really do it without a gas analyser!

  8. i probably average £100-150 a month, but i'm the opposite to everyone else, I do add up the total expenditure, as knowing the amount I've spent makes me feel guilty and acts as a brake to buying more :lol:


    i'm in no rush though to get everything sorted, its not getting sold and its not a daily, so I've got the next five+ years to get it properly decent at my own pace :)

  9. its supposed to be that tight, the intake to the iarbox takes supply from around the headlight, you should have a plastic plate that sits inbetween too.


    fixing is a sinle screw and hose clamps

  10. Cheers Dan, lights are best bit off car :lol:


    I masked off lower red lens of lights, gave the orange section 3 or 4 costs then a further 3 or to all the lights to get even colour, then yeh lacquered. Used a cutting compound, tcut and then polish.

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