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Everything posted by JEZR

  1. Here's the ideal gift for any Corrado owner or fan! The Corrado Club of Great Britain are pleased to announce the release of the 2017 calendar. It's now on sale from eBay and the CCGB website and features some great Corrados that we've seen over the year. It's £10 plus postage. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=272434640128&ssPageName=ADME:L:LCA:GB:1123 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. JEZR

    New driveshafts VR6

    I've had J&Rs fitted for a year or so. Painted the shafts and no complaints. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Very excited seeing this up at Thruxton today! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. JEZR

    Recaro interior wanted

    I'd really like someone to keep Kenny busy while I nick his half leather recaros!
  5. JEZR

    Recaro interior wanted

    Could be interested Lee. However, I'm trying on a couple and waiting answers!
  6. Phew! Hope the move went well?!
  7. Excellent! If you could pm details I'll pay up over the weekend. Cheers.
  8. Hi, Any cables left? Cheers Jez
  9. Hi, If I've got my weights right, it looks like an extra £7 to the UK mainland. Cheers Jez
  10. Gathering dust and spider poo in the lock up! Need the space. One small dent to the top and small scrape near the left air vent. Buyer to collect from Dorset - either Blandford or Bournemouth. £40
  11. Those V3s look sweet but I think the V1s might be more realistic for me. I'd not heard of these and had thought Bilstiens were the way to go. Anyone else using KW?
  12. So had I!! Where are you and I'll have a look at a post price.
  13. Hi. Yes I still have them. Would prefer collection in Dorset but I can fathom a post price if needs be. Jez
  14. Yep. The interior was crap and not that comfy. But your right. Every time I see one I go all woggly-eyed!
  15. Are you sitting comfortably? Years ago my brother in law was a solicitor and had 20k for a company car. He bought a G or H plate Integrale from a dealer for 13k. He had it converted properly to right hand drive. Well, I got the keys for two weeks between Christmas and New Years. Our neighbour at the time offered to swap his Mrs for the car! We would go out for a drive and ended up in the Cotswolds with snow all around. It held the road like nothing else I've driven that was road legal. The first week and a half were great as I was commuting from Poole to Salisbury every day. I had a fair few races on the Bournemouth bypass, the highlight was out running a Sierra Cosworth with the big whale tail. It was all going so well, but I was running out of cash to feed it with fuel so had to spend the last few days at a miserable 50. When bro' in laws term had finished with the car, he always had a buy back option. It was... 3.5k and he offered it to me. Regrets. Yep. But we had no money and you really have to spend to keep on top of maintenance.
  16. Spotted green K Reg C driving into Wimborne from Blandford. Waved to bemused driver as I was in the Flog with a pile of boards on the roof! Nice looking car.
  17. Yep! But I'd have to airbrush the Ford that's spoiling it! Sean, can you email me a copy?
  18. Blimey! Just spotted this post. I've owned the GNU since 2003 and frankly, didn't think my car worthy of joining the CCGB! When I did, I waited to get it to a certain standard before showing it. I really wish I hadn't waited. It doesn't matter how shiny - or not, or how stock or modified it is. If it's a Corrado then just do it! I've probably done about five shows this year (I'm on the Dorset coast), and the best ones I've been to are the mixed meets that aren't VW alone. I've found some greats mates in the CCGB and I've had some really invaluable help and advice. Not to mention assistance in finding odd bits of trim. I spent time dishing out CCGB membership forms at Harewood as it was prime hunting for new members. I've been really keen to see more members with modified cars join. It's not all about concourse stock cars. There's room for all. As a member, I've offered my services with the 2017 calendar. It's something I can do as I cannot step up to committee level as I'm trying to work full time and run two part time businesses! So. That's the good. Getting involved and going to different shows with what I now consider as mates. I've tried my best to get a local meet every first Sunday of the month, but the apathy is pathetic. We have a fair few Corrados in Dorset and I've not managed to get more than 3 together (thank you chaps)! So, it's not only CCGB related. The website is poor and in need of an overhaul and I'd love it if the forum and CCGB could be more integrated but one is a commercial entity and the other is enthusiast run. I can't see it happening. Nothing will change in a hurry but I'm trying to assist this in a small way by participating in events and helping where I can. If 500 of us did that, well, who knows where the CCGB could be? Use it or loose it.
  19. Not one Nugget all weekend. So it'd be great to see it next year!! Join the CCGB for the full event calendar for the year. Well worth the £15 http://www.corradoclubgb.co.uk with regional and national meets.
  20. What a top weekend! 566.6 miles. A real worry when you see your windshield trim fly up at near 100 on the M1. Had to pull over and shove it back. Great to put names to faces and see some really great cars. There are a stack of photos that will go off to Ron for the CCGB calendar. I think it's going to difficult to reject some. Any objections to 48 months next year? Thanks for the company and inspiration. I reckon Norfolk for next years National?! Not been there for years!
  21. Looks like Kieron's G60 from Yeovil?
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