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Everything posted by tentonhammer

  1. Tried getting the reflector housings out when I wet sanded my headlights last, I was curious - they're a b*tch to get out good luck! I'm pretty sure they will come out, getting them out without damaging them is a different story all together
  2. Thanks, presume that's a Bosch mate? Not much info on these, from what I can tell though they also fit a 1.6 Passat. What Valver do you have 1.8 or 2.0?
  3. Totally. Part number should be: 535905115 (cylindrical type) or according to suppliers: XEI73 (square type). Let me know which one you have, I can't see a part number on mine! I would have thought heaps of Ignition Coils have been replaced by forum members, hopefully someone will be able to add to this ---------- Post added at 1:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:16 PM ---------- Some very good information on here: http://the-corrado.net/showthread.php?46420-1993-2l-16v-coil-or-coil-pack&p=925378#post925378 Tempted to try ignition coil for the KR engine code which seems to work. Bosch Part Number: 0 221 122 399. These are available from GSF Car Parts for £51.52 all in.
  4. Been a while now since anyone added to this - I'm in exactly the same boat as you (were). I need to replace the ignition coil in my C 92 16V 2.0 (9A) and can't seem to find a replacement anywhere! VW don't supply them anymore and third party suppliers want to sell me the square type coil which I know is wrong. I noticed you managed to find a suitable replacement using a coil for the KR engine Part Number: 0 221 122 399 - How long did this work for in the end? Did you have to re-fit your existing 9A ignition module as well? Any help would be great
  5. So true - Every supplier I've spoken to is adamant the square type coils are correct even though the schematics clearly show the cylindrical type? If there's one thing I've learned over the years with parts is that, if it looks different to the factory design and doesn't match your vehicles schematics - It probably is different and / or not correct and you should steer clear of it. Re mounting - Looks like mounting might not be an issue as both mount to framework via 2 x bolts. Whether or not the vertical mounting hole distance for the 2 x bolts is the same on the cylindrical coil and square coil remains a mystery... I guess the only way to find out would be to try one out. Reluctant to do this though as it could be complete waste of time
  6. TBH I am in a hurry so may need to source a cheaper one for now (how long it will last is anybodies guess...). Will def try Bosch dealers first though Slight problem I noticed - Although listed to fit my car, for some reason all 9A Ignition Coils I am finding at the moment are of the square type Ignition Coil - Mine is the cylindrical type. Checked on VAGCAT and yes Ignition Coil for a 9A 1992 16v 2.0 C should be the cylindrical type NOT the square type. Suppliers are convinced it'll fit but I'm not so sure, will the square type even fit? You've only gotta look at the schematics to realise suppliers are selling the wrong one! I would love to be proved wrong however... If anyone can point me in the right direction for a good quality ignition coil that would be fab To confirm I'm after one of these: [ATTACH=CONFIG]69271[/ATTACH]
  7. Just been told by VW that they can no longer supply Ignition Coils for the 9A???! (mines a 92 16V 2.0) Anyone know where I can find an OE replacement? Not into buying cheaper third party cr*p at all
  8. Thinking about swapping out the old and tired fuel pump and fuel filter for brand new components. For some reason the car is intermittently miss-firing - It'll be fine for days on end and then out of no where BAM! No throttle response for 2-3 sec, exhaust spits and chokes, rough choking idle, engine lumpy as hell, until it just explodes back to life like nothing's happened. F*cking weird... Nearly finished rebuilding ignition, if this doesn't sort it I'll have to move on to fueling. Anyone experienced / rectified fueling issues in the past and what were their symptoms? Could be anything from faulty injectors, blocked fuel lines, to knackered pumps or filters. Cheers, Ten Ton C 92' 16V 2.0 (9A)
  9. 20oz Claw Hammer, 24" Pipe Wrench, Cordless Angle Grinder - The sound alone of power tools makes people nervous Or you could just go back to basics with a plain ol' Woody? Just make sure you get a glove too so you can spin some sit about playing ball. I've found a beware of the dog sticker on the front door does the trick mostly. Most crims are pussies when it comes to dogs
  10. I hear you, mechanical - bring it. Electrical - I struggle but get by (lucky enough to have a father and mate who are heavily into electronics!). Impulse sender went on pretty easily, or rather it did after oil and pliers! I see now what people mean when they say it can be a bitch to fit though. Glad I used OEM leads, the end connector popped right off (as the manufacturers said it would) and I was able to slide the sender on with minimal fuss. TBH I was expecting it to take ages! Got it on in 5 minutes ;) A few pics for anyone doing the same: [ATTACH=CONFIG]69115[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]69116[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]69117[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]69118[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]69119[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]69120[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]69121[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]69122[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]69123[/ATTACH]
  11. True, this sorta thing happens all the time. If approved could take months even years before we see it on the ground - Doesn't mean it's not going to happen. The threat alone is enough.
  12. Sup BMW, Thanks for the correction! you certainly know your sensors huh? Part Number received was indeed: No. 051-905-381 but is labeled as "HALL SENDER" for some reason? I was under the impression the hall sender was inside the distributor... Part looks correct: [ATTACH=CONFIG]69099[/ATTACH] Pointed end towards distributor - Got it. I heard how tricky these were to install / fit onto HT cable and didn't want to get this the wrong way round! Thanks man
  13. Well said. Glad to finally see this on the forum. This has been on the forefront of bikers' attention for some time now, in fact I would say there's been more of back lash against the new bill from bikers (myself included) than from car enthusiasts. It'll take enthusiasts of all types of vehicle to do what we can to stop it, talking about it just isn't enough. England should not conform to the ludicrous laws of the EU. The EU is slowly creeping into our way of life here and I for one (for what it's worth) will do everything I can to stop this happening. Seriously, if there's ever a time to protest over this - it's now, not that I'm some tree hugging jobless hippie protester ;) ... In fact I've never felt the need to protest against anything before but this is different. By allowing the bill to go through we are essentially opening the door for the EU, allowing them to impose what ever they f*cking want from here on. This gives them the leverage to control our way of life again in the future and that there is the problem. BTW - For our EU members, I'm sure I speak for us all when I say we are not against you guys personally, far from it you guys rock! It's the f*cked up European government that's the problem.
  14. Anyone got any pics or can quickly take a pic of your 4th HT Lead with Knock sensor fitted? Fitting advice would be equally helpful I've just picked up a new knock sensor from VW and want to fit it asap. Looks pretty straight forward to put on but as my car has never had one fitted (seems previous owner didn't realise the 9A needed one) I've got no point of reference? I just want to be sure I'm fitting it correctly / the right way up / to right end etc. Cheers, C 92 16V 2.0
  15. I'll like driving it even more later on in the week - In the process of refurbing ignition system, just had a call from VW to say my bits have arrived! When my Corrado is kicking butt and running solid, I love driving it. The f*cker seriously makes me grin like a maniacal maniac. When it's choking up and holding back (hence ignition swap) I initially want nothing to do with it - It's a car at the end of the day, one that normally requires your undivided attention though! But then I remember why I bought it in the first place - Because I love it. It's a brut, it sounds like a brut, and drives like a brut. Modern cars bore me to death and my C is easy to work on. For me it's engine over looks any day. A car's worth d*ck if the engine is no good regardless of how polished, buffed, dipped in gold - whatever your motor is. Body work has always been a secondary requirement for me. Trick is - Get a nice straight car from the beginning and keep it straight! A wash and wax once in a while is always worth doing, and don't let rust form in the first place. My last point would be, Corrado's aren't an investment - We pour money into them because they're bad ass. If you want to see a return on your investment then buy a 67 Fastback or a 57 Porsche Speedster (also bad ass)
  16. I'd re-connect it anyway and work out what it does later
  17. You know! Wheels are alright though, the rest can be crushed
  18. Not if the Dutch beat them to it... Supposedly a Dutch reality TV show are planning a $6bn one way trip for lucky astronauts to the red planet by 2023. Could be a crock of sh*t but considering the costs and engineering marvels required to send astronauts to Mars, it makes sense that a privately funded expedition like this (backed by the Netherlands Space Society) is likely to happen before NASA can muster up the cash. The latest Curiosity lab rover to have landed on the planet cost $2.5bn and NASA have already pulled out of two Mars missions with the European Space Agency because it lacked the $1.4bn funding for the proposed 2016 and 2018 mission.
  19. NASA have actually said they are confident they can launch and sustain human exploration of the Moon by 2018. NASA are also pouring millions into its Autonomous Landing and Hazard Avoidance Technology (ALHAT) project which will automatically identify and navigate to the location of a safe landing site while detecting landing hazards during the final descent to the lunar surface. Pretty clear to me we'll all get to see man land on the moon again in the near future any way (for those who believe the moon landing didn't happen). Best hypothesis yet. We all love a conspiracy theory but they have to be backed up by factual and reliable evidence. In most cases science can and often does dis-prove the majority of conspiracy theories despite how badly we want to believe them...
  20. I was in VW last Friday getting some bits for my 2.0 valver (refurbing ignition) and apparently VW no longer supply coil packs! Not sure whether this was just coil packs for the 1.8 / 2.0 valver or if this included the VR, I'll ask when I'm next there picking up some bits Looking for OE coils too any other suggestions?
  21. Just had a quick scan through this thread - Aaaarrrggh! ;) It looks like chaos, bet it isn't when you get down to it though. Props to you fella, that's a pretty hefty swap
  22. Genuinely have a morbid fear about this happening to me one day so I clean my engine bay as often as I can! - Good job man, at the very least by letting rip with your extinguisher you've drastically reduced the amount of (potential) damage to your motor. Sounds like it was definitely about to go Funny, I'm always amazed by the amount of people that don't have an extinguisher in their car even though you're sitting on gallons of highly combustible fuel??
  23. Use it all the time on iPhone! Great little editor
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