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Everything posted by DriverVR6

  1. swiftkid, yes I think the genuine VW ones have the "Corrado" located at the centre of the mats towards the bottom. That's what mine are like anyway and they are genuine ones.
  2. Really lovely straight car. Now you can enjoy driving it.
  3. This will help you. http://whatconsumer.co.uk/cooling-off-and-cancellations/
  4. DriverVR6

    how much??

    Jay, you'd be very very silly to sell it. If I were you, I'd keep it, as one day you may want to sell the whole car. I used to restore mk1 Escorts (RS/E/GT/TWIN CAM). There came a point when you could not get the original badges for them. And when I tried to sell them without their original decals, it was very difficult and really affected the price I got for them. Trust me, the same will happen to the Corrado. The prices for good original Corrado's will increase substantially when the numbers have declined further. At the moment there's still alot of crap ones in circulation, but once they have been broken up, then only the good ones will be left and available. And by good ones I mean original ones with zero welding and no accident damage (and with all the original badges on them!!)
  5. ...a German Shepherd. Enjoy your time on the forum. Lot's of decent and helpful people here.
  6. Hello Anne and welcome. A very nice looking car, & Rottweiler!
  7. Excellent! I will get it measured etc and then post it back to you asap. As promised, when I get the metal one fabricated you'll get one for free. I agree it is scary to remove once it is old and brittle. The thermostat/sensor housing is even worse, but at least you can still buy a new one of those from VW.
  8. It's well worth taking the time to do stuff like this. Nobody actually sees the work you have put in, but it does make a difference to how comfortable and rattle free the car becomes. Can I ask where you got the felt from?
  9. Hello Redfox, I used Araldite Rapid as I had it to hand, but I think you could use any strong glue. I think superglue 3 or similar would work well as it bonds very quickly and you don't have to hold the bolts steady for ages like I did using Araldite.
  10. DriverVR6

    how much??

    VR6, it's a catch22 situation, and they are too easy to take off. I only keep it off if the car is going to be left unattended in a dubious area, which it isn't very often. However, most people won't know how valuable the front VR6 badge is becoming, so it'll probably be stolen by a Corrado forum member lol. And yeah, I'll happily leave it to you in my Will instructions lol.
  11. For Corrado 1989-1995. They also fit Mk2 Golf, etc. These are brand new and complete with boxes and grease. £15, prefer collected. I will post them if it only costs a few quid to do so.
  12. VWVW, well these trims are important as they direct the airflow through the radiator. Luckily stuff has never been removed off my car so everything is as it left the factory. I think I may have a spare set of these trims somewhere.
  13. All yours Karl. PM me with when you want to pick up.
  14. DriverVR6

    how much??

    Removed mine to stop some sticky fingered so and so stealing it. It's one of the problems of having a car whose parts are becoming more valuable and sought after.
  15. Welcome back. It looks clean with great potential. Are you going to keep it original?
  16. Complete K&N Induction Kit. No missing bits and the cold air feed pipe has never been used/stretched out. Also included additional front bracket to keep the filter firmly held in place. Original fitting/instruction leaflet also included. It has a good induction roar. The kit was on my VR6, but I prefer the quieter life these days... £30, prefer collected as p&p would be extra.
  17. I'm still after a (scrap) rad elbow to use as a pattern. Whoever posts me one will get a fabricated one for free. Please PM me if you have a scrap one you would be willing to let me have. You can have it back once I have finished with it.
  18. I haven't looked through your entire thread, but from what I have seen I can say you are doing an excellent job!
  19. Well Karl, if (& it is a big "if" as the AP's are brand new!) my mate sells them to me then I'll be after some advice about what alloys to fit. I don't mind doing stuff to the car as long it is easily reversible back to OE.
  20. Also finished refurbing the calipers; New piston seals, piston dust seals, bleed nipples, slider seals and bolts. I may sell these now as a mate of mine has some AP four pot calipers that I am trying to persuade him to sell to me.
  21. Took the front bumper off today. I wasn't sure what to expect, but it was all clean and virtually rust free. As I had the bumper off I waxoyled it anyway.
  22. The reg plate holder and the window switch came through, thanks very much.
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