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who do we thank for the corrado?

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i was just wondering was there one designer credited with the concept or original design of the corrado? is he still alive?


if this 2005 aniversary corrado mass meet comes together as well as i think it could, then it would be quite nice to invite its creator as guest of honor if he is still alive that is :wink:

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sounds like you could be after somebody to blame there blue? :lol: There is a website somewhere a VW one that I remember reading. I will have a quick look :!:

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The Corrado is clearly a car designed by committee:


*) passat rear suspension

*) golf front suspension

*) body panels changed slightly part way through the run of production, but so subtlely that no-one would actually notice

*) every time you think the car has decided it's going to work properly there's definitely "any other business"...

*) each time you take the thing to a garage (meeting), it winds up costing you money without really acheiving anything other than planning your next trip to the garage (meeting)

*) even the name was clearly chosen by some marketing dude in a suit who had forgotten to take into account that none of the motoring press would be able to either SPELL or PRONOUNCE it, since it's based on a foreign word..


... and for many other reasons, too, I think there cannot possibly be any single person to blame... ;)

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i remember seeing some sketches somewhere of the original corrado concept and some models before the active spoiler was added


i know the components where mostly borrowed from other previous models but surely the body shape must have been one persons idea as it dosnt really look like anything else produced by vw/karmann


and to quote from another site


The car was originally going to be called the Taifun, Typhoon in German. This would have kept with the tradition of naming VWs after winds. The name Corrado comes from a Spanish verb "Correr" meaning "Sprint".

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I think Corrado is quite a cool and unusual name (being foreign n all) but can you imagine if they called it "typhoon" or something equally as hideous?? LOL

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Herbert Schäfer and the in-house VW design team generally are known as the folk responsible for the Corrado. He should still be alive :lol:


It might be more likely to organise a tour through the Karmann factory then to get Mr Schäfer invited across to the UK, methinks :roll:



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t might be more likely to organise a tour through the Karmann factory then to get Mr Schäfer invited across to the UK, methinks


Sounds like a great idea! - how was the Scirocco visit organised??

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dr mat said

The Corrado is clearly a car designed by committee:


*) passat rear suspension

*) golf front suspension

*) body panels changed slightly part way through the run of production, but so subtlely that no-one would actually notice

*) every time you think the car has decided it's going to work properly there's definitely "any other business"...

*) each time you take the thing to a garage (meeting), it winds up costing you money without really acheiving anything other than planning your next trip to the garage (meeting)

*) even the name was clearly chosen by some marketing dude in a suit who had forgotten to take into account that none of the motoring press would be able to either SPELL or PRONOUNCE it, since it's based on a foreign word..


... and for many other reasons, too, I think there cannot possibly be any single person to blame...


WARNING: the above message will contain IRONY and SARCASM.

:lol: :lol:

dr mat - Did the experience of owning the Corrado make you acquire this humour and attitude, or were you always like this? :roll:

Please consider carefully before replying as the answer may influence my next transaction involving a motor vehicle. :)

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I hope for his sake that it's not just one person. If Mat ever got his hands on him .....

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The Corrado is clearly a car designed by committee:


:lol: :lol:

dr mat - Did the experience of owning the Corrado make you acquire this humour and attitude, or were you always like this? :roll:

Please consider carefully before replying as the answer may influence my next transaction involving a motor vehicle. :)


I was always like this... ;)


I never expected much from my previous cars. But I expected a lot from the Corrado. It delivers .. well .. something, but it's not everything I hoped for. (Well, it's hardly going to be is it, it's got 121,000 miles on the clock!)

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dr mat said

The Corrado is clearly a car designed by committee:


*) passat rear suspension

*) golf front suspension

*) body panels changed slightly part way through the run of production, but so subtlely that no-one would actually notice

*) every time you think the car has decided it's going to work properly there's definitely "any other business"...

*) each time you take the thing to a garage (meeting), it winds up costing you money without really acheiving anything other than planning your next trip to the garage (meeting)

*) even the name was clearly chosen by some marketing dude in a suit who had forgotten to take into account that none of the motoring press would be able to either SPELL or PRONOUNCE it, since it's based on a foreign word..


... and for many other reasons, too, I think there cannot possibly be any single person to blame...


WARNING: the above message will contain IRONY and SARCASM.

:lol: :lol:

dr mat - Did the experience of owning the Corrado make you acquire this humour and attitude, or were you always like this? :roll:

Please consider carefully before replying as the answer may influence my next transaction involving a motor vehicle. :)


Hahahaha !!! :lol:


Part's bin special !!! :wink:

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Love the car, but i 've always hated the name. "Corrado" sounds sooo gay.


I have to disagree! I like the name. What I can't stand is when people mispronounce it, and say "Corrada"... Now that sounds gay... :?

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i had a book about corrados once, years ago. (lost during leaving of ex wife . . . )

anyway that had some development pictures of corrados during the 80's. some right fruity looking beasts too. i think it was gonna be badged as a scirocco, as the dev models were.


i'd like to find that book again.

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I think that like Scirroco, it means 'Desert Wind,' although I could be wrong.



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I found this little nugget of information on Google Groups.. might help a little:


Corrado is Spanish for Wind (or Jet-) Stream.


Passat is the name of a wind in the Caribbean. It's also the name of a

mast-mounted 1.4KW wind turbine, but you can't name a car after that!


Scirocco winds are indeed blown of the N. African Desert, and head generally

North (freq. NW or NE) across the Mediterranean to Southern Europe.


Bora winds are the total opposite. They blow from the North and can be

bitterly cold. A "White" Bora brings sunshine. A "Black" Bora brings


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A "White" Bora brings sunshine. A "Black" Bora brings



And a Sharan takes all your money and leaves you with an STD


PMSL! :lol:

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