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Removing standard Steering wheel

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Ok, in a fit of utter madness (it happens alot, which explains buying a Rado to begin with) I purchased a late style steering wheel from ebay.


finally got this through, and wanted to remove my early style steering wheel and fit this new one. So, here's the question..... how do I go about it..... and whats the chances of me buggering it up and ending up crashing into a house at 70mph with a stearing wheel in my hands ?


Diagrams would be nice......

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Just flip the centre panel off and a big (( 30mm i think )) bolt will be revealed.


A good thing to remember is that once you have put the new wheel on, always tighten up the bolt again... :wink:

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aye its a big nut, but i dont think its 30mm mate, i'm sure its 26... you'll need a long socket to get at the nut, and a long-ish driver as it'll be done up tight and you'll need the leverage. I nearly gave myself a hurnia (spelling?) getting mine off.

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yeah doing it in a car park helps so you can drive with no hands and see where your steering wheel is pointing

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Yup...it's deffo a 24mm socket! I had to buy one to remove the s/wheel not that long ago!

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LOL..I just remember it being a bigun..I'm sure you'l manage to work out the size of it when you try and get the socket on :wink:

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its a good idea to have a m8 holding the wheel as you do it up. Do not use the Steering locking thingy ( whats the word cant remember ). I buggered the top half of my column in my MK2 Golf using it

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my steering wheel is kinda loose nowadays... just bought a leather three-spoker from BigTartanJudge, waiting for it to arrive... not sure if I want to fasten up the old one meanwhile tho... kinda sucks not having a steering wheel :p

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Must get round to doing this too mine's on the Pi55 been driving round for the past year driving in a straight line, looking like I'm going round the carousel at the Nurbergring!


Mind you as soon as I do it I'll probably turn left into a wall as I'm so used to it!

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Must get round to doing this too mine's on the Pi55 been driving round for the past year driving in a straight line, looking like I'm going round the carousel at the Nurbergring!


Mind you as soon as I do it I'll probably turn left into a wall as I'm so used to it!


Ditto :lol:

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Sorry mods if this is kind of off-topic but i fitted a new Raid Dino 300mm wheel a few weeks back... its so small but i'm a tall bugger and it helps make it easier to drive!




I got a bit confused when i fitted it by the fact that the VW wheel has a +'ve and a -'ve connection to the horn if you look at it with the horn taken off...




the horn though only seems to have 1 connection in the middle




The new raid boss though only has 1 black wire




yet the new horn press has 2 connections




Do i need to somehow wire in an additional connecting wire? i have no idea about electrics unfortunately


It seems lots of people have fitted aftermarket steering wheels on here... can any1 advise?

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I'm probably a bit late to the party, but here is a procedure I wrote years ago. It was hosted on the VWCCGB website (with my permission) for ages but I don't know if it still is.





Edit: mk3 yeti - look at my procedure and all will be revealed about the horn wire. Well, hopefully. :)

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