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Yeah - absolute genius - was laughing my head off most of the time! :)

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Anyone else suspect he knew the toyota wouldn't start?


Was much better this week than that naff scripted car wash on fire effort repeating a JC video,

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.......... i find it so amusing i cant help but laugh out loud ( to the dissapproval of my 14yr old daughter ..... apparently i`m sad ? ), compulsive watching in the geezer household ...like it or lump it

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Great episode! Typical Clarkson having to have a feck off great engine on his....and he wanted two, PMSL!! £13K a pop and 600lbs in weight...sheesh!


How good did the Exige look on the track with the Stig behind the helm? Feck me that thing has some grip and composure!!

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How good did the Exige look on the track with the Stig behind the helm? Feck me that thing has some grip and composure!!


dont like it in white TBH

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How good did the Exige look on the track with the Stig behind the helm? Feck me that thing has some grip and composure!!


dont like it in white TBH


Agreed would look mean in Black. Being the best colour for a car of course :oops:

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How good did the Exige look on the track with the Stig behind the helm? Feck me that thing has some grip and composure!!


dont like it in white TBH


Agreed would look mean in Black. Being the best colour for a car of course :oops:


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Good episode and I could have gone to seen the action live as I was working in Leek that day which is only a few miles from where they were filming at Rudyard Lake. If only I'd known! Don't know who was planning the route that day but they were going in totally the wrong direction most of the time and did a small tour of Stoke/Newcastle before finally arriving at their destination.

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did anyone feel a bit short changed though?? just one decent car report and tons of cocking about! quite funny but i think they are loosing the plot a little

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did anyone feel a bit short changed though?? just one decent car report and tons of cocking about! quite funny but i think they are loosing the plot a little



maybe, lets see what the rest of the series brings us, but i hear what your`e saying fella

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Better than ever - great fun.

Know what you mean about technical car stuff/reviews being replaced by monkeying around.

Nevertheless, we should forgive them this time, the comedy bits were really worthwhile. The three guys placed themselves in some real personal danger, at times, too.

Remember "the Hamster" trying to grab hold of the upside-down Toyota's turning rear wheel to save himself - and Clarkson's comment about how he should have known it would spin, being a hamster, and all? Will not forget that in a hurry. :thumbleft:

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If you want technical, pick up a magazine!


TG is all about entertainment these days and it is extremely entertaining imo :-) Even my G/F loves it and she's not a fan of cars at all. It's just an hour's escapism from the UK's tedious roads and a reminder that cars are, and should be fun.

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Quality show, think the hamster was down near where I used to live for his damper van mods.

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If you want technical, pick up a magazine!


TG is all about entertainment these days and it is extremely entertaining imo :-) Even my G/F loves it and she's not a fan of cars at all. It's just an hour's escapism from the UK's tedious roads and a reminder that cars are, and should be fun.


Butcha can't hear sounds of engines or vids of dials when they floor fast cars in magazines..


(Both of which top gear dont do :roll)

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