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24V Renshaw

THE END OF AN ERA....24v V6..... ITS GONE!

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Well its gone. After 5 years of putting my heart and soul into my Rado, its just been driven away by its new owner. :cry:

I am happy it will be cherished and looked after, which is nice, but it still feels very weird.

Still the hunt for a new project begins.

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Omg, i just had a chill up my spine seeing that being driven, god knows how you felt :(


I hope it's treated well with its new owner. and best of luck with your future plans.

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Thanks to you jay, you have given many of us fellow dubbers inspiration for our projects with this very car, and shows its achievable when you put blood sweat & tears into making a "dream" car like yours.


Thankyou for making such a nice car, its been an inspiration to me and i am sure many other people. :thumbleft:


Cant wait to see what your next project will end up like...


Cant imagine what it feels like to see someone else drive off in the car youve spent so many years creating!! :(

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Thanks to you jay, you have given many of us fellow dubbers inspiration for our projects with this very car, and shows its achievable when you put blood sweat & tears into making a "dream" car like yours.


Thankyou for making such a nice car, its been an inspiration to me and i am sure many other people. :thumbleft:


Cant wait to see what your next project will end up like...


Cant imagine what it feels like to see someone else drive off in the car youve spent so many years creating!! :(


That post makes me feel a whole lot better. Thanks Mike. :)

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just think of the next project waiting to happen and all them ideas waiting to be created. i can imagine it was hard to see it go (i am always gutted every time i sell a car) but a bigger and better project is just around the corner.

mike_g60 is right , you have given inspiration to many of us in seeing that utter perfection is possible with hard work and dedication.

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looked like a fantastic motor real shame you let it go buddy im sure the new owner is chuffed to bits with it mate , what do you think it might be mate ??

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Awesome car, I didn't think it would take long to sell, although I still can't beleive it's been sold.....


Still, looking forward to seeing the new project.


Best get rid of that signature now Jay :D

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What a fast turn around!!! Its like it only just came up for sale!!!


You a secret Car trader Jay... :lol:


I'm just annoyed I didn't remortgage my house to raise the funds!!!

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the best 3k i've ever spent,hope the g60 turns out as good as the last one.....................................................................................................


















i wished :lol:


seems like someones appreicated the graft u put into her mate,good luck with whatever the next project is

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Sad pics Jay, but nice to put an end to what you started years ago I suppose!


I second what mike said as well.



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Didn't even know it was for sale???


The for sale thread never made it onto the forum because Jay didn't put up a fixed price :lol: - same rules for everyone you see!!


Anyways Jay - I think your mad for selling such a superbly finished car but if it's for a 911 I think we can make an exception!


I would like to know how much it fetched tho - for something so unique with the amount of work thats gone into it I would value it at £25k altho I know realistically it would be unlikely to actually sell for that amount but if it went for anything less than half that then someone has got a serious bargain.


Hope you stick around Jay 8)

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£25k altho I know realistically it would be unlikely to actually sell for that amount but if it went for anything less than half that then someone has got a serious bargain.



Supercharged - Someone got a serious bargain


Please no! I'd really like to know what you got for it, anything remotely close to 10k seems to low for my liking. I wish i'd applied for a loan. :cry:

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Was hoping to meet you with the car at a show sometime, congratulations on a successfully project and goodluck on the next one!

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Firstly Mike put it as well as anyone could. I did'nt post on your thread too often, mainly because i just stared at the screen with my tongue hanging out in ore. You, your car and last but definately not least your friendly nature and the whole way you go about things will be sorely missed around here by everyone. I've allways admired the fact that having built a car like that never went to your head and you did'nt molly coddle it either!


I doubt anyone survived those picks without a shiver mate.


Put up your feet, crack open a cold one and start that creative grey matter. I can't wait to get a hint of whats to come! I hope you've warned friends and relatives that you will be unavailable for comment for some time shortly, lol!

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