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Originally Posted by Zeo

Your a f**king idiot, and you deserved to crash for not wearing your seatbelt


what do you think its there for?


You deserve to die of herpes tbh... Ive lost friends due to seatbelts breaking ribs and puncturing lungs in the past... I feel safer not wearing one.. Ill wear harnesses only majoprity of time time...


Dont tell me, your perfect.. Your mummy must be so proud!


F**king twat...



LOL - this made my evening having a read of this. can understand the pain of the loss at a 'freak' accident. can strangely also relate to his point regarding the seatbelt - not saying i condone it - but can appreciate why he said what he said. i was in a crash with a friend driving - was in the back seat and had i of been wearing my belt at the time I'd most certainly not be here typing today. but....i wasn't the driver nor controlling the wheel or speed. still... what an attitude!!!

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What a friendly place! Jesus!


Well actually I take that back.. it seems to be all down to the original poster! His attitude to everyone else frankly beggars belief!! As the thread unfolds and various truths about the circumstances around insurance / buying the car etc unfold he just gets more and more backed into a corner and more willing to rip everyones head off!


Its unbelievable.

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haha, genius... 17 pages and the guy still can't fathom that he's the one in the wrong..... love some of the usernames, ice 2cu, 2cu ice... :lol:

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So who's going to put thier hand up to being iceydeadskylines then? ROFL...


Love the late night (5am) flame war, considering he's supposed to be relaying Met info "all over the world" (I'm assuming he's MOD, for now) he seems to spend way too much time on the forum....

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he just gets more and more backed into a corner and more willing to rip everyones head off!


and call everyone names, obviously they don't have a swear filter on that forum :lol:


I got bored after about page 5, what a proper idiot :roll:

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he just gets more and more backed into a corner and more willing to rip everyones head off!


and call everyone names, obviously they don't have a swear filter on that forum :lol:


I got bored after about page 5, what a proper idiot :roll:


Jump to about page 12 or so where the "dubious" names start appearing (ice 2cu 2cu ICE, Norfolk'in clue, Vanilla ICE, etc..)

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I'm surprised he hasn't got knicked by the police. He admits to speeding at nearly twice the limit and not wearing a seatbelt -surely he could be done for dangerous driving? And he was probably smoking a crack pipe at the time too. Forward the link to the fuzz!

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I started reading that thread at about 1.30. My lunch hour has now been going for 2 1/4 hours. I've just had to add it to my favourites to finish tomorrow so that I can actually get some work done.

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That guy's on the SXOC as well. Seems like a complete unarticulate brain dead tool. And not driving with a seatbelt because one of mates might have been thrown free of the car once and narrowly avoided getting hit on the head by a log or whatever!


I know the road he crashed on though. It is a nice stretch with good visability on the whole. The 40 limit there is more to do with the fact that Ashdown Forest, like the New Forest has freely grazing animals which often wander onto the road. Under different circumstances it would be national speed limit I'd imagine. It is very easy to do 60-70mph on much of that road though.


He's a good speller too: "hippoocritical"

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*Edit* Actually after reading this the guy is clearly a lot more than a muppet.


Shame he didn't do the darwinian thing and wipe himself out as well as the car.


Some quality chops on there, the scaletrix has to be my current favourite.

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I know the road he crashed on though. It is a nice stretch with good visability on the whole. The 40 limit there is more to do with the fact that Ashdown Forest, like the New Forest has freely grazing animals which often wander onto the road. Under different circumstances it would be national speed limit I'd imagine. It is very easy to do 60-70mph on much of that road though.


Neil 2 quick questions raised from the 2hr reading through the 18 (probably more now) pages...


It snows a lot there then :lol:


The freely grazing animals are Polar bears or Penguins? :rofl:

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It's near Crowborough in East Sussex which is a well known town for having really freak weather. Ashdown Forest's near by and can get a little windswept as it's very exposed moorland. Lots of sheep wandering about ;) (and cocks who can't drive by the sounds of it!)

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He clearly contraicted himself early on by saying it was icy and earlier it had been raining....



The rain would have melted the ice.......


if ice 2 see you, et al is on here too please point this out.... cheers

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