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:( Another one goes to VR6 heaven :( - Or does it?

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Thanks to an uninsured drunk t#sser this is the result of my drive home on Saturday night.


We were turning right at traffic lights on a green filter light across a dual carriageway where the outside lane had a stationary car waiting on red then BANG the aforementioned arse hits us at around 60mph after running the red light in the inside lane, is propelled of us through and over a traffic light and then comes to a load and messy stop wedged on a now 45 degree streetlight.


After stumbling around for a few minutes and checking we [my wife & a mate] were OK went to see if they were OK at which point they had f#cked off! The police came & were brilliant and then off we went to A&E feeling bloody lucky that he didn't hit us from the side.


Went back on Sunday to get it collected and took some last goodbye pictures it dosen't look that bad in the pics but the chassis was out by a good 4inches on the drivers side :shock: She still ran though!!!

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Really sorry to read about this. She looked like a nice one too.


Hope the situation sorts itself out and pleased you and your wife are ok.



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What a nightmare situation....the main thing is that nobody was seriously hurt though, but after the dust settles you'll be absolutely gutted about your car :(


Feel for you mate.



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Really to sorry to hear/see this - glad you, wife and mate are fine... best of luck finding another C and I hope the to$$er that hit you gets banged up for a while!

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oohhh noooo :(


gutting. i fear this kinda thing happening to me, doesn't matter how good a driver you are, there's plenty of bad ones around

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Oh man that's awful, but glad everyone's ok.


Here's hoping the aforementioned pisshead gets a serious seeing-to :(

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Thanks for all your kind responses, my wife and friend are fine which is the main thing, I've got to go back on Friday for a scan for a suspected hernia :? ??????


I've just had a call from the Officer in charge and they haven't caught him yet but the Officer reckoned he knew who he was from our descriptions so fingers crossed. Apparently he had locked the car and set the alarm.......the car had no windows left :D Genius! With a bit of luck if he has keys then he has at least some paperwork to link him to the car and we can claim directly from him.


I'm glad that the car took the damage and not my loved ones..............but I did love that car :( , I'm tempted by a big 4x4 now, or an Impreza, although Peanuts' VR6 is looking tempting...........

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Another one ruined thanks to some waster :( It breaks my heart every time I see one written off because of something like this.. its rarely ever through the actual driver of the cars negligence on here! Well, except for when its dinkus at the wheel ;)


Good luck with getting a replacement and I hope the police nail that f*ckwit to the walls by his dangly bits.

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Sorry to hear this, :( but you have all been lucky as far as the possible injuries are concerned.

What a lot of low lifes there are, spoiling it for the vast majority who are decent citizens. :mad:

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i hate looking at pics of deaded corrados :(


especially the same colour as mine, i remember another thread with a chap pranged his at the nurburgring, that was also green


gives me nightmares :lol:

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Such a shame about your corrado mate, she looked in mint condition, glad to hear your family and friend are all ok. The worst bit about it is probably the driver of the other car might get caught, BUT, as i have found out the punishment system these days can be aload of crap, a woman drove her volvo into my clio whilst i was doing 55mph in the opposite direction, (her fault she crossed my path) and she wasnt insured. Her penalty, £150 fine, 9 points, thats cheaper than the years insurance would of been :(, and the worst bit was that it took nearly 2 years to sort out my claim and for me to get all my money from the accident. Another bloke around this area was caught drunk, driving with no insurance and on his mobile. and he got........ 3 points and £250 fine. woopee :bad-words: . makes me sick sometimes

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They've caught the little b#stard :) And it turned out he was insured!!


He's been charged with leaving the scene, dangerous driving, actual bodily harm and they're trying to get him for drunk driving, apparently they got him 2 hours later when he said that he was so shocked after the accident that he'd gone for a drink and drunk approximately 16 units in that time :).


I am in a situation I've never been in before now though, the value of the car will, I guess, be argued over at length by the insurance companies, is it worth taking copies of Autotrader, local ads, 'Practical Classics' listings to prove what it was worth or do they just base the estimate on Glasses??????


Any advice much appreciated

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That's a bit of a result!


Make sure you decline the first insurance offer, its likely to be an insult TBH.

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