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Do you get a warm feeling inside............

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......................when you pass another corrado on the road?


Whether you're in your C, your mum's car (like me), your company car, you mates car, or your work van, if you pass another rado on the road, do you get a warm feeling inside and a big grin on your face? When i pass one i feel an unspoken, almost brotherly, bond with the other person. I know sod all about them, but i feel respect for them purely for the fact that they're driving a rado.


Or is it just me? :cuckoo: :lol:

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I know what you mean, but then you get all disappointed when you dont get a wave back


I sometimes forget i'm in my mum's focus when i wave, they just look confused :lol:

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I get many more waves Rado to Rado than I do Golf to Golf.


I'm genuinely excited when I see another rado on the road - golfs are ten a penny. I saw a really mean looking LHD G60 in Slough a few weeks back, but I was in my Golf and I couldn't keep up with him for the closer look I wanted to get.

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Yip indeedy! :) The last 2 I've spotted have been when I'm in the missus' 306. Waving like a loon doesn't seem to attract the same attention when I'm not in the raddo! :?

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I love seeing another rado on the road. It's like when I'm driving my Porsche, normally other Porsche drivers will wave. Alot of the v-dub drivers out here do the same thing, regardless of wether its rado to rado or whatever.

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Usually a good thing - although I have passed a couple of corrado's who have immediately tried racing me

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I get the piss taken out of me for it :(


Got to the point where other people say "Look craig! a corraaaaaaaaddoooooooo" :pale:

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when i see one it reminds me how cool i must look in mine, driving one you don't often get to see one on the move, and they do look cool

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when i see one it reminds me how cool i must look in mine, driving one you don't often get to see one on the move, and they do look cool

Indeed they do

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It was seeing rados on the move that finally prompted me to go get one. That and a book I'd had for the last 10 years that I flicked through occasionally. It was written before the VR6 was released so it went into great depth about the G60. Which is probably why I went for the Corrado G60 plus the rado G60 is the only RHD G60 engine car produced by VW.

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Warm feeling? ...Yes indeedy... Mostly from oncoming traffic. The odd reps/fleet cars tend to gorp at you driving the opposite way... Mostly in their late 30's - so they'll all probably going back to their late teens for a split second as I go past. Should've put this in the chufties thread but I'll never forget a rather actrative lady in in a silver Porsche Boxter, waved to me as I drove past her... Now that was a warm feeling... :luvlove:

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