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Cheese and ham.....

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....just wanted to tell everyone what a lovely Wiltshire cure ham and extra mature cathedral city chedder roll with tomato mayo and salt and pepper, that I had for my lunch! :tongue:

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  dukest said:
good to see you're not letting your nipple trouble get you down :D

I just almost spat my tea at the screen then :lol:

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I like cheese :clap:



























And ham :wave:

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  VAG-hag said:
& the bread?? come on more detail needed!! :D

That one was on some Waitrose French stick, but I prefer Tesco Finest Oat bread.....Also it had Tesco's version of Olivio spread.

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Olivio, come on Stu get with the times its Bertolli these days... :)

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  3corsameal said:


today is my Dolmino day 8)


whens yours?


Wednesday, every week, without fail.

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  mrbeige said:
  VAG-hag said:
& the bread?? come on more detail needed!! :D

That one was on some Waitrose French stick, but I prefer Tesco Finest Oat bread.....Also it had Tesco's version of Olivio spread.


Its all gone downhill now!!! Not real butter?? Crazy insane!! :cuckoo:


Do like the oaty breads tho :D

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You lot crack me up


Many a great thread has been on the whole Ham and Cheese combo


keep it up, made me smile

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  vwchick said:
You lot crack me up


Many a great thread has been on the whole Ham and Cheese combo


keep it up, made me smile

Of course! Cheese and ham are the work of the gods....especially cheese and ham :cuckoo:

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I had a round of corned beef and Branston Picalilli on Tesco Finest wholemeal and a round of brie. I

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  mrbeige said:
extra mature cathedral city chedder


Extra mature? That stuff is tasteless rubber :lol:


Now, for a proper cheese and ham sandwich, it has to be constructed as follows:-


- 2 x 11.83mm thick slices of the freshest of the freshest bread - Seeded batch, 'best of both', 'mighty white', wholemeal, your choice.


French stick is not proper bread and therefore not permitted. The stuff is crusty and hard and mashes the insides of your mouth. Banned.


- 1.2 ounces of cow's milk BUTTER, not some nasty spread.


- 3 x slices of gourment ham, of the correct 2.67mm thickness.


You don't want chopped and shaped crap, or that wafer thin watered down schitt.....or blue and white stripey mechanically reformed poo either. Just proper meat from a proper joint please.


Now, this is the critical bit, the cheddar.

Many a ham and cheese sandwich has been ruined by a sheddy choice of cheddar imo, and all this "Cathedral City", "Pilgrim's choice", "Seriously Strong" stuff comes from the same, commericialised "mild rubber" mould imo! So......


- 2 x layers of Tesco Finest Canadian Vintage, of the requisite 2.93mm thickness


- 8 x 0.8mm shavings of Tesco finest Parmigiano Reggiano.


- 4 x 3mm thick slices of Finest Italian Vine tomatoes (no watery, tasteless english crap please).


- 3 x 0.5mm rings of red onion


- 2 ounces of Classic pesto


- 2 ounces of Hellmans mayo (no own brand stuff!), has to be Hellmans.


- A sprinkling of fresh chives.


- A twist of salt and black pepper


Now THAT is a ham and cheese sarnie ;-)

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Some good technical advice there, i've made this a sticky for future reference.

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Worms...can of!


Seriously though, I do agree with said cheesewire with regards to the cheese. Not my choice, (mrsbeige is to blame for that) but in reality cheese is awesome, no matter what form it takes, with ham coming a very close second. :nuts:

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That Cathedral City stuff is good when coupled with a slice of Golden Delicious. But otherwise its sh*te.


Have also recently discovered ham and twiglets. Beefy ham!

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  Corradude said:
That Cathedral City stuff is good when coupled with a slice of Golden Delicious. But otherwise its sh*te.


Have also recently discovered ham and twiglets. Beefy ham!

Twiglets dipped in marmite...always a winner...yum

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Rather partial to cheese and ham - though have learned that some cheese's give me stonking headaches to tend to avoid it these days. When i'm ready for the pain though i've never been much of a cheddar man - much prefer really stinking stuff like stilton, brie, camberzola (blue brie.. it's awesome), shropshire blue and so forth.


Ham wise - well, when I go to my parents house and cooks a nice big gammon with honey and mustard crust on the outside - it don't get much better than that to be honest :D

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I've just made me cheese an ham sandwiches to take et work tomorrow. Got to be unsliced bread so I can cut it meself real thick like. Proper ham though. Can't be plastic, you've got to have some self respect when it comes to cheese and ham.... Also extra mature flaky mature white mature cheedaar is the way forward. Hmmmmm.... cheese and ham. After a busy morning hoiking Hyundais nothing sets me up better for an afternoon of hoiking Hyundais than cheese and ham.

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  Jim said:
Rather partial to cheese and ham - though have learned that some cheese's give me stonking headaches to tend to avoid it these days.




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