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top gear, Sunday 8pm repeated wednesday 7pm BBC2

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Speaking as an HGV (or rather LGV) driver myself, i'm rather looking forward to seeing how the three of them cope with driving a truck.

I remember when they all had to go out and buy a tractor each :lol:


can't be any worse than some of the foreign drivers !

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thank god its back something good on telly on a sunday again :clap:

allthou charley boormans . " by any means " was a fantastic series :D .

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thank god its back something good on telly on a sunday again :clap:

allthou charley boormans . " by any means " was a fantastic series :D .


Im slowly beginning to hate him and Russ!!! Two rich boys out on thier jollies!!!


Strange as this thread has the Dakar photo above, Charlie tried the Dakar and Im going out there in Oct next year to try these dunes :clap:


Back on topic, its so scripted but funny all the same. Richard is a tw*t though.

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What an awesome day of TV! I get to watch Alonzo crash into the back of Hamilton on the first corner of the Brazilian Grand prix sending them both flying off the track leaving Massa to take the championship on home soil. Then later in the evening I get to watch brand new Top Gear!


:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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What an awesome day of TV! I get to watch Alonzo crash into the back of Hamilton on the first corner of the Brazilian Grand prix sending them both flying off the track leaving Massa to take the championship on home soil. Then later in the evening I get to watch brand new Top Gear!


:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


+1... although, I'm betting Kovalainen will fast-start into Alonso first... Trulli and Raikkonen will clash, the rain will turn up and mask Felipe's tears as he spins off at home and Hamilton will win. Whatever happens, while I support the "red cars" as I have since I was a wee lad, I thinks Hamilton will have to have an absolutely abysmal day to not take the Championship.


If the stewards intervene I want no messing, just a full on arm-wrestle for the championship with no mediation :lol:


Then the TG boy's rallying HGV's, seeing how many Lancia's you can make out of a Challenger tank, testing the Ludicrous-MF12 DHZ or whatever will round off my day with humour and a token sting of journalism :salute:

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good to see clarkson taking the brunt of a challenge for a change! all very funny though, great episode :)

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Awesome show, best they've done in ages and based on the clips, the rest of the series looks like it'll be tidy.


Now, who's going to admit to being an uber geek and trying to decode the Morse signals from the Stig's lap in the Lambo?

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Was a pretty good show actually. I almost hurt myself from laughing so hard when James locked up the wheels of that truck at 70MPH and the next shot of him was in a toilet cubicle. Brilliant.


Bring on the rest of the series! :)

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I know it's all scripted and blahdy blah but did anyone else think Clarkson was visibly shaken and looking a bit pale after he drove through that wall?! :lol:


I thought the bit where they were trying to power slide their trucks was hilarious. That random bit that just flies off Jame's lorry, the whole thing just looked ridiculous! :lol: And Hammond's bonnet!

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TBH the GT2 bit was the funniest i thought but I wished he had given it more of a test. Saying that the Lambo now makes the best noise from a car that ive ever heard.

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TBH the GT2 bit was the funniest i thought but I wished he had given it more of a test. Saying that the Lambo now makes the best noise from a car that ive ever heard.


I saw that Lambo at Goodwood this year. You think it sounds good on TV you should hear it in real life! :D

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Have people really got nothing better to do than phone up and complain about this sort of thing :cuckoo:

http://uk.news.yahoo.com/21/20081103/te ... 8abb3.html


New series definatley looks like a goodun from the previews, and clarksons lorry did look cool, would have looked even better with a fuel tanker on the back, MAD MAX style.



Yup was splashed in the paper this morning too! Apparently the "association of prostitues" has complained as well... now don't get me wrong but since when can an illegal profession have it's own "association"...? :cuckoo:


What next the "association of crack pushers" or the "assocation of muggers" saying that it's unfair that they are suffering from Police Harassment??


Must admit I was laughing at the constant "reduction of chat shows" comments in the Parky interview!


Now come on who knows who "fat-Stig" is??

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Now come on who knows who "fat-Stig" is??


He should be fairly easy to identify from here


I love the whistle from his turbo. Almost sounds like it's got a gas turbine rather than 12l and a hefty compressor.

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