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I Passed !!

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Yesterday, I did my ARDs Test at Snetterton. (This being the the Theory and Driving aspect for my Race Licence).


So, nervous beforehand, went to the loo numerous times etc, due to the volume of coffee. Kept the cigarette companies from going bust too !!!


Really satisfying result though.

100% in the written and 91% in the Driving - Best of the Day :clap: :clap:


Loads of work to do now - checking exactly what Race Series I will enter so can get a car prepared accordingly, the list is extensive of everything I have to reseach etc.


Plus anyone who would like to offer any assistance - Track Events, Race events, mechanical etc. There will be loads to do. !!! Will post up more as time progresses.


Really excited !!

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100% in the written and 91% in the Driving - Best of the Day :clap: :clap:




a big well done from me.


but tbh, being a lady you should be able to do both the above at the same time...... multi-tasking i think you call it :norty:

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100% in the written and 91% in the Driving - Best of the Day :clap: :clap:


Were there no men there doing the test?





Only joking, really impressive result :grin:


As bristolbaron said lot of people talk the talk but not many walk the walk (or should that be lap the lap?)

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Well done Wendy, but having seen your driving there was never any doubt, you'd always breeze this. :clap:

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Brilliant news, Wendy :clap:


What were you driving for the test?


Thanks guys for all the comments.


For the Test I drove the Vauxhall VX220, which apart from being very rattly, was a good car to drive - on Track.


The Test Instructor was brilliant - teaching me - on rear wheel drives, how to brake through the corners, which is normally a complete No No.


Most annoyingly however, on getting in the car, i could not fully press the pedals to the floor - bloody ducks disease is most annoying, let alone really embarassing. They had to get cushions !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


He too, had raced Porsche 924's and had good comments to make on them and offered quite a bit of advice.


And - yes, there were men also taking the Test - but guess what - They probably thought they knew it all and had nothing to learn !!!!!!!! :lol: :lol:

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Most annoyingly however, on getting in the car, i could not fully press the pedals to the floor - bloody ducks disease is most annoying, let alone really embarassing. They had to get cushions !!!!!!!!!!!!!!



As in the Harry Secombe coined phrase and not bird flu? :D

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Hey, well done :clap:


So, we'll keep an eye out on tracks and corresponding action soon, then :D



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Well done!


I'm not saying I know what I'm doing when it comes to race prepping cars but can be pretty handy with spanners and the like. I fix Helicopters near you for a living! Let me know if you want any help?

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Well done! great scores there. Can I hve first dibs on being your commercial manager :) Sounds as if free fags and coffee need to be first on the list of sponsorships :?

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Well done Wendy, can't wait to see you out on track in the BTCC next season. :wink:

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Wendy, that is fantastic news! Congratulations! :clap: Looking fwd to hearing about the race experiences soon :D

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Well done Wendy. I think we should all be relieved you came top of the class as (obviously for an aspiring race driver) as many of us are aware of your competitiveness!


Remember : Second is the first of the losers!


All you need is some Marlboro sponsorship for the car now :)

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Well done Wendy, Trust you to be top of the class. Bring on the racing now, full carbon fibre car here we come :D

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Thanks again guys.


My head is buzzing with everything that needs researching, investigating etc.

It is hard to stay focused on the next priority and not run away with trying to achieve everything - but then nothing - if you know what I mean.


I am going to Oulton Park on the 15th August as the 924 Club Championship is racing that day - to check it out, ask mass questions etc.


I already am getting a list together of people that may sponsor me, years ago I sold Advertising and have always had a interest in the whole field of publicity. One of my clients is in Marketing too - so i will be asking for their assistance.

However - yes - Vornwend -

. Can I hve first dibs on being your commercial manager :) Sounds as if free fags and coffee need to be first on the list of sponsorships :?
If nothing more than to keep me sane !!! :lol:
All you need is some Marlboro sponsorship for the car now :)
Absolutely !!


I have had some great design ideas for the car - hopefully that will assist being sponsered.


And thank you for the offer Sean_Jaymo - all help will be very appreciated.


I am expecting at the moment - with a car that is not yet prepared, that I have not yet driven - to be doing Track Days and a couple of Races next year with hopefully a full Race Series the year after.

Those that know me well, will be very aware, I have no intention of not doing well and so have actually engaged sensible head - so the preparation is obvioulsy key to this.


Although my stomach was shot all of the Test day due to nerves, I have to tell you all, the written test was actually easy. :lol: It so reminded me of being at school, I finshed the test way before anyone else. Even then, I still thought i may at worst case have 4 wrong answers, knowing this meant I would have failed. Fortunately this was not the case.


Will keep you all informed of any progress. :D :D

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Congratulations Wendy.


Will have to catch up as soon as I've finished gimping around with my car. :)

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