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Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

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Adjustment Bureau 7/10 - good but somehow bland at the same time.


The sitter - 7.5/10 - pretty funny but bored of that fat guy now.


Man on a ledge - 8/10 - good film, kinda similar to that film with the bank heist and the dude living in a wall. I would've given this 7/10 but the chick has still got my mind spinning so 8 it is.


Contagion 0/10 - trailer looked good, worst frickin film ever, you're constantly waiting for the good bit which never comes!


I've watched so many over the last year as I get in free, can't bloody remember any of em now.

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Glad I'm not the only one who hated Contagion :lol:

What a waste of time that was, the only reason I stayed in the cinema was because the tickets cost a tenner!


I was hoping the whole cast would die...

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watched the social network last night, good story well told but wish he didn't talk so frickin fast, missed half of what they were on about 7/10

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  vornwend said:
The Lives of Others - 10/10. Just brilliant. Story built around how the Stasi operated in East Germany before the wall fell, great story and brilliant acting. In German, so with sub titles but still magnificent. Won a hat full of awards including the Oscar for best foreign language film.


Agree with this^^, amazing film.


Tyrannosaur 9/10, quite gritty and visceral but convincingly acted, Peter Mullen is brilliant in it. Nothing to do with dinosaurs by the way.


If you like this sort of film NEDS (non educated delinquents) is also worth a watch, directed by peter Mullen I think.

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Drive 8/10

Ryan Gosling played the lead really well !

not a lot of dialogue by him,but found the film very gripping from the start,

would have given this a 9,but whoever did the music score wants a swift disembowelment !

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The music in Drive was fantastic - I think it helped the 'feel' of the film tremendously!

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Hangover pt 2: 2/10 utter garbage. Don't think I laughed once. Films like this seem to be relying more and more on trying to get laughs through sheer bad taste because the writers obviously aren't clever/witty enough to write something genuinely funny.


Horrible Bosses: not much better than the above. Best thing was Jen ;)


Also watched Return of the Jedi recently for the first time in years. Always been and Empire man myself, but really enjoyed it. 9/10

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Yeah I love Star Wars, I recently bought the Blu-ray box set, just got to ep.3 which was great in hi-def (i don't hate on the prequels like some fans:smug:). Looking forward to seeing the originals in hd!


---------- Post added at 06:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:15 PM ----------


Last night I watched a Korean film called 'I saw the Devil' which was pretty brutal tbh, very well acted though and a must watch for thriller/horror/foreign cinema fans 9/10

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I liked the prequels. 3 is superb and isn't too far off the originals IMHO. The other 2 are very patchy though. Both have some superb moments. 1 has long periods where nothing much happens and it all feels rather dry. 2 has some absolutely hideous acting and terrible script. The love stuff could've been handled sooooo much better. I always forward through those bits :lol:


Seeing Ep 1 in the cinema next week- not too worried about 3D, but it's a perfect opportunity to take my boys to see it on the big screen 8)

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TT - Closer to the edge - great documentary about extremely fast bikers. Guy Martin is a legend. Absolutely rivetting, real heart in mouth stuff. a must for anyone interested in bikes or motorsport. 8/10

Edited by 4eyes2wheels

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They killed off Darth Maul too soon though I reckon, but then i suppose that wouldn't have fitted with Palpatines pursuit of Anakin. But I agree about the love dialogue, some of the most cringe worthy in film I reckon!

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Journey 2: The Mysterious Island. Took the grandson and a couple of his pals to see this. They loved it. I found it quite entertaining but predictable but then it's for kids and I probably thought too much. 6/10

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'Let the right one in' on Film 4 tonight at 10.55 well worth a viewing :) 8/10

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Watched unthinkable the other night about an american turned islamic who plots 3 nuclear bombs and hands himself in only to be tortured by the gov trying to find the answers , was gripping and really makes you think what goes on in the world you dont see , deffo worth a watch 8/10

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Watched Star Wars Ep 1 3D yesterday. Superb on the big screen- cinema was packed at lunchtime! Yeh, it's not the best, but worth watching for 3 scenes imho: the sea monsters/pod race/Maul vs Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan. My boys thought it was amazing.


The 3D certainly isn't a selling point though. It added some nice depth, but sometimes you just couldn't tell. All the 'retro' 3D films I've seen have been like this (Clash of the Titans). Really isn't worth retro-fitting 3D IMHO. Filmed with proper 3D cameras like Avatar, and it works really well- thankfully The Hobbit & Prometheus are being filmed like this 8) .


Me: 7/10

My boys: 'A million out of 10!'

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Chronicle - 8/10 a really interesting take on teen's with superpowers n'all that. It's filmed from a handycam point of view, Cloverfield style and is done just as well.

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Tinker, tailor ,soldier, spy .Gary oldman as he should be and is always ,brilliant . Very good remake , can just about remember staying up to see the original series on telly .If your into the cold war or spys ,its a must .

Edited by robrado974

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Just finished watching 'Blitz' with good ol' Statham - 6/10


Not a bad storyline I guess, with some brutal violence at times


The Crow - 9.5/10


Haven't seen this bad boy in yrs, what.a.film.

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Just watched tron legacy. Considering its been so long since the original it picks up in the right place and continue's with a good pace worth a watch.

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  V-Dubstar said:
Just finished watching 'Blitz' with good ol' Statham - 6/10


Not a bad storyline I guess, with some brutal violence at times


The Crow - 9.5/10


Haven't seen this bad boy in yrs, what.a.film.


have to agree on your score of 9.5/10 for the crow, it a true cult classic film.

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I also agree about The Crow - top marks from me for a fabulous film! Haven't watched it for ages either but for no apparent reason, I thought of the song his band plays earlier tonight... I think it's called It Can't Rain All The Time? Burn by The Cure is great too. Must watch that again soon! Thank you for the reminder :)


I wasn't feeling my most lively over the weekend so I watched a few films; Appleseed which I loved and looking fwd to seeing the sequel and also a few chick flicks. Most enjoyable!



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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We watched Senna for the first time last night. A very compelling and insightful look at Senna, and showed why he was loved and respected by so many, especially his home nation.


Even if you're not a fan of F1, this is well worth watching. 10/10

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  Grim1 said:
We watched Senna for the first time last night. A very compelling and insightful look at Senna, and showed why he was loved and respected by so many, especially his home nation.


Even if you're not a fan of F1, this is well worth watching. 10/10



Really need to pull my finger out and get this. sounds like a really good one

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Also watched Senna a couple of days ago. Fantastic film if you are a petrolhead - 10/10

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Warrior 8/10 very good and not just a mindless fight flm, I would have changed the ending slightly if it was me but I wont say anymore as to not spoil it.


Rum diary 6.5/10. Good film, easy to watch and nice scenery, one or two funny moments just felt it never really had a true point to it?


Cowboys and aliens. 6.5/10. Some good action and in blueray visuals are great but it just didn't ever wow me with the plot or storyline.

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