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How do you feel about a grey leather interior?

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Obviously it's personal preference but how desirable/undesirable is grey leather? How does it look and age compared to black or cream? I've seen a few cars with grey leather and plastics and they seem to hang around a little longer than black. So I wondered what peoples opinion of that colour interior is in a Corrado (having never actually seen grey interior in person).

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Grey probably is the rarest, it works in most colour cars... Recaros obviously are the ones if you can find them..

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like you say its what people like grey , black whatever . i bought mine with original rears in grey but the fronts were from a 911 in grey , didnt like em so i sprayed everything black ,each to their own i spose

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Grey interior is superb, lifts the light in the cabin considerably and works great with a black car... but I'm biased as that's exactly what my VR had. Well, it still does, but it's now CazzaVR's car :)

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Thanks for the input so far guys. The reason for asking is just to gauge, should I buy a car with grey interior in the future, would it be a negative point if I came to sell it later.


I don't have one in mind but when I buy a house or car, being able to resell easily is one of my criteria.


All opinions gratefully received :)

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I wouldn't worry about the re-sale. Grey leather wouldn't really put me off a car at all. Though it might do some. I've got grey interior that someone has swapped out the door cards and seats for black leather. I would have preferred all grey leather so it all matched. but didn't phase me at all when it came to the purchase. The rest of the car was far more important.

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It would have to be a fantastic condition Corrado for me to consider a grey leather interior'd Corrado,as the grey dash and carpet doesnt really work for me

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Grey interior is superb, lifts the light in the cabin considerably and works great with a black car... but I'm biased as that's exactly what my VR had. Well, it still does, but it's now CazzaVR's car :)


Yeh, it's a great combo 8) I'm considering maybe changing the carpet for a black one (I have one in the garage, so at least I can change it back if it doesn't work), as the grey shows up the dirt more. Had grey leather in my blackberry VR too- and that worked really well too. Think any leather interior works well in a Corrado TBH, and will always be desirable. Would never have grey cloth again though...

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I've had grey cloth, black leather, grey recaros & cream leather.. I'd actually prefer grey leather to the black i had, the interior was so dark nothing stood out.


A set of grey leather recaros for me would be right up there now with cream on the right colour car. I would def want black carpet though..


I've got a set of late grey leather doorcards which are proving difficult to sell on their own, but i cant see why a full interior would be a turn off.

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I'm actually quite surprised at how many people really like the grey. That's good to hear. I've yet to make my mind up about it but I see the point about breaking up the monotony of black.

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If you have grey leather then you should really have the grey plastics and carpets which, if I'm honest, don't look all that great in the Corrado IMHO. Much prefer beige or black!

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i have a grey leather interior, it came factory that way. its not as worn out as a black interior at this age and milage.

when i bought the car about 6 years ago i wanted a leather interior, doesnt matter what color. my corrado is green (lc6v)

and grey is not that often so its ok for me. i would go with a cognac-coloured interior if i ever want to change it....

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I was thinking about it the other day actually.


I used to have all grey interiour with grey cloth and absolutely hated it, too much grey is depressing.


I think all black plastics, dash and carpets, with grey leather seats would look really good. Not sure on the doorcards though.

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My '93 VR6 came with grey leather and carpets and I reckon the grey leather has worn remarkably well. The car is now on 72k and there is virtually no sign of wear. I've also had a G60 with similar miles and black leather and the grey definitely looks fresher. The carpets however are a different story as they show every little mark no matter how careful you are. I got the chance to buy a low mileage set of black carpets and put them in instead of the grey. I wasn't quite sure what to expect but I'm really impressed with how they look so they are staying. I also changed all the grey fasteners etc to complete the tranformation. The photos below were taken primarily to show the black carpet against the grey plastics but yoy can see how fresh the seats still look.





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My '93 VR6 came with grey leather and carpets and I reckon the grey leather has worn remarkably well. The car is now on 72k and there is virtually no sign of wear. I've also had a G60 with similar miles and black leather and the grey definitely looks fresher. The carpets however are a different story as they show every little mark no matter how careful you are. I got the chance to buy a low mileage set of black carpets and put them in instead of the grey. I wasn't quite sure what to expect but I'm really impressed with how they look so they are staying. I also changed all the grey fasteners etc to complete the tranformation. The photos below were taken primarily to show the black carpet against the grey plastics but yoy can see how fresh the seats still look.


Yup, black carpets look great against the grey leather.. good work. :salute:

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