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Roll up! Yet another Ebay bargain...

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don't be surprise if it sell for more, few months back I sold a pair of them for 35 pounds, started an auction from 99p and people were badly fighting for them.

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these are obsolete now then? I bought a load from dealers but this was about 2 years ago

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thats only because they wouldnt sell me 1 on its own. Im thinking about what im gonna spend my millions on

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I've got 5000 of them, i have them sat by my window and i throw them at trespassing animals in my garden.


Thats how special i am.

Edited by Jim Bowen
spelling mistake

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i've got 5000 of them, i have them sat by my window and i throw them at trespassing animals in my garden.


Thats how special i am.



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If anyone's got a spare one and doesn't want silly money for it, fire me a PM!


I've got one, but I couldn't possibly let it go for less than £5,000 :)



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