dr_mat 0 Posted September 4, 2012 It's easy to hate a company that behaves like a spoiled little bully boy. They charge a big premium for a nicely cohesive package and pay their desingers well to make that cohesiveness possible, and they've been rewarded for that work by becoming *the* gadget company to beat. They don't *need* to throw thier lawyers at the opposition and register patents for obscenely generic and obvious "features", and worse, chase their competition through the courts. Personally I'd like to see Samsung simply pull out of supplying parts to Apple. Let's see how apple maintain their product lead without their screens and most of the ASICs they rely on to make their kit work? Samsung may well be copying some of the more *obvious* aspects of the Apple designs, but ffs Apple didn't invent this **** either. So, I'd be happy to accept Apple's products if they weren't a complete twat about everything they do. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yacobwood 0 Posted September 4, 2012 And dont belive the apple advert showing off Siri. Its crap Me: do i need an umberlla today? Siri: 2 o clock yeah thanks!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kevin Bacon 5 Posted September 4, 2012 corrado_sunderland said: I hate to sound a stick in the mud but i dont by vw's now either as they have become an overated pile of crap with little wazuks wearing new era caps and high tops takin over ane ****ing off over them (these are two things i wore alot when i was younger but since they came to fashion with plebs i no longer can :( ), vws are overcomplicated and by 5 years old most need very very expensive parts and have loads of electrical issues which proves to me they are overhyped now.The old stuff is where its at Completely agree with that. My main point though was VWs, well, more so Audis actually, can charge what they like and people will still blindly pay it because they're so loyal to the brand, whether it's actually a good car or not. I do think the iPhone is genuinely a good product, but I don't give two schitts about the other stuff Apple make, or the 'religion' they seem to have spawned. Like the people who have to be at the opening of every Apple Store. I wish I could afford to fly around the world like that!! dr_mat said: So, I'd be happy to accept Apple's products if they weren't a complete twat about everything they do. The only thing I don't like about Apple is their pricing. The other stuff they do that irritates people I don't care about personally :D yacobwood said: And dont belive the apple advert showing off Siri. Its crap Me: do i need an umberlla today? Siri: 2 o clock yeah thanks!! Do they really think Siri is the future? Can you imagine a train full of people all asking their phones stupid questions? :lol: How about some useful questions, like: Question: How can I become a multi-millionaire by doing as little as possible? Probable Answer: Mild cheddar. I was in Tescos the other day and some woman plipped her alarm from way back behind me, just to show off her Mini Clubman's tailgate, which opens itself. Wow, big f'in deal I thought to myself. No wonder you're fat. Too lazy to open the door yourself. Is this really the way the world is going? I think Wall-E is coming true!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jim 2 Posted September 4, 2012 corrado_sunderland said: Im quite suprised a man of .IT likes apple if im honest gym,my friends are I.T technicians or whatever its called for the local council and cant stand them. I guess you get different types of people. You get the real enthusiasts who like to install a trillian apps, customise their phone, make it do all sorts of stuff.. and then after a while you get bored of that crap and you just want a phone that works, is reliable, well designed, etc etc.. and being on the bleeding edge is less appealing. I guess I fall into that latter category. Don't get me wrong I know lots of technical people I work with who hate iPhones - but I honestly see more people who use them, especially for work, than any other handset. They're actually our standard issue phones at work now.. you can basically have a cheapo £20 Nokia if you need a basic phone and then it's the different tiers of iPhone depending on what your department wants you to pay for. The main reason is it works with Exchange really well which other handsets don't necessarily do.. though to be fair our department haven't properly evaluated Windows Phones yet. dr_mat is right though. I don't agree with the business practices of Apple - they are greedy brats who're getting very complacent now that they're raking in so much money from iPads and iPhones. I'd be more than happy to see some more disruption in the market and see things change around a bit, to wake them up and knock them from their high horse! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kevin Bacon 5 Posted September 4, 2012 Jim said: The main reason is it works with Exchange really well which other handsets don't necessarily do.. +1 Nothing beats a Blackberry 9300 for emailing though, which is why I've kept hold of mine instead of using the iphone for work. And have you seen how short the iphone's battery life is with Exchange in 'online' mode? Another reason why I kept the BB! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UseOnceDestroy 0 Posted September 4, 2012 I love these threads :D Everyone's uses are different obviously. I watch a lot of video on my S3. I download HD MKV files... Plug my S3 into its dock, open the desired folder and drag and drop. Done. I have glorious HD on a fantastic LED screen. You just can't get anywhere near that with an iPhone. Put aside all the media format headaches and iTunes, and you still have to look at a terribly dull small screen. Internet browsing is unparalleled in my opinion, with so many choices of browser you're laughing. I personally prefer Opera Mobile, the 1.4 GHz quad core processor makes light work of any webpage and any video streaming you ask of it. Texting with the S3 comes up on top for me too. Again with a variety of keyboards to choose from you can't go wrong. Swiftkey being my preferred option, definitely the most intuitive keyboard I've ever used on a phone. The external storage can't be overlooked either, they've made great improvements since the S2... Don't have to remove the battery to remove the card, just eject it and whip off the back casing and you're there. Everyone has their own opinion, but for me... I can't see why anyone would choose an iPhone over the S3. Or even an S2 for that matter. Its the daddy!! And Apple know it... hence the court case..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jim 2 Posted September 4, 2012 Kevin Bacon said: +1 Nothing beats a Blackberry 9300 for emailing though, which is why I've kept hold of mine instead of using the iphone for work. And have you seen how short the iphone's battery life is with Exchange in 'online' mode? Another reason why I kept the BB! I find my iPhone gives me a solid two days with push email turned on - which is more than my HTC Desire ever managed, with push notifications disabled! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dragon green 6 Posted September 4, 2012 I have to charge my I-phone daily,had it two years, hate everything about I-tunes,love the phone,camera's not bad,video could be better, just wish 3G was available more widespread, The Tapatalk app is spot on for the Corrado forum Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VR6 0 Posted September 4, 2012 I could really do with a new phone but can't decide. Currently have a blackberry which, although good for emails and I can type like-the-wind on it, is absolutely horrid. It locks up, is slow to respond and can't handle much more than a simple game of noughts and crosses. I've been looking at the Galaxy Nexus (rather than the S2). Tempted by the S3 but not sure the extra cash is really worth it for me in terms of extras I don't really care about. Iphone 4 is the other consideration ... I couldn't give two stuffs whether I've not got the brand new latest thing on the market so the iPhone 5 can sod off. Leaning towards the iPhone 4 but can't help thinking I'll regret not getting the Nexus. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jim 2 Posted September 4, 2012 Just wait Tom - new iPhone is being announced on the 12th September, new Nokia devices being unveiled any day now and HTC about to announce new handsets in a few weeks too! Great time to be buying if you can just wait a few more weeks :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VR6 0 Posted September 4, 2012 Yeah pretty good advice matey, was thinking of waiting for at least the iPhone 5 to come out - should see the prices on the 4 (and other handsets) come down a bit hopefully. I don't even mind picking up a second hand one in good condition. They always end up getting banged about anyway. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KADVR6 0 Posted September 4, 2012 Had my S2 for just about a year and i still think its the best phone out there apart from the S3, my best mate works designing computers for HP so does know he's technical stuff, and he has been an iphone man since they came out and has had every incarnation of them, however he had a play with my S2 a while back, and is getting the S3 before he's contract runs out on he's iphone 4s S2/S3 gets my vote all day long Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fanjita 1 Posted September 6, 2012 I agree with all the comments regarding the Samsungs, they're just unrivalled at present. Everyone is entitled to their opinions but I get severely irritated by friends of mine who mock me and a few others for our S2/S3 phones. "look at that its ****ing huge! Should've got an iPhone mate" Just. no. It just seems like a lot of people I know are ignorant to the fact there are other phones out there that are just as good if not better! The S2 is an awesome phone and so is the S3, the iPhone 5 will need to be an immense improvement to scratch the samsungs. I was initially prepared to consider an iPhone 5 as my upcoming upgrade, but since the whole lawsuit business my mind has been made. I don't care how good the 5 is (and I don't expect it will be groundbreaking!) I'm just not going back, I had iPhones and did think they were good, but the competition is doing an awesome job now. Judging by other comments online, Apple (and I agree) seem to be doing more harm than good by taking competitors to court. It's just hurting their reputation to the consumers! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kevin Bacon 5 Posted September 6, 2012 The S3 is feckin huge though!! Looks like we're heading back to the 80s/90s.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fanjita 1 Posted September 6, 2012 I should say I'm not disagreeing that the S3 is massive, just the mentality of some of my mates :) It's ruddy massive mate! But that seems the trend at the moment, I doubt samsung would make their flagship phone this big unless the consumers wanted it. I for one was reluctant due to the size but reading what people say, the big screen is worth it. I thought the same when I was gonna buy my S2. Any bigger though and I'd probably not bother, lets hope this is about it! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jim Bowen 1 Posted September 6, 2012 as far as sat nav is concerned, does the iphone have built in GPS? I tried to look up the specs of the S2 vs S3 and it almost looked like the S3 had gone backwards, bigger, wider, longer, heavier and seem to have some of the features removed ---------- Post added at 9:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 9:44 AM ---------- but saying that a bigger screen would probably be better for me when using photos, internet and satnav Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kevin Bacon 5 Posted September 6, 2012 Fanjita said: It's ruddy massive mate! But that seems the trend at the moment, I doubt samsung would make their flagship phone this big unless the consumers wanted it. Not a trend I'll be following personally :D For me a phone must still be a phone, therefore be small and discreet. You're right though. Samsung are merely making what the people want and what the people seem to want is a bigger screen for Face fecking Book!! The boundary between laptop / pad / phone is becoming more blurred than ever. The iPhone 4 is about as big as I want to go. If the 5 is a lot bigger, I won't be getting it! 3corsameal said: as far as sat nav is concerned, does the iphone have built in GPS? It does, as do nearly all Smartphones. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jim 2 Posted September 6, 2012 I'm quite into my Windows Phone at the minute.. it's a major improvement over the old days and nice to have something different to the iPhone and Android crowd.. Nokia just announced a couple of new Windows Phone 8 handsets that look great, specifically the Lumia 920 with a PureView camera (which looks amazing), wireless charging and a screen that works even with thick gloves on - i.e. doesn't just need you to use your finger. Some really nice features there. Just need to see what sort of price they want when it goes on sale now! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kevin Bacon 5 Posted September 6, 2012 The Nokia is a bit risky imo. A company on the verge of going under and using an OS that is still failing to attract customers. Plus they haven't bothered to announce availability or pricing yet when the IP5's launch is just around the corner. Stupid if you ask me. And it's just another over sized brick as far as I can see. As I said a page or so ago. There's nothing ground breaking from any of the smartphone makers at the moment and no one is expecting miracles from the IP5 either. I think people will now just be more choosy or stick to their preferred brand / model. And then if sales fall, they'll do what Microsoft do with desktop computers and put things in their 'security' updates which slow the device down, forcing you to upgrade :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
corrado_sunderland 0 Posted September 6, 2012 Kevin Bacon said: The Nokia is a bit risky imo. A company on the verge of going under and using an OS that is still failing to attract customers. Plus they haven't bothered to announce availability or pricing yet when the IP5's launch is just around the corner. Stupid if you ask me. And it's just another over sized brick as far as I can see. As I said a page or so ago. There's nothing ground breaking from any of the smartphone makers at the moment and no one is expecting miracles from the IP5 either. I think people will now just be more choosy or stick to their preferred brand / model. And then if sales fall, they'll do what Microsoft do with desktop computers and put things in their 'security' updates which slow the device down, forcing you to upgrade :D is there any way to remove the crap it adds as my laptop is feeling the burn now and only a year old Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
davidwort 0 Posted September 6, 2012 the s3 screen is lovely though, HTC, samsung etc had to differentiate their products somehow and offering bigger screens (HTC Desire HD onwards) was the way they decided to go, especially after the ip4 retina screen came out, now the s3 offers retina like clarity but on a bigger screen, apple have to respond and I think it's generally good for competition that there's more choice now. When I saw the s3 in the flesh in May I was hugely impressed, it looks good, images look fantastic on the screen and it's very quick, for once Apple are playing catch-up IMO. ---------- Post added at 12:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:01 PM ---------- corrado_sunderland said: is there any way to remove the crap it adds as my laptop is feeling the burn now and only a year old that'll be all the malware and crap you've picked up from porn sites :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jim 2 Posted September 6, 2012 Kevin Bacon said: The Nokia is a bit risky imo. A company on the verge of going under and using an OS that is still failing to attract customers. Plus they haven't bothered to announce availability or pricing yet when the IP5's launch is just around the corner. Stupid if you ask me. And it's just another over sized brick as far as I can see. As I said a page or so ago. There's nothing ground breaking from any of the smartphone makers at the moment and no one is expecting miracles from the IP5 either. I think people will now just be more choosy or stick to their preferred brand / model. And then if sales fall, they'll do what Microsoft do with desktop computers and put things in their 'security' updates which slow the device down, forcing you to upgrade :D It's a minor gamble I accept but as I say, it's nice to have something that most people don't have. And there is now plenty of support from major applications - Facebook, Twitter, Spotify, etc.. I've not found myself being unable to do anything I've wanted to do.. all the support is there. And i'm sure we've disagreed about your feelings on security updates in the past but honestly as someone who runs / administers nearly 400 Windows servers, I simply don't find that's the case at all. Bloat and fragmentation will occur over time but I don't for one second feel that security updates slow the system down. We have servers which have been running for 6+ years with Windows 2003, that are taken down and patched every month without fail with the latest raft of updates and they run as well now as they did when they were put in :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
davidwort 0 Posted September 6, 2012 anyway, back on topic, galaxy S2 (incl. data, calls and texts) from 14 quid a month with cashback http://www.mobiles.co.uk/samsung-i9100-galaxy-s-2.html you could have 2 for the price of an iphone contract! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kevin Bacon 5 Posted September 6, 2012 Jim said: And i'm sure we've disagreed about your feelings on security updates in the past but honestly as someone who runs / administers nearly 400 Windows servers, I simply don't find that's the case at all. Bloat and fragmentation will occur over time but I don't for one second feel that security updates slow the system down. We have servers which have been running for 6+ years with Windows 2003, that are taken down and patched every month without fail with the latest raft of updates and they run as well now as they did when they were put in :) Servers are different. Microsoft won't give us WSUS updates that impact performance, well, saying that, I've had to uninstall a few and request a hot fix in my time :D Home desktops are different and that's the environment I'm talking about. My IBM laptop with XP SP2 on it and no updates what so ever boots to the desktop in 17 seconds exactly, and always has done. My newer HP desktop has Vista Business & Office 2010 on it, plus *all* updates. That has been getting progressively slower and slower over the past couple of years. A coincidence? I don't think so. We'll have to agree to disagree on this :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dr_mat 0 Posted September 6, 2012 Much of the windows performance drop is down to ever-growing anti-virus overheads. The more virus signatures that there are created the more have to be checked against every file you interact with on the desktop. Anyway, we all know Win Vista was a bag of crap (essentially like windows 7 but with all the insane internal debug code still turned on - it was an engineering beta more or less..!). W7 or W2008 server are much better. I've yet to try a W2012 server, but I'm looking forward to the end of rdesktop and the introduction of proper, system-wide scripting support. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites