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Where is a good place to buy a really huge knife? preferably samurai styled

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There was a really nasty burglary a few flats down from me last night (people were held at knife point and robbed after the thieves got access by professionally removing the window and frame) and ive decided i want a knife in the house for self defence,plus an old bloke was stabbed in the throat and mugged 3 month ago on the steps up to my flats after the pub which is only 100 yards away.



So i want a decent size knife, preferably 400mm blade and i was wondering if any of you knife fans could help with sites, i dont want a blade tougher than wolverines exo skeleton by spider co etc as i know how much they cost just half decent and resonable length so if i wake to someone in my flat i have a longer reach than them?

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  davidwort said:
I think you need to move.


This is actually a nice area for sunderland :lol:


---------- Post added at 9:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 9:40 PM ----------


  Kevin Bacon said:
Get shotgun instead. Even longer reach ;)


Im quite keen to buy a crossbow with a tactical light mounted on it,lets see someone burgle you when you blind them and then nail there knee-cap to the wall :lol:

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Loads seem to appear on the airgun forums I use. Was a set of three samurai swords for £45 delivered the other day.


Sent from my X10i using Tapatalk 2


---------- Post added at 10:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:34 PM ----------


Id get a tazer and gas and maybe some of the flashbangs.


Think its military surplus store or somewhere selling paintball/airsoft stuff.


Sent from my X10i using Tapatalk 2

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Personally I wouldn't be in a hurry to get into a knife fight with someone.. if I got mugged I'd rather let them take my stuff than risk ending up dead. Besides, when would you use it? You can't carry it with you - having a knife in the house wouldn't have helped the guy who got mugged on the stairs...

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Anne that last pic is magic haha. :) (can we have the smilie selection box back please)


IMO youre askin for trouble keeping a knife for self defence (excluding the samurai swords for show), are you prepared to use it if they were to come at you after feeling threatened?


A couple are currently getting questioned for injuring burglars so you could leave yourself open to something similar. Dont get me wrong i feel you should be allowed to defend your home if some c nut breaks in. But we all know how backwards the law works in this country.

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Here is poppy,s other hat the swords are for decoration,the brides out of Kill Bill,and the others from Blade

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  corrado_sunderland said:
after the thieves got access by professionally removing the window and frame


Were the people in the house deaf ?

And did the robbers tidy up after themselves ?


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  easypops said:
Were the people in the house deaf ?

And did the robbers tidy up after themselves ?



they did it without making a sound, took the plastic facia off then lifted the glass out,to be honest i could not give a crap about the law if someone was in my house holding a knife at me id try my best to have the *******s, id love to see a chav defend himeself when i throw a nice tidy jab whilst holding a long blade, thats about 4ft of reach id have on them i dont want o go down the chavy samurai sword route but my friend had a all black stealth style blade modeled on assasins from japan and that would be exactly what i want if anyone has any ideas

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BLITZ sport sold this style a few years ago you can check on website

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You'll be on very sticky ground if it gets to the point of having the police involved and you are found to have a 400mm knife specifically for the purpose of 'in case I get burgled', and that's even if it does you any good during the burglary. Alternatively, if you really want to go down that route, keep the biggest kitchen knife you can find in the house somewhere you can get at it, a really big maglite (extremely strong, and slightly easier to explain than a random length of pipe), and a perfume atomiser with a mixture of cheapy aftershave mixed in with a liberal dose of tobasco, oh, and if you're in to climbing at all get an ice axe - those are dangerous at every end.

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  easypops said:
Were the people in the house deaf ?


Can only do it quietly-ish with externally glazed windows. Simply prize out the edging strips and then as Mr Sunderland says, you can simply remove the glass with suction pads. There would still be some thudding noises whilst prizing the edging out though.

Modern windows are internally glazed now, so the only way to do it would be to cut the glass out or smash the glass, either way, too noisy!

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20oz Claw Hammer, 24" Pipe Wrench, Cordless Angle Grinder - The sound alone of power tools makes people nervous


Or you could just go back to basics with a plain ol' Woody? Just make sure you get a glove too so you can spin some sit about playing ball.


I've found a beware of the dog sticker on the front door does the trick mostly. Most crims are pussies when it comes to dogs

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whats a matter with having a blade for show,they look awsome too :lol: and however they got in i just feel id be happier with something there now,ive had mates who are all high and mighty about knifes and they got stabbed.....


when i took me rado to gwerks a few years back a lad tried to stab me in brighton as i stood in the way when he tried to hit some lasses and i didnt give one **** for the knife i went mental calling him a southern fairy and kept me distance for a nice boot to his head.In the end he retreated to his rangerover saying im gunna follow you home and **** ya up blood,he waited round the corner for me i pulled one of the lasses set off walking the other way and smashed a 3 litre bottle of bellabrusco just in case :lol:


most people with knifes are ****ers so when you start telling things like "i dont care if ya get one stab on me,im gunna get hold of ya and ram my thumbs through your eye sockets and listen to you scream like a little girl while i smash ya face int a pump with my fists " they tend to feel like a 3" blade no longer gives them an advantage if your hell bent on disfiguring them for life too


most will keep a distance by that point haha

Edited by corrado_sunderland

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You're bound to hit those pesky burglars, or at least hit someone somewhere, with one of these badboys!




Or maybe something a bit more subtle like this;



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