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Yet another Corrado accident :-(

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Driving into work on the M1 earlier, pretty heavy traffic. We were all slowing down when the guy in front of me reached the back of the queue. He stopped, I stopped, the guy behind me stopped and the guy behind him didn't and pushed us all into each other :(


Guy in front of me had a 2-day old Beamer (luckily not too bad - scuffed up bumper and s shattered number plate) so he was looking pretty sick. The Corrado needs at least two resprayed bumpers, a headlight (snapped clips), grille and foglight but otherwise surprisingly little damage. Is the rear towing eye part of the bumper iron? That's bent too...


Guy behind me had a 56-plate Merc C220. They must be built like tanks as he had two very damaged bumpers but nothing else obvious. Captain Carnage at the back had a 63-plate hired Seat Ibiza and was heading to his first day at a new job :banghead: Looked like a write-off - bonnet crushed, both headlights pushed into the engine, airbags deployed, coolant leak and looked like the wings might have gone too...


Mostly just glad I was hit by something low-slung : if it had been much taller it would have missed the bumper altogether and taken out the tailgate and roof and I'd be shopping for a new car...


Please remember, only a fool breaks the two second rule! Got bumpers in the garage so hopefully respraying them won't be too disruptive.




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Bugger! Almost exactly like what happened to me in my old valver, and I was number 3 in the 5 car accident. sadly it wasnt a little SEAT, but a bloody Range Rover that hit me! Neither me nor the Corrado faired as well as you though.........bloody loved that car!:(


Glad your ok though!

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Stone that is awful news but im glad you are ok personally & with luck you will get your rado better than it was before some idiot forgot how to brake effectively!!

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Bad news, but you could have been the car behind then it would have been a write off!


I almost had this happen to me, 3 cars behind me didn't stop, hot the car 2 back which hit the car behind me. I was literally inches away.

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Bad times, but by the sounds of it could've been much worse.


Hope it's not too bad to get fixed.

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Just found a kink in the slam panel so that's not reassuring :( Must have been a he'll of a jolt as it's a good half-inch deep, in one of the sections in the middle with the rolled edges. My back's killing me and one hand's gone numb so I'm at the walk in centre getting it checked out, which I could really have done without.


Insurance was talking about writing it off (based purely on age, I think) so hopefully they'll not be so trigger happy when the assessor comes round...


Bah :(

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Sorry to hear. I have a late classic green slam panel you could have FOC if it helps. Good luck with sorting everything out

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Ugh - always makes me sad when I hear of Corrado's getting smashed up in accidents, especially when it's not even your fault :| Good luck getting it all sorted!

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What happens in this situation do you all claim off the person that was a fault in this case the guy who slammed into you all?

Hope its fixable mate

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Its down to merc man I assume jon?


sorry to read this stone, hope its an easy fix. Tow eye is into chassis I seem to remember

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I know the mercs the one behind but surely hes stopped in time and not a fault. Another crappy insurance rule i presume

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I think its false that in a multiple car accident that the person behind is responsible with regard to insurance claims. When it happened to me, the person that was the cause of the accident was solely responsible. Everyone else involved was stationary at lights when it happened though. We had to draw a diagram of where we were in the line, and give a description of events including our "opinion" of why it happened.

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Yeah, in this case we all claim against hired-Ibiza man - think the rules changed a short while back as multiple-car incidents used to take months to resolve. We were also all stationary, Merc man came to a full stop behind me so it's down as a non-fault claim for we three in front. He is going to get a nasty shock come renewal time...


Thanks for the offers of slam panels - will need bumpers painted anyway so colour isn't a problem. Fingers crossed it won't push it over the damage threshold having another panel involved as I really don't want it written off, even at £3500 agreed value!


Got to have an x-ray of my elbow tomorrow to see what's up with the nerve compression, fingers crossed :(

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So sorry to hear about your accident and I hope the x-ray goes OK. It does make you think every one with a Corrado is probably only one moderate prang away from a write-off:(

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I bet SEAT man was texting or some other reason that distracted him from seeing stationary cars in front of him. I have to say, I have no sympathy for these idiots, only the innocent people they harm with their stupidity. I bet he thinks as it's a hire car, the several £1000 bill that's looming won't affect his premiums. Wrong! :lol:


Anyway, I think your C will be fine as will you be :)


With too many people on the roads and such a huge disparity in driving standards, prangs are on the increase.

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He was on his phone within seconds of getting out of the car, so it's possible. Might get the police to pull the records just to wind him up ;)
















Claim is going well - I gave them an (extremely) thorough report / statement and one of the other drivers is now acting as a witness so it's looking unlikely to be disputed. I'm also told the whole office was crowded around cooing over the Corrado pics I sent them :lol: Just touching wood now that they don't write it off - it wouldn't be the end of the world since the agreed value would let me get a decent replacement but I don't really want to be saddled with swapping all the good bits into a donor.


I was planning a full respray anyway but I had a fair few extra things to do first - mainly fitting remote central locking so I can swap to Audi door handles - so I'll probably just get the bumpers / slam panel done on his tab and go over them again later. Would have been better in a few months time but hey, hopefully I'll do alright out of the personal injury claim and it can help fund it :) Got a decent set of ambulance-chasers supplied by Adrian Flux so I'd cross my fingers if I could still feel them...



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Had the assessor round - they're going to offer me a cash settlement for new bumpers, repair to slam panel and replacement headlight + foglight, plus paint. So it won't get written off! :cheers:

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They might change their mind when they see the prices of lights from VW Heritage, it's currently £113.69 for a (yellow) foglight and £230.27 for a headlight :lol:

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Bad times, but by the sounds of it could've been much worse.


Hope it's not too bad to get fixed.

..... ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ this. Hope you're back on the road soon.

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