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I may become unpopular and its the only comment ill make about the referendum.


We could all do with loosing top gear..

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I'll be even more unpopular and correct your spelling, it's "losing".


Why do so many people struggle with choose, chose, loose, lose, brakes and breaks?

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  Kevin Bacon said:
I'll be even more unpopular and correct your spelling, it's "losing".


Why do so many people struggle with choose, chose, loose, lose, brakes and breaks?


It to, too, two that winds me up!

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Top Gear is pretty crap these days, most of it is the 3 amigos travelling around the world amusing themselves or building ridiculous machines that serve no purpose whatsoever, total waste of money I'd say :shrug:

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If the line up turned to Chris Harris, Chris Evans and James May, I believe it would make for excellent viewing. Who knows, you might find it's presented by passionate people who care about their subject and can pass that across in a relaxed manner which would often be humorous. Currently 1 knob, his angry side kick and a bloke trying to even it out a bit.

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Must confess - I can't be bothered with TG anymore (just deleted Burma Special without ever watching it) - I do like the 5th Gear stuff I have been catching up on.

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Top gear should have Guy Martin in it. This guy seem to be excited about pretty much anything and I find him enjoyable to watch.

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I agree with the comment re: Chris Haris - I could watch him all day long. It's really annoying that the YouTube Drive channel has gone all pay-per-view...

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  MarkFoster said:
I agree with the comment re: Chris Haris - I could watch him all day long. It's really annoying that the YouTube Drive channel has gone all pay-per-view...


Ohhh booooooooooooo really ?? I liked that aswell

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Top Gear hasn't got much to do with cars. Just view it as light entertainment. As for smashing up old cars - taking another Morris Marina off the road is nothing but a good thing! Piece of BL crap!

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I gave up on Top Gear some time ago now - its finest days are, for me, well behind it. Have increasingly found myself turning to YouTube for getting my fix in interesting or technical car related programming!

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  MarkFoster said:
I agree with the comment re: Chris Haris - I could watch him all day long. It's really annoying that the YouTube Drive channel has gone all pay-per-view...


Can't stand the bloke.


Maybe it's just his facial expressions or lack of charisma, but something about him just makes me think "Arrogant pr1ck". People bash the 3 stooges constantly but at least they know how to engage with their audience and 2 of them are genuinely funny (imo). Harris just destroys tyres. Something Clarkson is oft criticised for ironically.

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I like it when Chris Harris does a serious or enthusiast type piece on a car. His little video on the Audi Quattro and Ford RS200 as a sort of 'meet the heroes' type exercise I really enjoyed, but like the 'road tests' in Top Gear where they're just sideways on every corner, it does nothing for me. I want to learn a bit about the cars, the history, the engineering & technical information, etc - not just see how many times they can go sideways.


He's back in the Ferrari good books again anyway - he owned an FF up until very recently, and also owns a 512TR.

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