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Everything posted by JBOB

  1. My brother got me these through his work (Audi) but ive seen Mk2 ones on ebay before. EBAY LINK
  2. Correct. I have mk2 handles in mine :D
  3. JBOB

    Wonky Spoiler

    I just found out that the spoiler can be adjusted with the back bolts :roll: Looks like someone in the past had taken it off and not put it back on in the correct position. Dont I feel like a plum now :lol: :roll: :oops:
  4. JBOB

    Wonky Spoiler

    Ill give it a lube and see if that helps, but it does seem to be going up and down the same distances on both sides it just the NS seems to be higher like someone has pulled it up (if that makes any sense :lol: ) Ive looked behind the boot cover on mine before and like Walesy says it looks a bit confusing :roll:
  5. JBOB

    Wonky Spoiler

    Hi, My aunt has just bought a Corrado after seeing mine 8) but has a problem that im hoping you guys can help with. The rear spoiler is wonky :lol: It goes up/down on both the switch and while driving but it doesn’t fully retract on the nearside, It stops about 1/2 an inch short. You cant really tell when the spoilers up unless you really look closely but id say the same size gap is also present. The offside is perfect. Anyone ever come across this before, and do I need to take the mech apart :roll: and is that easy to do ????
  6. Bit late now but..... M85* VSL Dark Blue in Trafford centre upper carpark on Friday at about 1 pm Red J plate valver (I think) going into the staff carpark under Huddersfield Council offices/Jobcentre. If your on here then that was me looking over the top of the wall :lol:
  7. Thats how I did mine (dash in). Took me all day with loads of swearing though :lol:
  8. There not mine. The bodyshop supplied them :wink: Ive got some steels here for winter and my newly refurbed alloys for the summer 8)
  9. I went away over Xmas/New year (Paris 8) ) So I was expecting to go to the BS today and see it all back together and waiting for me seeing as that’s what was promised. Guess what :lol: :lol: Its nearly ready :roll: Im told my the sprayer that its going to be done today and tomorrow and should be ready for collection on Monday. these pics were taken last night by the sprayer and the paint hasn’t been flattened or had any lacquer yet and still looks the dogs................ :lol: Roll on Monday
  10. Its been said before but ill say it again..........Your mental :lol: But in a good way 8)
  11. I called VW for one a while ago and they wanted over £50 :shock: I put a wanted on here and got one for £5 8)
  12. :lol: Im sure I could have knocked more money off because of that :lol: All sorted now though, It went straight in the bin and a rubber bung in its place :D This was it 2 weeks later 8)
  13. double-6s Your plates look fantastic compared to the ones that were on my car when I bought it :roll: A big VW symbol on the left and the slogan across the bottom said "Lower than a snakes scrotum" :lol: :lol: :roll: Add to this a Fiat Punto rear wiper and clear rear light (Not nice IMO) and you have a pretty bad ass :lol: :lol:
  14. :lol: :lol: I think not :lol: The work they have done so far is spot on so I cant fault them for that its just the way the place is managed. Jumping from job to job without finishing isn’t really the way a business should be run IMO. From what the "workers" have said behind management back is that they are getting a bit pissed off with the complaints from customers cos the owner/manager just want as much work (money) in as possible.
  15. I went back to the bodyshop seeing as they had promised me that the car would be ready this week (fingers crossed) But they haven’t touched it :x and say that the spray booth has been broken and the guy was on his way to fix it today :roll: :roll: Would have been nice to get a call from them :( So now its going to be the first week of January that I pick the car up. I really wanted the car back before xmas as the work is an xmas present from my g/f and were off to Paris on boxing day and wanted to relax not worry about my car :roll: :lol:
  16. Id be very drunk right now but I dont drink :lol: Think ill go for a cig :D
  17. 7 x 17 Compomotive rl's Ive not seen another C with them on. TBH ive never any other car with them 8)
  18. Funny you should say that :roll: I started this thread and went straight out the door with one of the wheels so I could see them against the new paint. I got there and the car hasn’t been touched since last Friday (When my G/F kicked off :lol: ) The owner wasn’t around and the manager just came over and grinned at me. God knows how I didn’t lamp him one :lol: This weeks reason for the lack of work is "the booths broken and the guys coming out to fix it tonight" The bodyshop closes on Friday for Xmas so it looking like its going to be next year when I get it back. I haven’t said anything yet but im not paying the full price when I go to collect it when ever that it. Ive got 4 new tyres to go on and then ill fit them when the cars back so i can take some pics to post on here.
  19. Today I got my wheels back from Dav (LowVento) all I can say is WOW they look fantastic 8) I just need to get my car back now so i can see what they look like with the new paint job 8) If anyone is thinking about getting some rims done then I highly recomend Dav 8) The spots on the paint are rain :roll: . Should look even better when the suns out :wink:
  20. Very nice C 8) IMO the lights are perfect but id say that as Ive got the same ones :lol: My car should also be black and home by the end of the week 8)
  21. Very nice 8) I remember the car from Elsecar this year :D
  22. Also my favorite at the minute :D And then mine :lol:
  23. My brother bought his Valver @ 15 and spent two years getting just the way he wanted it, Not bad for his first car 8) Ive no idea what it costs him for insurance but he’s 21 now so should have come down a fair chunk. Im 25 with 2 years no claims and I pay £300ish full comp with all mods declared (Performance direct)
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