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Everything posted by bristolbaron

  1. Yes. J plate was the crossover, early J's had early exterior [although mine had a crossover slampanel with both sets of grill cutouts! Late J's & K's had facelift exterior. All G60's had early interior regardless of age.
  2. Very long shot i'd imagine.. 93 was the very last of the G60's, you don't see many K plates around..
  3. Ha! it's good stuff, I promise. It's matt finish & has a slight texture to the paint giving a factory finish if it's done well.. Normal paint goes on too smooth if you've sanded to prep the surface. http://www.tradetoolshop.com/hammerite-bbq-paint-aerosol-black-matt-400ml.html
  4. Its always been this way with Bristol.. It's very much an aircooled - with watercooled welcome - show. It's pretty shortsighted - Although some of us might not have a car worth of show and shine, You want to see others that are. I'd do: Mk1 Mk2 Mk3&4 Mk5,6,7 Polo/Lupo/Fox/Up Coupes Booted That way there's a decent chance for everyone, with only 3 extra trophies - £30 and another ten minutes of presentations? More chance of more 'show' cars coming and more of a future for the show as time goes on..
  5. well you're not gonna get the paint off, best bet would be to sand back the top coat and use a matt black paint over the top - something like hammerite bbq paint should do the job..
  6. Woah! I'm sure its not a decision which has been made lightly and can only hope it carries on in as good hands as it has done so far. GLWS [or with 'advert locked, keeping' post soon! :lol:]
  7. bristolbaron

    BBS LMs

    insanely cheap!
  8. :lol: I don't have access to amend the first post, so it really needs an admin to do it.. :shrug:
  9. Showers on and off this morning so far.. Jake, I think you'll find it difficult, post offices are in the crossover period where soon they wont need to see insurance docs at all, as long as the cars on the MID. If it's not, a printed version will be needed.
  10. Its such a big thread no with so much 'chat' its difficult to get the gems of info that are in there. It could do with all the key info collating and adding to the first post!
  11. Yes please!! Just need to work out collection etc, will PM you now..
  12. I've not been for a few years, but have been 3? 4? times before! This year dates were Wed 28th - Sat 31st. I have friends who went 18th - 23rd who saw the best of everything, Others who went 22nd - 30th and felt they'd left it too late. The longest i've ever stayed is leaving on the Weds that the show starts and car quality already goes downhill. Anyone with anything decent has left by the sunday before the show. 2nd may- 10th may will be about perfect date wise. One thing to bear in mind and look out for is the dates changing! I don't know the reason for this, but I would only count those dates as provisional.. A couple of times in the past few years the dates have changed by a couple of weeks - Not good if your holiday is as difficult to book at work as my place is! In terms of where to stay, I would highly recommend Velden if you can find a decent place - they will book up quickly! It has by far the best nightlife and you'll end up with expensive taxi's or a designated driver if you go out for a few beers. Drinking seems to creep up on you.. you meet some mates, have a couple of beers.. meet some new freinds for life, have a couple more beers.. meet some new euro friends, have some shots.. It's nice to know you can enjoy your evening without thinking about where the cars are & who's driving back. What to do - my best advise is the more sociable you are, the better time you'll have. The more people you can speak to about whats happening when, the more you'll get out of the trip. There are countless places where meets happen and you could easily miss out on an amazing meet, you need to get chatting with others and find out where they're going that day/the next day. And write it down if you're on the beers!! Anything else I can think of I'll add to here, if anyone thinks of anything else just ask!
  13. A what? Brake fluid change? :scratch:
  14. Organised by the same people, but a second show. North Weald will still be happening in Sept. http://www.players-show.com/
  15. Tempted. I love Goodwood and I love the other Players show so it should be a good combo! Pics from last year looked really good.. Other issue for me is Bristol Volksfest is the same weekend and around the corner, so a lot more tempting!
  16. No probs, if it's there, it's free. I'll pop to the garage tomorrow and check if I defo have a late one or if it's two earlies! Are you talking about Bristol Volksfest? I'm not sure if I'll be there, will poss pop in on the Sunday.. worst case scenario my friend lives a couple of doors up from the site so I can drop the bumper there for you and you can talk all things T25 with him :lol: I should still have your number so will text you or PM if I don't..
  17. If yours turns up at the ends it's an early bumper, which would be in keeping with the age of car. the foglight should be a single unit with no 'extra' plastic and the indi pops in after.. early fog - late fog - on an early car, the fogs/indi's sit further back than on late [doesn't look as good, but less likely to stone chip!] What does your rear look like - turned up swage or faded out? I have a spare front & rear early bumper and possibly a late front, you're welcome to any of them and they're a little closer than James's! :lol: I may also have early & late fogs/indi's, I can check for you if you need them..
  18. popped past after work, nice to catch up with a few of you and see Fay take hers round the track! Lines looked good through quarry too!
  19. I might have some from mexico 86, but sadly im an adult now.
  20. et40, in theory with a 20mm adaptor leaving et20 you'd be fine on 4 studs..
  21. anyone remember how much a pair of these were? I might have some in the garage that I could let go, Can't promise I do, how many could be there or how soon i'd find them though! :lol:
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