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Everything posted by Walesy

  1. You're a crazy bitch. It's lucky in a way that you're taking the zoo with you, you may have to rely on them for food.
  2. My camp stove statement wasn't a joke Chaz, you'l fickin freeze mate, son't just risk it with a jumper :wink:
  3. Walesy

    G60 ABS

    no they didn't
  4. No need to apologise mate, you didn't sound obnoxious,perhaps I did , like I said , it's a pet hate. LOL The standard lights are pretty pap, the headlight upgrade is pretty simple and cheap, might be worth getting one, I think the guy doing them now is called Majik and the threads in the for sale sec. EDIT -- thread here mate. http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic. ... 64&start=0
  5. well, maybe it's personal opinion, but, it's one of my pet hates seeing people driving with their fogs on when it's not foggy, I find them too bright and dazzling and therfore dangerous. I'm not sure , but I think it maybe ilegal too?.
  6. > I'd say that it's not just 4 out of 500 that you've blinded, it's 4 out of 500 that have : A. Realised that you have lights on that you shouldn't have as opposed to just thinking " god, his lights are bright " B. Had time to flash you C. Are the type of person that will flash, not everyone will dude, they'l just think " he's got his fog lights on and it's not foggy " I think there's a full write up in the Knowledge Base fella.
  7. You should only use your fog lights...in the fog They crack if over used . And, like the drivers flashing at you are trying to tell you...you'l blind on-comeing vehicles.. 8) Get an uprated headlight loom mate.
  8. Camp stove and a big coat. Knowing them both I would say that you most certainly are.
  9. I'm pretty certain that there's a write up on this in the new Knowledge Base Mr selbekk. Although with your car 'swinging to the left ' as it were , i'm not sure that it would be the same set up.
  10. http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic. ... 046#373046 Full info on all models is in that thread mate. Welcome to the forum.
  11. Good idea , but i'm pretty sure it says in the highway code not to leave your wheels sticking out into the road when parking? I have never left my car's in gear before but got used to it after having my raddo. Now I do it all the time and it catches my wife out when she starts the car if i've been driving it previously. I'm trying to get her into the habit of leaving it in gear aswell.
  12. Front , and front and back fog lights...
  13. Walesy

    pas fluid

    Most VW PAS pumps of that era seem to be pretty noisy TBH..it's only excessive noise you need to worry about. Might be worth changing the fluid if it hasn't been done to your knowledge, it can't hurt.
  14. Walesy

    pas fluid

    Nah, I reckon you'd know about it if your pump was foofed , they make a sorta squeeling noise, louder on full lock. SOunds like you have a leak somewhere anyway?
  15. OMG :shock: I reckon it must be because you went in with a target strapped to your arse.
  16. dmband0041, I've dropped you an email Sir. :D
  17. Walesy

    pas fluid

    Yeah it does. Was your steering noisy or did it feel bad before you topped it up.
  18. No thanks buddy. I think I have nearly all the interior bits that are required, i'm not exactly sure of the list of things needed. I'll see exactly what I have and put an ad up when Vortex confirm my regestration. Thanks
  19. Walesy

    pas fluid

    If you haven't got the correct fluid then you should drain it stright away, it can knacker the pump. Is the fluid dark green mate?
  20. Hmmm..So, where would you say the best place for one to go about selling a set of manual seat belts to the American market is then sir?...
  21. Doesn't it controll the full-closure aswell?
  22. IIRC it's clipped in usually , in a very awkward place ( down the hole behind it ) and you need a child size hand to get at it > ..looks like its been pulled out by a previous owner. EDIT >
  23. ..oh yeah, my mistake.....hadn't noticed it was a mk3 :oops: Maybe it's the same colour as Dinkus's shed then?..is that Metalic Green?
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