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Everything posted by Walesy

  1. I think I have a full one, though it's from a 16v...is there different tools in the vr6 one?..(( plug remover or something? ))
  2. Yeah, obviously the same things apply to buying a vr6 as they do to other cars, (( i'm assuming you know the VR6 has no cam belt )) with regards to the same sorta checks you would do when buying Having never owned a vr6 I can't really comment, but the reason i've not owned one (( having had 4 raddos )) is due to the fact that I haven't got the money to look after one properly. Bills like £700 aren't uncommon for Vr6 owners.
  3. http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5124
  4. LOL..not very helpfull thus far.... There's a buyers guide availale on here mate, have a looksee at it...it's hard to say how much it will cost to service..what model? how anul do you want to be about it? what state is the car in when you buy it?,,loads of things count. What I will say is that its not usuall for a raddo owner to call it a cheap car to run, if you look after it it will look after you.
  5. Not sure if that's a sarcastic " ever so slightly " ...but it's an understatement if it is!> :wink:
  6. How long is a piece of string? :wink:
  7. LOL What about a mocal oil cooler?..or a FMIC?....they're both mods I would have liked to have done on my g60
  8. Yeah, me too!...the stat sticking open does sound like it could be the cuplrit aswell :wink:
  9. Although i'm no expert on the vr6, that sounds like a blue temp sender foofed, I had exactly the same problem with my ole 8v .
  10. i just got 650 odd out of the goof :D
  11. :lol: Get him to do the cam belt, but don't pay in kind if he's not a looker :wink: Why do you need to do the gear and brake fluid?...
  12. ... or did you buy the car thinking it was a g60, then discover 6 months later that it's a vr6?...
  13. Get your wallet out. It depends on whether you trust the person that's gonna do it over there really, 150 Euros sounds ok if you're gonna get your car back in one piece. Who is it thats gonna do it?..the German fella?
  14. I've never felt more power from higher octane fuel, just a less lumpy idol. (( 10 hours average a day as a Joe Baxi driver , not quite 18 :wink: ))
  15. I think the boost return Mod gives a sorta wooshy type sound when you let off the throttle..
  16. Walesy

    Engine rebuild.

    shounds intereshting.... :wink:
  17. yep agreed, 5th gear is trying to be like Top Gear, but in doing that it seems to me to be more like the Top Gear of old, not so bloody staged.
  18. Obviously it's horses for courses, and it's not usuall for me to agree with the generall opinion of this forum anyhow :lol: ..... I certainly can't agree that Top Gear isn't up it's own arse, that my biggest problem with it. The way it's filmed realy gets my back up and I find myself looking at the clock at 20 past 8 and thinking " Oh god have I got to put up with anoth 40 mins of these 3 pompus arse holes eating dinner by candlelight and spouting over scripted one liners. " I find the features they do are generally a load of bollox with races across europe etc with one winning by split seconds and that sort of malarky, then the studio chat just riles me up having to watch a room full of BMW drivers giggle at every word JC says. Like I said though, it's horses for courses, I wouldn't say that 5th gear is an amazing program, but I find it more watchable than Top Gear :wink:
  19. you liked that then :D :D no, he was just hungry :wink:
  20. you whatjimmywhatsit? :? They put all types of fuels in every car (( ie a 95/97/98 ron fuel )) and tested the BHP...testing every single fuel available would be a bit of a bugga...it was just showing whether higher octane fuel increases performance like it says it does on the tin.
  21. Walesy

    Handbrake is bent

    there's a little doodar you have to push up...then pull towards the windscreen, be carefull not to put your elbow through the windscreen when it comes off though!
  22. I'm not sure if Fifth Gear is repeated, but it was a really interesting experiment, and like I said, it was suprising to see a difference of 15bhp...I used super unleaded in every raddo I had, and as you say, I always found motorway services fuel felt sweeter (( if not a little more expensive :roll: ))
  23. Walesy

    Handbrake is bent

    It might just be bent...
  24. Walesy

    Handbrake is bent

    searchy wearchy.... :D http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic. ... ake+broken
  25. ...and a few grand I expect.. :wink: :D
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