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Everything posted by Walesy

  1. Walesy


    Thats exactly how i would describe the noise...a slight " tick "....when you say leak slightly..i take it you mean air?... :oops: ....is there a way of tightening it. Like i said...every g60 engine i've seen has on ethat vibrates..its the new noise that im worried about.
  2. Walesy


    ah..cheers boss....ill have a fiddle around and see if i can tighten it. Can anyone else tell me if there is any problems causing this?..i want to be 100% sure there's nothing wrong with it before it's sold. cheers
  3. Walesy


    Can anybody identify the little git i've circled in the pic?. Every G60 i've seen has one, it vibrates like mad, only i've noticed it's started to make a slight noise, like a tiny rattle.... In anticipation of a perspective buyer raising this as an issue i'd like to get clued up so I can appear to know what i'm on about. So, What is it?..and why is it starting to make a noise? is it a problem?...also..is there a way of stopping the noise?. :? cheers.
  4. Walesy

    My Storm!!

    Im from just outside Cardiff to mate, I dont't think iv've spied the car around, you must be on the other side to me!>lol. There's no specific raddo meets that i know of but there's a group of VW owners that get together on the last Sunday of every month at a pub on Thornhill Rd Cardiff. You may want to go to that?.
  5. Walesy

    My Storm!!

    looks sweet as a peach mate. whereabouts are you from?
  6. yeah..my old merc had a pressure gauge, its suprising more cars don't have one....but then again, most car owners couldn't give two hoots about their oil temp,pressure,level, or anything else as long as it starts when they turn the key!>
  7. its the oil temp you need to watch aswell mate. I dont drive mine over 3k revs untill i see 86deg on the oil temp (( 5 presses on the MFA ))
  8. hmmm...that does indeed sound like very good service., but i have to say, i can't see him doing that for just anyone?..surly you know the guy, or the bolt snapping was as a result of something he had done (( even so it would be still very good service )) ...if not then is he some sort of saint?. :D Im just giving my opinion in the same way as everyone else, but i bought a car that had had everything done at JMR and I found the workmanship to be appauling. Obviously this isn't the case all the time because there does seem to be good feedback for the place, im just stating what my experience of them is.
  9. ""whats that suppose to mean wales?" What the handbags depict is that you seems to be getting very agitated over nothing... :wink: Like I politely and friendliy explained in my pm to you mate, I really am not sure what your problem is, but whatever it is it would be more mature to explain it to me by pm. You have obviously got a bee in you bonnet about something other than my little comment because to explode into such a tirade of abuse over such a silly little thing would be ridiculous. I mearly made a comment with regard to 'another' new user of the forum that seems intent on kicking up fusses about nothing, in a light hearted manner (( noticed the wink??..that was to let james know i wasn't being nasty... :? ))and that seems to be enough to make you upset, for that i must apologise.. :lol: ...unfortunatlely this is a public forum that i amongst alot of others have contributed for so i will post in whatever thread i want, theres not much you can do about it. For you to tell me to grow up and call me a child seems again, quite ironic. again, like i said in my pm to you prior to your lovely last post i hope you manage to find a decent place to get your car painted....and maybe you should lighten up a little. oh..and as for me being a c*nt, i would have to disagree, a c*nt is a useful thing.
  10. " well what did you expect when you come out with stupid comments like that. " :lol:...how ironic eh jim?
  11. ok...did you buy this from Philios Fog then?....whats the mileage?/condition. :mrgreen:
  12. that certtainly is!!.. if you plan on selling let me know!>. :wink:
  13. I wouldn't p1iss on a Ford if it was on fire. I had an Audi a4 Tdi and loved it...my bro has a Bora Tdi (( in the States )) and it's a great engine.
  14. bloody good point Jim, Sorry to hear about your loss GinaG, That's a long time to own a car, since you were 22!....are you going to replace it with another Corrado?
  15. I'd say that it is pretty pointless too..why not just write a cheque out for the full ammount when you collect your car? :?
  16. PMSL...thats not a corrado related post is it james??...wonders will never cea :wink: se.
  17. LOL..i'm not quite sure about that but i do take your point...sometimes I struggle to get things done the minute people need them done...it can be hard juggling paying cheques/posting items with work and other stuff etc.
  18. LOL> .i do'nt really blame him really Baz.. :D
  19. LOL..yeah fair play to the thing..it's good fun when that turbo kicks in...the noise from it was far to much for me...it backfires now and then and it sounds like an atom bomb!...its not the most inconspicuous ((sp)) of cars :D Bizzarly, the guy that bought it turned up from London in a lowered white Scirrocco on Borbet C's!..been into dubs all his life and fancied a 200sx all of a sudden!.
  20. they attract alot of attention...especially with a Phat arse..
  21. ive got a 2nd hand one that was working fine when i took it off...its yours for £15 if you're a skinflint like me!.. :D
  22. he got £3.5k for it..the first person to see it just handed the cash straight over, it was a hell of alot of car for the money.
  23. my mate just sold this... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NISSAN-200SX-S14- ... dZViewItem ... its amazing how little 2nd hand cars in general are selling for...not just corrados.
  24. thats poo scarlett, ..its a sad thing seeing your pride and joy on the back of a tow truck. can't you convince dave to buy you a nice sensible daily driver?.... http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic.php?t=30947
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