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Everything posted by Walesy

  1. argghhh...if its not one thing its another....hope you get it sorted without too much more cursing!
  2. well done sir.........glad to hear it meets your expectations now its utalising all four cylinders! :D
  3. Walesy

    Old is Gold!

    well.....given the choice between a polo or a bucket i'd choose the polo every time! :thumb right: is a g40 mk1 polo conversion out of the question?...or has it been done loads of times....i bet it be pretty quick!
  4. :scratch: ....fairy snuff...... :scratch:
  5. i spose...cos its stretched more?.....
  6. eh?.... 185=width 55=profile? (( percentage of tread?)) 15= rims size? ?
  7. it'll be in the owners manual dude :afro:
  8. as you asked.......they are horrid.....like VR6 said....they belong on a saxo.
  9. Walesy

    Rear lights

    tres cool..... 8)
  10. i havent got any ideas for you mate....but ive got a question if you dont mind?... have you taken your seats out ever?....if so do you know how to remove the plastic strip covering the runners?....mine have some sort of clip holding them there whereas the standard seats just pull off... cheers...and good luck!
  11. i think i might go for another coolant change paying more attension to the mix....new thermo from the stealers....and a new water pump.....gotta get it down again somehow.
  12. Walesy

    Rear lights

    let me know if u do Phil!
  13. the thing is with wheels is that if you're gonna have a set that are a bit different then you're gonna have people that think they are :pukeright: ....alot of people think my wheels are :pukeright: ....but i would much rather have a set that cause a reaction of some sort!....they are a love or hate thing.....better than having a safe bet that everyone goes for (( bbs,borbet etc )) these wheels aren't my cup of tea...but then i dont have to drive around with them on my car. If you like them then stick them on dude. Its nice to have other people's opinions but at the end of the day it only matters if you like them!¬
  14. Walesy

    Failed MOT

    cant say fairer than that
  15. Walesy

    Cant Get It Up

    does the switch come off in the same sorta way as the late heater controls?....i always feel like i breaking them when i take them off!.....i cant see another way of removing the switch except prising them off with a screwdriver?...
  16. Walesy

    Is this original?

    i have...and they will both be on ebay soon!
  17. mate...students can taste the difference...they syphon more fuel out of cars than mechanics around Cardiff!.
  18. Walesy

    Cant Get It Up

    Remove switch ok.... i got as far as that point with no probs.....then i got stuck...... how do i remove the switch...(( i dont wanna snap it! )) :oops: plus....has anyone removed a recaro set before.....the instructions in the knowledge base are for standard seats.....the plastic trim thats supposed to just slide off has some sorta clip on the top of it...ive tried sliding it around etc...but i dont want to put any pressure on it in case of braking it!....anyone know what im on about?
  19. Walesy

    Is this original?

    nice one :thumb right: fella!
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