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Everything posted by Walesy

  1. it doesnt explain why my cars now running 10 degrees hotter than it use to!
  2. not totally excessive..but higher than it used too...also like i said...100 dgrees should be boiling with regards to water?
  3. its running at 100 when im driving or when its idoling...deffo not right!...the oil temp is btween 96 and 102....doesnt seem to be a prob
  4. ok...when i say overheating...its running at around 100 degrees ..it goes up to just under 110 then comes back down....the light isnt flashing...the engine doesnt seem too hot...the water doesnt seem to be at 100 (because surly thats boiling point) ....its almost as if the tempriture gauge is lying??? could it be wrong?
  5. the only one thing on the road that looks better than a corrado..is a corrado with a girl driving it!.....my girlfriends gonna have my 8v when i buy a vr6
  6. AHHHHHHHHHHH....ok..you name it..ive changed it...including the f*&^ing head gasket and the fan is still not cutting in and the car is overheating.....i havent got a clue what to do next ..apart from cry! :cry:
  7. no oil leaks..oil temp is fine....checked water pump and its fine...the heads in the process of being put on as we speak...i cant see it being the cap but i will but a new one just in case, the head is being done by an ex main dealer who has set up on his own...after all the faffing around ..changing thermostat..doing all other checks...and doing the head....he wants £200 including parts.... :-P ..if anyone wants the number of a bloody good mechanic who wont charge the earth in cardiff...let me know!!!
  8. all been checked..aswell as the rubber seal on the cap...cant find any probs..thers air coming from sumwhere? :( the top hose going into the main block is piping hot..we opened the clip a little to bleed any air and there was nothing but air in there! ...head gone.... :(
  9. thanks VERY much for everyones help again though....cant fault you gents!
  10. unfortunatly i have changed the thermostat (withouth the recomended holes!) and it hasn't sorted it :( ....the car is having a new head gasket as we speak( or type).....i'm paranoid now that its gonna be the expansion cap though! :roll:
  11. i (being a taxi driver for 7 years) used to have a lpg converted automatic vauxhall omega. lpg runs alot cleaner and you really cant notice a difference in performance. like bc student said, you do have to do alot of millage to cover the cost of installation....but once you've broken even your loving it! i was paying 23p per litre. on the down side though is that you have to store a BIG gas tank somewhere in the car and it is also just another thing to go wrong!...the thought of suddenly changeing the type of fuel a car runs on when it has already covered over 100,000 miles is tempting fate somwwhat!
  12. Walesy

    Audi Coupe

    mmmmm that does look nice (apart form the stickers IMO) cheers for the pic...i think if you like the corrado...ur gonna like the audi coupe !...still wouldnt swap though!
  13. ahhhhhhh...i wondered where my post had gone...just clicked your link...thanks mate...spose this one should be locked then
  14. sweeeeet...thats what i'm talking about....so they're 10 on the back and 8.5 on the front then???anyone know where i can buy them????
  15. whys that then??? if it needs one why isn't there one on there????
  16. Hi, ive got a set of oz turbo's with 7.5 rims, the rims are damaged so apposed to having them refurbed i would like to replace them... 1. does anyone know where i can buy rims from?? 2. does anyone know if i would have a problem fitting 8.5 rims ( i saw some on ebay recently) on my raddo?? 3. if not whats the biggest i can get away with?? i have no knowledge of wheels or tyres!!!!
  17. Walesy

    Audi Coupe

    TBH mate i was just enquiring out of interest,, i'm too unhealthily obsessed with my raddo to even think about buying a different car! thanks for the offer though...it sounds like a goodun!
  18. hi...i had a lady drive straight into the side of my car in spain and my wheel (oz turbo) took the brunt of the damage...i know nothing :oops: about wheel sizes ect.. but i think mine are 7.5's , i saw some on ebay recently which had 8.5 rims on them and they looked nice! 8) .. does anyone know if its possible to buy a new set of 8.5 rims for my 15" turbos and will i have problems with them on my raddo (dropped 40mm) as i would rather buy new rims than have my damaged ones refurbed....cheers! :lol:
  19. Walesy

    Audi Coupe

    Great...would love to here more of what you think once youve been for a visit!
  20. great...i was gonna change the thermo when it was running cold but the temp sender switch sorted that so i didnt end up doing the thermo...ill change it over the next couple of days and ill post what happens...thanks for the input..its gratefully recieved!
  21. brilll...thanks gents..ill try that first
  22. me too..i can see what ur saying..but having been messed around on numorous occations i know what a nightmare selling a car can be...if hes got the wedge then its a done deal?? would you rather sell it for less than its worth to a nice guy who loves and knows corrados?? (i think i may be able to scrape £500 together!)
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