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Everything posted by Skills

  1. Cheers, does it mean a whole new barrel and set of keys?
  2. Right, I got it all wired up correctly yesterday only to realise why the previous owner must have done it in the first place! It seems the ignition must have a slight loose connection. The key has to be in a very precise position for the head unit to work. I've had no problems in terms of the car starting but when the key is in the 'on' position there is a little movement and it as to be exactly in the right position for the stereo to come on. Anyone else ever had this problem? Is there a quick fix or will it mean a new barrel? Tom
  3. About to try and tackle this now. What colour is the switched live wire on a '95 VR6? Just need to know what I'm looking for in the dash!
  4. Me too, but there was definitely a starwars section! Although I thought the best cars were all in the car park!
  5. I did this today, all done in about 20mins. 13mm grommit from halfords was far too small, bought a set of 'aeriel grommits' instead. The 19mm one just about fits although is a bit of a squeeze. It'll do for now but will be looking for something with a better fit as a permanent fix.
  6. Here's mine on the OEM wheels
  7. Same here, about once a month. Although I'm about to wash it for the first time this year today! Going to The petrol station for the 1st time since 2010 too!
  8. I actually bought a multimeter of ebay during the week so will have a go with that next weekend. It just seems strange to me that it would be different for each head unit, unless of course the original sony is still draining the battery but uses so little power that even after sitting for a couple of weeks it still doesn't kill the battery.
  9. I've had a problem with my battery draining if the car is left for more than a few days since I fitted a new head unit(Alpine ida-x300). The unit works fine and I only really have a problem if I go away on holiday as the car is used as a daily. If I replace it with the orignal sony unit the problem disappears. I've just been out to try and get to the bottom of it and found this. It looks like a previous owner has spliced the permanent live with the switched power behind the iso. It doesn't seem to affect the operation but could it cause the battery drain problem on one head unit and not the other?
  10. Never had the need for the secret cup holder.....one of the previous owners fitted this in mine which doesn't look too bad.
  11. Would appear so, mine's a '95 VR6 but was originally on a private 'L'plate!
  12. Any extras are purely cosmetic. If you'd be fine with a VR6 then you'll be fine with a Storm! Good luck.
  13. Was really considering getting some winter tyres this year and regretted not getting round to it at work today when the snow came down. Must say though that my Conti Sports Contact 2's were great getting home. Couple of big hills on the way and many other cars were really struggling and slipping up and down but I don't think I lost traction once. Lot's of fun watching all the RWD BMW's sliding all over the place then cruising past without any bother! :D
  14. Mine's installing now. Does anyone know if the TopGear test track is available from the off or will I have to unlock it?
  15. It's appeared on sainsbury's stock system at £20! This may be changed before release but if that's the price it's a steal!
  16. Aaaaarrrggghhhhh!! Just realized the car list I was going on was a wish-list not the actual official one!! D'oh!
  17. I work for Sainsburys and they've said there will be a special price on this but haven't told us what. 15% discount too so I'll wait to see what's on offer! Can't wait though. I know it's sad but I really hope the Corrado has the active spoiler, it's the one thing missing from Forza!
  18. Sony are now also doing something similar. Thinking of going for this one myself, if only the illumination was green! http://www.caraudiodirect.co.uk/sony-dsxs300btx.html
  19. If you ask me the real bidding stopped at about £750. :D
  20. Cheers Abdul, hope you get the issue with yours sorted soon. Thought I'd put a couple of interior shots up as there aren't any so far. Alpine ida-x300 which matches the green lighting pretty well for that OEM look. This was in here when I took ownership but looks pretty OEM and it's always good to have a cup holder for long journeys.
  21. I'm really happy with the ride height at the moment, any lower and I'd probably start to have problems. Agree about the spacers though but there seems to be quite a spread in prices for them. Surely there can't be that much difference in quality can there, after all they're just a block of metal right?
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