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Everything posted by Toad

  1. To get the steering wheel right just undo the nut in the middle of the wheel so you can pull the wheel off, then drive it along a straight flat bit of road or car park, the steering will centralise itself to a point... move the wheel round, re test, do nut up, job done..... You only need the tracking to be a degree out and you'll eat tyres at serious pace!
  2. Well, both bulbs could have gone a long time back, but with the dim dipped beam you'd not have noticed, unless you left the lights on with the key out. I'd take the connector off the back of the headlamps and test between the sidelight and the earth for 12v with the light switch in the first position, ignition off.
  3. Nah, just ignore the the dim dip resistor entirely, it provides a nice little function, which isn't entirely neccessary. A bit like makeup on a girl, makes them look pretty, but it doesn't help with the washing up.... There is a seperate feed to the sidelight bulbs from the first position of the switch, this looks to be ok as your rear lights work... Have you tried your multimeter on the loom yet?
  4. Don't worry about the dim dip coil (Resistor). All it does is connect to the dipped beam loom between the switch and the new relays, the idea is in OE looms a smaller voltage runs to the dipped beam bulbs and they glow dimly. When you uprate the loom, the current that they pass is high enough to switch your new relay(s) so the dipped beam gets the full voltage from the battery. If you were to connect the resistor to the loom after the new relays, the dipped beam bulbs would glow dimly... Anyway, it's not connected to the sidelight bulbs or thier part of the loom.
  5. Hmmm.... That's a bit wierd then... I'd have a quick check of the bulbs, or at least try the voltage at the plug to the sidelight to make sure the wires haven't been broken somewhere...
  6. How does the uprated loom fit to the headlights? Did you just cut the dip beam and main beam wires into the OE plugs and solder the new loom onto those wires? Sounds stupid, but have the sidelight bulbs gone, what about the sidelight fuse? For reference and you probably know this already,, each headlamp has 4 wires running into it Brown, earth Grey/red, sidelight, opposite corner to earth Yellow, Dip beam White main beam.
  7. What about the sidelight wires? To each 4 pin plug there is a thin grey/red wire which connects just to the sidelight bulb.... I've got little wires running from my original loom plugs to the headlights for the sidelight...
  8. He clearly contraicted himself early on by saying it was icy and earlier it had been raining.... The rain would have melted the ice....... if ice 2 see you, et al is on here too please point this out.... cheers
  9. thinking about it I could be wrong... you might have a self bleeding pump on the mk 3... can anyone confirm?
  10. There could be a hole anywhere in the system, most probably from one of the pipe fittings. have you changed the filter yet? whilst you're under the car inspect the lines for damage, then I reckon you need to bleed your fuel pump to try to get the air out. Essentially, you must not get air in your fuel system on a deisel as it stops the injectors from injecting. (the fuel pump pumps a certain quantity of fuel up the injector line, the pressure in the injector causes it to open and squirt fuel in, if there is air in the line, then it gets compressed, and the pressure in the injector never increases high enough.) Be very very very very careful with injectors the pressures are high enough in the lines and from the injector to inject fuel through your skin, leading to blood poisoning and all sorts of nastyness, including dying. Try to find out about a bleed screw on the fuel pump, and there should be a manual lift pump under the bonnet. When you find these, undo the bleed screw half a turn and pump the lift pump, it should pump fuel out the screw, and probably quite a few bubbles, keep pumping till the bubbles stop, re tighten screw, and loosen the fittings to one of the injectors, get your assistant to turn the car over until there are no bubbles at the injector. re tighten and it *should* start. Next time, air will have gotten into the system and you'll have to re do this sequence. You will have to find the source of the air ingress fairly soon. Hope that helps.. if you still struggle pm me.
  11. I've got one of the super brilliance bulbs in to compare with the other one, and although it looks brighter if you drive up to, say a set of garage doors. I don't think I can see any more when i'm driving. The only thing i can put this down to is taht the alignment isn't quite right, i think my drivers side light now points too far to the left, so the focused center of the two beams coincide at probably 20 yards or so. does anyone know how they are supposed to be lined up?
  12. That's good going! Was it one of the new ones? The XK8 must look pretty huge compared to the corrado. On the other hand I had an XR2i (I think, although it could have been RS 1800 or turbo) keep with me in my 16v up to about 80 at the weekend :( I just put my foot down in 3rd after a sharp corner, and he didn't fall any further back.... I thought that when I hit 4000rpm I'd start to pull away...
  13. vwdeviant, beat you to it! haha. like your thinking though.
  14. I'm not surprised you can't tell her if that's what you're ordering!!!!!! What have you been upto Daveyboy? btw, can i have some?
  15. Could be the rubber O-ring in the expansion tank cap. Is the cap one of the old black original ones? They do fail, and many people have fitted new units (light blue) Could there be an air lock in the cooling system? Apart from using water now, have you changed the coolant recently?
  16. oooops! I've seen them before on 205s and stuff. That's really unfortunate mate! :( I wonder if it'll affect the stregnth of the roof f it's bigger than it is supposed to be? On a related note, my mate has a series 3 landrover, which had a knackered roof with a couple of holes right in the middle, so his dad stuck one of thos diy sunrooves in, it was only when he had finished that he noticed it was backward.... When you pop it up you get a rather strong breeze in the cab!
  17. I've just fitted one halfords super brilliance bulb, to see what the difference is. I guess i'll find out tonight... So far i had a quick look and dipped beam in the middle of the day looks brighter. Don't know about full beam though, but it's mostly dipped beam i want to improve... morpheus20170, I made my own loom, I bought a second hand one for inspiration, and went to maplin.co.uk. I'm planning on writing a proper thread on it, as after the RR day a few of us got talking and the consensus of opinion was that most of the bought ones weren't really up to scratch. I think with a little bit of work and spending a few quid you can build a far superior item. At the end of the day you'll spend £50ish on one already built, but for £50 you can buy better components...
  18. you don't need to take the injectors out..... Just undo the pipe to it and remove the bottom half of the inlet manifold, when the head is off.
  19. Didn't the weasel in swansea take it in the end? There's a really good 16v turbo thread on here at the moment, might be some interesting reading for you.... Got to go, got a million things to do tonight, start my new job tomorrow... Catch you soon.
  20. Mr Miller! This guy is using a valver box in his g60, and he is having traction issues as the gearing is a bit low.... Also how high is your rev limiter? You using digifant?
  21. How about pulling up and turning the key at once?
  22. Have you tried using the key in the passenger door? I thought this was indicative of the central locking vacuum pipes leaking?
  23. Toad

    Clay bar???

    The washing was between different days, not stages if you know what I mean... So if you were doing it every weekend, wash it before you start say, waxing it, but put as many layers on as you want on that day, and washing it the next weekend.
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