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Everything posted by Toad

  1. It looks weird without the mirror on the right hand side. Good find Rog!
  2. Good skills fellas.... Although I thought that filing was banned at the ring, and surely someone would've noticed the gimp waving the camera around like a tub of KY on clapham common. Agree with the ragging it to get it unstuck comments... What a tosspot, you'd get out and look what the problem was first, wouldn't you?
  3. LOL! The maestro picked the nickname up at somepoint when I was at uni... Everything had an of something name, it was a habit of mine, hence Maestro of love, Castle of Doom... etc.
  4. Lol, I've just noticed the corrado's predecessors in the background, the 'Maestro of love' and my old mk1 Feista, nice huh? :wink:
  5. Afternoon! I thought I would put a few pictures of my 1990 16 valve up.... It's pretty standard except for a twin DTM back box and a black drivers seat.... The grey one was knackered... :-P These are all older photos of the car, probably about a year old at least.... I'll have to take some new ones soon. Eventually I hope to refit a decent grey seat, wack in a 2l engine and get it resprayed as I seem to have picked up a hell of a lot of stonechips to the bonnet and plenty of scratches all round. It does spend quite a lot of time dirty, but I'm hoping to have a bit more spare time to sort this out. I'm quite a big fan of the way the corrado looks and want to keep mine on the sebrings and standard suspension, although the saggy rear springs are starting to make the nose look higher than the rear these days. I'm also lucky enough to have picked up a spare corrado, which lives in a barn annoying my parents and slowly having parts removed from it.
  6. Here's an image from the Bently manual, there's a bolt you haven't undone that you can't see, hopefully This diagram will help.... The bolt runs parallel to the bumper.... I think it's one of the ones marked 25 (18ft lb) in the image... http://the-corrado.net/upload/files/123 ... ngPump.jpg Best click on the link and download it... it's a bit big for the forum....
  7. Out of interest... Is it ok to Scratch X the car twice in succession? should I wash it or use paint cleaner in between sessions? I was hoping to finish claying the car at the weekend and to Scratch X it, If i have time, more than once, was just wondering if that was ok? Will probably scratch X it again and start to polish it the weekend after, probably polishing it several times over a couple of weekends? In which case, is it ok to polish twice in succession? I know waxing ought to be left for a day between coats... Cheers Neil...
  8. Toad

    Wire fishing....

    Or use chopsticks?
  9. Toad

    Wire fishing....

    What's on the end of the wire, connector-wise? Can you see it at all through the hole? I'd try getting some wire and bending a nice tight hook into it and trying to catch it with that, but you've probably already tried that...
  10. Have you adjusted the idle screw? Try cleaning the throttle body and the metering head with carb cleaner to prevent sticking...
  11. Toad

    New to site

    Looks good... I think the dark colours suit them well. Welcome BTW! In case you're interested, and you live close enough there should be another south coast meet in the summer.
  12. :-P I was seriously looking at one of these when I thought that my alarm had failed. They seem to have a good reputation. I have heard that the Autowatch alarms are supposed to be quite good, but I could always be wrong...
  13. I think it's a shame that every time someone says they've got a problem with a rear caliper that they're told to replace it with a new one or swap to mk4s. There are several reasons why they fail sometimes they are rooted, but I suspect that they are quite servicable. With a bit of preventative maintainence and looking after the calipers should last a while. I'm quite happy to refurb a few calipers in the future if people are interested, I've got a couple of spares knocking about to do on an exchange basis.
  14. Sounds like the engine is breathing a bit heavy, try taking the oil filler cap off when it's running and seee if there is much gas being blown out, be careful of the oil being spat out too. It could be that you havve worn piston rings or the head gasket is blowing, you might do well to have a compression test.
  15. Yeah, he's a hairy idiot! :-P And he talks about himself in the third person, man, that's just weird!
  16. I was getting worried then....
  17. I was literally about to make a post about rear brakes.... Weird eh? I'll just add my comments to this post.. save making too many threads. Righty, My drivers side rear brake started to seize last weekend initially I stripped the pads out cleaned the carriers, checked the pins were ok, freed the knackered handbrake cable off a bit and thought I'd sorted it... However a night or two later and it's sticking again I got through the week by leaving the handbrake off and swearing at it... Swearing helps fix problems... Anyway I got talking to a couple of people and decided I counldn't afford the Mk4 caliper upgrade, so I purchased a caliper repair kit from VW and attacked my caliper today.. Now I had a bit of a backup plan if it all went wrong in the form of another caliper on my spare car. Anyhow the kit was £12 and contained seals for both calipers and 1 packet of lube, so you have to do both or weasel some new lube or something else clever. I pulled the caliper off and found it had a fair bit of cack stuck to it, so after a bit of cleaning with brake cleaner and a wire brush it was far better. Next I found that the heat had melted the adhesive backing of the pad onto the piston quite badly so It couldn't rotate. Once I got the old pad off I noticed that the outer boot was pretty rooted, and when I got the piston out it turns out that there was quite a lot of rust around the piston and between the main piston seal and the outer boot in the caliper itself... I cleaned all of this off and smoothed the surfaces back with emery cloth. The outer boot was also very stubborn to remove as it was stuck in with rust. Having cleaned the components very well I checked the handbrake mech and thoroughly greased the spindle (it pulls out about a centimeter once the spring is removed.) Anway I put it all back together and used a syringe to fill the caliper up with brake fluid by injecting it in through the bleed nipple and waiting for the air bubbles to stop appearing out the end of the flexi pipe. I've put the caliper back on and it seems to work fine. The pads were nearly worn out and I think that the rusty ring that had formed was stopping the piston from moving back correctly, this area is now back withing the caliper and is nice and smooth once more so hopefully it won't be a problem again, or if it is it should be in 2 years time when these pads wear out... Next I will be changing the handbrake cable, as that is a bit rusty and the added friction doesn't help the caliper release. I think that it is well worth looking at repairing the calipers before just throwing them away and buying new ones...
  18. Toad

    First pics

    I phoned up about some today £40 + vat each! Won't be going to that scrapyard.....
  19. I always use Tesco 99 octane in my valver, and will continue to. After all I've no lambda sensor to worry about...
  20. Doesn't sound too good. :( How close are the pressurised oilways in the vr head to the return? It wouldn't be impossible for the head gasket to leak oil back into the sump.... Very unlikely I suppose. Try borrowing an oil pump to try... I'm sure that someone has a servicable unit that they have changed (maybe as part of a rebuild) that you could use to rule the new pump out. Also very unlikely, but you never know.
  21. ROFL!! That was from before Christmas... We shaved it off in steps with the clippers, so I had a craig david, then shaved the chin out so I looked like a biker, right down to the Hitler tache.... It was comforting to run your fingers through the beard.... T'was fun..
  22. Could it be something that is moving when the engine gets hot? hence the pressure dropping? like a crack opening up? Did it have a new oil pump? I'd try the cam bearings as this is the next logical place the pressure could be being lost at... Then i'd try a(nother) new oil pump... the relief valve could be knackered....
  23. Or hiding under DFH (dubious facial hair) :lol: That wasn't dubious facial hair... this is..... Kids, Ladies look away now....
  24. To be honest any lady pictures are going to look pretty good when compared to the last 2 pages..... I hate having my picture taken, that's why I'm either hidden or quite a way from the camera....
  25. Was a car sat on them? With the tyres deflated prod the sidewalls to try to find any hard areas. If in doubt, replace with new. the last thing you want is the tyres to delaminate when you're hooning down the motorway...
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