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Everything posted by Toad

  1. He is heavy, he aint my brother........
  2. "Bloody joy riders are getting younger every day", says the old man, "I know!" says his wife "the one in the passenger seat can't even see over the dash!!"
  3. Toad

    wet seats!

    when my inner panel wasn't fitted right it leaked water, I think there's a gutter which directs water into the rubber drain pipes in it if I remeber correctly.
  4. Last time i went in there it was over £1!!!! I might pop up there next time i need a fill, although I just filled up at sainsburys for about 89p/l, I had one of those 5p/litre off vouchers.
  5. Yeah, I'd be up for a meet some time, are either of you going to the Rolling Road Day Saturday? If not and you're interested, PM PhilK and see if you could shuffle in there. There's a few of us round here, ought to organise something else soon.
  6. I just noticed you're from Southampton, there seem to be a few more of us round here with rados! I'm in Winchester but I'm moving to Bishops Waltham soon, give me a shout if you want a hand or anything...
  7. Hello mate, sorry to hear about your problems, but I just thought I'd point out you should never ever put your finger over the end of a high pressure fuel hose/injector etc to check the pressure. They can inject fuel through the skin leading to blood poisoning and general finger lossage. Which is never nice! Hope you get her fixed soon!! Tom
  8. and try resetting your gear shift cables, that might make a massive difference.
  9. Toad

    New Injectors?

    Have a read of this linky
  10. I just put new rear shocks on mine, and where all the bits live will become very clear once you take the old ones off. EDIT, hmm, might have spoken a bit too soon, didn't see anything that looked like the red bit before. I did use spring compressors on mine, might get away without, but you'll have them anyway(for the fronts) so you'd just as well use them
  11. No worries. I was offered an 8v a couple of months back for £500, I'll try to find out if it's still floating about. Think it was black, N reg, might have been a Cat C at some point though.
  12. I agree with the other guys, just wait it out a bit longer, something will turn up. Also I'd be more than happy to have a look at a couple of cars or service them, tbh I could do with an extra couple of quid. You might be a bit too far over though. You're from whiteparish aren't you? Dropped a Disco back there a couple of weeks back with a mate. PM me if you do want a hand....
  13. Have you got a oil pressure gauge? what's the reading on that when it's running? Try putting soapy water on the inlet manifold, and blow bubbles rather than sucking in wd 40. Was the compression tested with the 2 cylinders firing or did you take the main ht lead off and ground it out? might make a difference with the two firing. There's nothing wrong with the exhaust manifold or inlet manifold, such as a blockage of some sort? Have you tried removing the pipe from the charger? and turning it over? I hope you find the answer out soon, it's doing my head in and I've never even seen the car....
  14. Sounds like you got a bit of a winky on the case mate, tell them that you tried another branch and they said they'd do them fine, if they're still arsing around I'll have a look at my invoice and give you the numbers on it.
  15. My local GSF knew what they were straight away and had them in next day, VW want about £3 per injector for the two O rings!!!!
  16. Hello mate, I've just done this exact job, and it does seem to have made a big difference to the starting when it's hot. I had a spare set of injectors so I could fit the end cap and seals to the new ones and do a quick straight swap for the old ones, but if not.... You'll need to order 4 Large and 4 Small O rings from GSF, they might take a day or 2 to come into stock Firstly, pull the old injectors out while the engine is warm, it makes it far easier, you'll need a 12mm and a 14mm spanner to undo each injector, fuel WILL escape at this point so probably best let the car cool down. and not smoke or something. Try to cover up or protect the injector lines, the last thing you want is a bit of crap getting into one of the pipes and ending up in your new injectors. To remove the endcaps, I left the injectors for a while so any fuel drained out of them, and removed the small o-rings from the caps. I gripped the injectors in a vice (by the hexagonal section) and heated the caps with a propane blowtorch till they were pretty warm, I used a pair of pliers to twist the caps off, don't grip them too tight and distort them though. The large O rings are a bit of a bugger to fit to the new injectors so slide them on at this point. I cleaned the caps out and applied a little loctite to the new injectors before sliding the caps on, at this stage I sued a vice to press the caps right home, using bits of thick cardboard to prevent damage, and ididn't use too much force either, I just wanted to make sure the caps were right on, so the spray pattern wasn't affected. It might be worth leaving one of your old injectors alone so that you can see what they're supposed to look like. Fit the small O rings to the end caps and re attach to the injector lines, it'll take a bit of cranking to start, and probably will start on one or two initially. also I had a bit of a missfire on start up all day after, but they've settled in now. Hope that helps.
  17. Just what I was going to say, cheap old Halfords rims :lol: I think they might have been OE Vauxhall alloys, about 17"s with Vauxhall badges on (ok I know that isn't exactly conclusive)
  18. Might need to work on my wording of things a little better..... It was a broken bit of an old kerbstone. I guess someone had been removing rubble from a site, or a skip lorry had rattled through, and various bits of cack had fallen off, there were a few bits of old pallet leading up to the kerbstone, and other smaller bits of rubble. I made sure I only pootled home after that, didn't fancy seeing what rubble would do to a seebring at pace, funny thing is it was only half a mile from where I had my first ever blow out on the Maestro of love (turbo diesel).
  19. My dad was helping our mate to fix his topper, the gearbox on it had been abused by a lump of concrete in the field, anyway, when they were trying to beat the bearing off it, a sharp slither of metal flew off and stapled our mates eyeball to his skull!! resulting in a bit of an operation, seriously reduced vision (about 10-20% of normal) in one eye and the brief risk of total blindness. It doesn't take much to knacker yourself kids!!! And it's usually when you don't expect it that things go nasty too....
  20. Just a quick story..... Was out with a mate last night, having a look for foxes (bushy tailed variety) round his farm when my sister (also my mates girlfriend) rang to say there were a couple of cars outside thier house and a bit of shouting and general excited voices coming from them, we'd pretty much finished anyway, so pootled back over on the quad to see what was going on. Apparently they heard us coming and assumed they were in for a bit of bother to the extent that one went and hid in the car. When we pulled up, we realised that they were all about 12 years old, and probably wanted to be in blazin squad. The nipper in the first car, a body kitted 2.0 turbo astra (bout a W plate) must've had a bit of pace on and his head up his arse because he went straight over a lump of kerbstone that had fallen off another vehicle. it was only about 5" cube, but it had managed to destroy both front and rear alloys on the passenger side of the car, I thought he meant it'd bent the rim, but it'd actually beaten a hole through the centre of the front alloy, through the tyre, you'd fit your fist in the dent into the wheel and probably stick a couple of fingers thhrough the hole!!!! I wouln't have been surprised if it had clouted the brake caliper, it intruded that far! I'd never have believed that it would do that much damage if i'd not seen it myself. Luckily, his other chav mate, Mc Chicken Sandwich, or whatever his name was, also had an astra so they had a pair of spare wheels between them. If it had been earlier, and I could've been bothered to listen to all the "innits" and "you get me's" i'd have had a closer look, but his suspension must've had a hell of a battering too. I can only assume that the lowered suspension and low profile tyres only added to the damage that was caused, perhaps a softer sprung car would've ridden over the stone a bit better? Anyway, fair credit to the lad for hanging onto the car and not shoving it into a hedge after loosing both wheels.
  21. I'm not saying this to sound like a bit of an arse or anything, but the mounting plate is definitely the right way round?, I noticed it has a bit of a step in it where another part is attached (belt tensioner?)if this were reversed, would it pull the pullies away from the block? The pullies are all lined up with it mounted the way you have it currently? Did you work out what the triangular shaped bit is? it's not some sort of spacer is it? aren't some of the Vortexes running with narrower belts to clear the head?
  22. :roll: what even the alternator, power steering, and crank pulleys!?! yep, that was the general idea I had. I wouldn't have thought it would be inconcievable to get some spacers knocked up, and use longer bolts to attach the pullies, but then again, I suppose the kit should just wack straight on....... Nevermind.
  23. VEEDUBBED , cheers for the input! i'm not looking for anything ridiculously quick, just want to get the car going a bit quicker, and more fun through the corners. The 1.8 is ok, but it needs a lot of work to keep the revs up and the car going quickly. It is a daily driver so i need, economy and relability too. What's the point in having a fun car if it's always in bits? I also could do with a conversion that didn't break the bank.
  24. I did think about polishing and porting and fiddling with the 2 litre, but i think it'd be fun to have something a little bit different, If something catastrophic were to happen in the short term, then it'd probably get the 2 litre. I think even 160 hp would make quite a difference to the way she feels. Can I use my 1.8 Kjet setup on a 2l block, could i just get away with the WUR mod and the engine would run well?
  25. Cheers for the offer flusted, i did check the Kstar out earlier, can i try it for free? I'm not so sure the mini charger would be so bad, i'm only looking for a bit more power.... Steve, good work! shame I can't afford that much at the moment, but it certainly gives me a few ideas on the subject. Oh and by the way, flusted, do you really want everyone to see the outfit you weren't even allowed into G.A.Y in? haha :lol: I can't really talk though, i went out dressed as craig david one new years, complete with a rubber pigeon decoy as i couldn't be arsed to find a realistic kes!
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