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Everything posted by Toad

  1. I don't like the E type. Of all the car manufacturers the one who produced the most models that I'd like to have a go with is...............................Ford. Love TVRs, Porsches (but how many times can I say 911??), a lot of Japanese cars, The V8 and V12 Vantage etc. Just can't get excited over a lot of manufacturers. Like Kev, aircooled does absolutely nothing for me, I probably would give a mk1 a go to see what it is like, but mk2s don't *feel* that good to me, the standard seats are too upright and the cable change box is a bit toss. Ferraris :gag: Proper American muscle cars appeal too
  2. It does close completely when you use the slide then? And you have a 3 button switch for the sunroof? If so it does sound like the timing is out.
  3. Did you actually remove the motor from the surround and allow it to run free from the mechanism when you locked the door? The late motors (6 wires I think??) have little switches inside that tell them where the reaches the ends of it's range and the parked position. What you need is the motor in the parked position, and the roof in the parked position then re combine them.
  4. Yours is a late car isn't it? Basically, use the sunroof switch to close the roof. Remove the motor, leaving it plugged in, possibly with an assistant holding it. Lock the doors (the motor will park now) then refit the motor, and you should be fine.
  5. Toad

    How to bleed PAS

    I used a wire brush on a drill to spin the pump to get the fluid pumped round to start with.
  6. Yeah I am, but should be sorted by then. I'm going to take the old craptop out with the car at some point. Should find any issues then. Was hoping to be able to do a fair bit of data logging though.
  7. The new versions will work with it, but I have an ebay cable and use the old version, 409.11
  8. I've still got my XP laptop, but I'd quite like it to work on the new one. :(
  9. I can't even uninstall it. :mad2: :censored:
  10. Has anyone got it to work yet? I can't, it just won't open. I've tried using program compatability wizard to run it as an XP app as it worked fine on the old XP laptop. :mad2: Edit. 64 bit btw.
  11. If it's rattly on start up, and it's only got 12k old tappets in, then I think it needs looking at ASAP, and avoiding driving. The oil level is correct I assume?
  12. I had a mk2 chase me the other day when I was in the VR. I didn't get away from it at all. Quite surprised. Bet with the VR engine in it it's quite a handful. What's the handling like? What suspension do you have on it?
  13. I believe the VR clutch and pressure plate bolt straight onto the 16v flywheel, and the 02A input shafts are the same size.
  14. Will you be bringing it to the RR day so we can snuffle round it?
  15. 450 miles??? Where the hell did you buy it from? Hope you enjoy this a little more than the mk1. Shame you didn't really gel with it, but I guess that's the problem with some of these cars. The idea is better than the reality.
  16. I have 6x9s in both of my cars now. Didn't want to fit a sub, and upgraded 6x4 speakers in the parcel shelf supports just didn't really produce the sound I wanted. For the VR I looked for a parcel shelf that had already been cut (Thanks Jim) and have kept the original parcel shelf. Much better sound and I have nearly all of the bootspace still. I've got uprated speakers in the door pods of both cars, the 16v has 2 way kenwoods, and the VR uses the original tweeters with speakers I don't remember the name of in the door. 16v sounds better, but I think that might be the head unit rather than the speakers.
  17. That's pretty warm for oil, but not sure it's related. I'd not mess around at all and get a pressure gauge rigged up and check it's all ok. Wouldn't take much to knacker the engine?
  18. If you read the posts he had the work covered by his insurance - that's what it's for afterall :wink: Yup. People want it to look attractive with the low bonnet line, and this is the cost. From reading that thread it does seem that the Nissan High Performance Centre have bumped the price up a fair bit, but still, mostly it will be covered by insurance. Honestly, if you drove a £60k car, you'd have a reasonable amount disposable income. Would you be *that* upset if you ran a child over and they walked away with minor injuries and your premiums went up by a small margin, rather than their brain being adjusted by the cylinder head lying under the bonnet? Inanimate metal object vs person's well being at the end of the day.
  19. Hello mate. ~Sorry I didn't answer earlier, was in the middle of a pub quiz. Just off to bed, so I'll call you tomorrow. Nice looking car. Looking forward to a snuffle round it at the RR day. :)
  20. Did you sort your driveway out?
  21. Ross showed me that the other day. Looked quite good. I'd really like that on my ipod touch. Could guff around loads with watching various sensors.
  22. Toad

    263 cams

    Kev, would I be right in saying that a lot of remaps just take away some of the safety factor built in by the manufacturer on the ignition/fuel maps? I was wondering about the schrick and why you benefit from a remap. The fueling should be a product of the mass of air going into the engine, the schrick isn't magicing air up, so, even though the cylinders may get filled more quickly, that air will have passed through the MAF so it should be accounted for. Or does the MAF not handle high rates of change well?
  23. Well if you've got a weight of a ton or so programmed into the iphone, then you move it quickly with your arm, it probably would calculate out to 300bhp. It's all to do with the acceleration.
  24. :epicfail: Holy Schiite, WTF is it made of? Gold! That might be the problem. Far too soft... :lol:
  25. They pass sideways through the bracket, from the pulley end of the engine.
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