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Jim Bowen

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Everything posted by Jim Bowen

  1. Well i'm decided now, just going to do it all myself.....best get a few tools i spose. Now i'm all annoyed, i feel like buying a BMC and some HT Leads and plugs to cheer me up :lol:
  2. Bit miffed here. Bought my corrado from a local guy that worked at a local garage for local people, "we'll have no trouble here", etc etc :lol: our family have always used this garage and i've always thought they been good to me, to be fair they have at times, fitting me in asap or getting me out of a situation so i'm not stranded. The corrado has always been serviced there since 1999 and they always stamped the book, so i carried on taking it there when i bought it. Mainly just to keep the stamps in book as proof of FSH. this could be a long thread so i'll type in shorthand :lol: -got car serviced a few weeks back -its sat in garage since due to coolant probs -took it apart, found air filter was old, no way has it got that dirty in about 300metres of driving at 15mph -been charged for new filter, full service etc i've not brought it up with them yet, but pretty angry i was taken for a mug, don't know how long thats been going on, nor do i know what else they haven't bothered to do when its gone in for service. main question really is, do i bother to keep up the service history at such high mileage?, i could do it myself and i don't see me selling car anytime soon due to spending so much on it.
  3. dremel!!! i've cleaned up so much with mine, its fab for getting in awkward areas
  4. if its "built-up" isn't that normally a sign of a bad earth?
  5. precisely, a great way of summing up. i was thinking about the corrado on my lunch break and drove past the place where i went to view one when i was in the market for one. i didn't buy that one, but i suddenly remembered the feeling i had when looking for one and then felt really chuffed i'd got one sat at home 8) also isn't it great to be showing up motors worth 4x as much as a corrado vr :D once there was 3 aston martins parked outside my office, and my corrado amoungst them, yet the local guys and the aston drivers were all commenting on mine and asking about it, i felt chuffed.........everyones seen an aston before :D
  6. LOL, not if you buy and sell sensibly, i've had countless Corrados and have sold each one for more than I paid for it, due to tidying them up,spending money on making them reliable, and reversing 'mods' that drop their value. If you buy a car in mint condition that's been advertised correctly, or you blow money on moddifying then you will struggle to make your money back. thats true, i meant more of buying a car to "do up" and make how you want etc......i've never been one to change car very often, i just fix them when they are broken and keep them :lol: corrado is only my 3rd car in 8-9yrs of driving. my brother on the other hand, forked out £12-13k on a nearly new astra, never modified it (which is most of the fun of owning a car imo), yet has lost about half his money in a few years, that seems madness to me
  7. Aren't we all? :lol: I've just been alarmed by the price fall over the winter - and while it happens every year then picks up in the Spring, I've never seen prices this low at this time of the year. I was looking last night at newer cars and to be honest - nothing really does it for me - only ones that do are out of my price range. i have the same problem, there's nothing i like anymore :lol: everything seems so bland and boring or expensive and in your face.
  8. just for reference, always useful to know i spose Front bumper bolts N90305901 - BOLT = £1.92each + vat its quite hard to work them out on the EKTA, well they struggled where i went and i was a bit confused
  9. are you a money enthusiast or a corrado one? :lol: people always say to me that i'll never get the money back i've spent on corrado???? Yet they drive things like a 5dr astra 1.4 with black bumpers and seats like a cheap bus. Any car you buy you will lose money on imo. but for a £4k outlay and i've spent about £3500 in 18months on the car, i feel i have a much better car than any other eqiuvlant for the the money. To have the same standard performance you'd have to buy a Civic type R (which aren't as nice as a corrado), focus st, astra vxr etc etc All alot more than £7-8k and all going to half their value in a few years
  10. the headlights look alright there :! not sure on the fogs tho, they seem too small
  11. how did you get to the water pump? was it a VR? i can't see a way of getting to mine without moving engine up
  12. its the prowler kit isn't it :) i used to be a fan of corsas :cuckoo:
  13. i swear that when putting my car together someone at Karmann was chuckling to themselves about the way they aligned the hose clamps :lol: they couldn't of made my bottom rad one any harder, i nearly resorted to cutting the hose with a knife
  14. i've gotten quite good at pointing now :lol:
  15. its alright now, i went over in my lunch break and sorted it. cheers anyway :)
  16. i had similar where my headlight switch broke, then it all melted while trying to fix it. be very careful
  17. the late corrado ones are corrado specific, i think the early corrados use the same switch as a mk2 golf.
  18. i don't spose you have a part no for the front bumper bolts, the 17mm ones? just tried to order over phone and he couldn't work it out. not sure i fancy driving all the way over just to point at something :lol:
  19. no just the corrado, but if i ever crash into the sea, at least i know the coolant won't leak 8)
  20. i looked into lots of jubliee clips and phoned a few places up about them, quite a few are advertised with "360 degree equal tension" looking round some very big spec engines i spot jubliee clips. the ones i ended up with were from a marine store so should be up to the job, but its something i worry about, don't want to ruin my samcos :( the other thing is the clamps are pretty expensive from VW and they look a bit crap, like an army green
  21. if its only swapping them its quite easy, just remember the order, do one at a time. i have 6 wooden clothers peg with numbers on them that i clip onto each lead
  22. i'd of swapped them all and kept the old as spares, but i spose it doesn't really matter.
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