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Jim Bowen

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Everything posted by Jim Bowen

  1. thats awesome, can't beliebe its J-reg, not many cars on the road look that good still
  2. just looked at yours in members gallery, i never knew about that colour car looks very nice :thumbleft:
  3. yes i'd say its that one Classic Green Pearl Effect U8 LC6U U8 is what the guy in VW mentioned when he entered reg
  4. yeah am sure its the same as goldies :D
  5. love the rims, just what i want on mine. do they take much looking after? do they corrode quickly?
  6. i thought classic green was the same? its a 1995 car, just know it as classic green, U8 or something chap said in VW???
  7. the guy that i have lined up to do it is very good. He does alot of work for VW repairing transit damage on new cars and has sprayed a mates motorbike. Not been to see him with car yet tho. the problems i have are: -both front arches have bubbling/rust where the mudflap would be -1 rear arch has a dent in it, like a golf ball -stones chips to bonnet, wings, bumper etc -chip out of rear bumper about 5p sized -car park dings on both doors etc -and two annyoing chips on the other rear arch area originally i was only going to get front arches done and the one rear arch and leave the rest. but with it being classic green, isn't it pearlescent?, does this make it harder to spray just a small area?
  8. fab, thanks for that, very useful am just going to replace both now anyway, see if that helps the car. Its a long shot but never know :lol:
  9. Jim Bowen

    Full respray?

    people think i'm mad, but am now considering having the car fully repainted has anyone here ever had a full respray? just exterior? Whats a rough kinda price for something like this? £2k? Is there any bad bits about having one day? i.e: anything never the same again, hard bits to do? if the windows have to be taken out how easy is it for them to go back, can you still get the window rubbers?
  10. its the one right at the bottom that goes through shock? would the actual bolt bit be smaller or just the head do you think? i wonder if it could be causing something to wobble about slightly
  11. i have that same prob too, my set went 15, 17, 19, so need an 18 :lol: at least i know the bolts are right on the rear, thought someone had used a wrong'un :?
  12. when i did mine i just went to VW and got everything from there, wishbones with bushes in, track rods & ends, top mounts, ball joints and mountings still not solved whatever issue i have starting to believe it column or rack, not sure what mounts would affect handling?
  13. where my rear shocks fix the rear axle i have different sized bolts on each side? is this normal? one is 18 one is 19, i think, or its 17 and 18? either way they are one size different. still trying to work out why my corrado feels so horrid on rough roads/cambers etc??? if i corner quite hard the rear starts to shudder and knock?
  14. i had the same thing with the rear wiper when i 1st got mine, drove 25miles with it keep wiping a dry screen every few minutes :lol: was a nasty squeaky journey :lol:
  15. Hi mate. i'vce been seeing you drive past a lot over the last few weeks :D your car looks lovely, its almost like driving towards a mirror apart from the colour :lol: i have the same kinda worries as you, i want to do all the mounts, bushes, axle refurb, brakes etc etc, seems like a never ending list., The car feels old and a bit unsettled on the roads around here, i also thought of changing car, but everything else looks so boring :( I started getting tools at xmas as i want to learn how to do all this and then do it. I also need more longterm room to keep the car while its in bits aswell. I've often wondered about how much it costs and how do you find a unit to rent off a farmer etc?
  16. that handy to know :lol: all i knew it did was make 2 beeps instead of 3 :lol:
  17. yes saw that too :! one of my fav cars ever is the f40 8)
  18. i'm kinda in the middle of the same thing, bought some 288 front calipers, rebuilding those, and still not sure what to do with rears, whether to get mk4 calipers or rebuild corrado ones i cleaned them up with wire wheels that go in the drill, and some scotch pad type stuff, but they still not perfect. was going to buy a sandblasting setup, still might get this as its taken ages to clean the calipers so far pete griff has some good pics of his brake refurb from bigandred
  19. i had a ripped one and replaced them both, not sure what could cause it? how have you got it secured each end? is that in the right place and is it holding? i threw away the VAG clips i bought and used cable ties
  20. my drivers side front wheel is a git to remove, wasn't always like this. you undo all the bolts and its stays on, until you give it a kick or a little knock etc. then to get it back on is a nightmare as the centre of wheel won't sit square on the hub till you have some bolts in and tighten them up. have cleaned up the hub and the face of wheel but its still a pest. how could this happen? surely the wheel hasn't deformed?
  21. http://www.joemacari.com/cars/lancia_de ... ption.html i like these :! looks at all the wrapping still on the inside 8)
  22. typical sign of a coilpack issue is it misfiring when underload, i.e: up hill etc
  23. :lol: I'm 6ft and weigh less than 11st 8)
  24. i washed all mine once lasted about a week :lol:
  25. me and friend did it on mine and it seemed quite easy, i mostly did the watching tho :lol: my steering is still cack tho :(
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