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Everything posted by woody

  1. I did this a while ago, Mine were from a golf which has shorter lead, All I did was chopped off the connector and stripped back (4 x colour coded wires) Than cut the corrado cable so that the connection would be hidden under the dash and then just mated up the wires. Then got the VAG late surrounds and hey presto, I even managed to see the old corrado stalks on ebay with the cable chopped. Cheers Woody
  2. woody

    Bonnet Catch cable

    pretty easy job, fitted a complete set including the trumpets which enable the cable to operate the catches x 2 within the slam panel
  3. woody

    G-60 chips

    If you can afford it have a custom blown Chip althrough you do not hear many people complaining about SNS
  4. Mine sounded like a bird chirping in the dash which is strange cause I ususally make them ride in the boot
  5. I am doing this in the next couple of months once my dash has been leathered. New style dash and heater controls, althrough I am going to use the old style switches which do fit and also remove the ash tray and cig lighter so that a Road angel Nav can be installed just under the heater controls. The problem is that if you want new style switches then you require someone to sell you the connectors for all of the dash switches. Also you will need different Heater connecting cables( new style) Also while the dash is out it might be a good time to change the heater matrix for a new one Cheers Woody
  6. how much did the plate cost you m8
  7. Mine was taken out for the respray 3 years ago, it went back in again ok no leaks, Mind you three years on i have 4 of the bars of the rear heater not working. Am I right in thinking that you could get your rear window replaced on your windscreen £50 insurance. Or does it have to be broken / Smashed
  8. Yep Clifford, mine is like that but is installed within the glove box
  9. also check the cables and connection from the alternator to the point just above the starter motor. These had come loose on mine and were causing intermittent faults of dash lights.
  10. woody

    Wheel spacers

    It depends on your application, I had FK koni suspension fitted and i did not have to space the wheels out what so ever, but when i had my Brembo's fitted to be able to get them under my BBS RX's i required spacers. There are two types of spacers ones which are just like a thick washer or ones which have the thick washer with a lip (which are usually the thicker ones). I do not beleive there are issues with just having a spacer without the lip providing correct length bolts are used. The spacers with a lip help position the wheel when you in the centre of the hub to be able to line up bolt holes. The spacers that i have came from South Coast Wheels and came with bolts. They come in packs or two ( mine did anyway) http://www.southcoastwheels.co.uk/ Tel 023 8063 7972 Cheers Woody
  11. Yes venom's kit are all OEM parts. Blokey from vemon (Richard) did sell them to me for £125 as i have got quite a bit of stiff off him in the past. The kit comes with the 2 Off door panels inserts plates, 2 x inside door mechs, 2 x door mechs and two plates. I will get a photo up tomorrow after the car has had a wash
  12. woody

    Wiper stalk.....

    I did the dinkus method, changed my stalks from the early to late with a set from e-bay from a mk3 golf just extending the wires (four wires just match up the colours on off you go) and then went to VAG to get the surrounds.
  13. I would never say that my car had a paint job worthy of cups at shows or some of the C's on here, Yes there are defects in the paint job on centain panels, and maybe one day I will try and have the car blown over but with a Two year old boy and another one on the way it has become increasingly differcult to justify or finding money to spend on the car. I have to wait until bonus time comes round at work. These handles are not rough opening at all, they are a soft smooth motion Cheers Woody
  14. I think it was the light with the colour and my camera plus the car was a bit dusty after the 75 mile drive back. John is quite busy getting bit together for his 16v Supercharged Westfield he is building from the ground up. I will give the car a wash tomorrom lunchtime and try and take some more picks. The welding and paintwork was done by Roger masters in littlehampton who also did the mirrors and fixed my bumper accident damage. I really rate him, he is a perfectionist in every way which is why he gets a lot of work from Mclaren and such like.
  15. Yes it is the Awesome kit £120 for the kit £150 for john's time to strip down windows out and to make the new catch openers and put back together, and about £300 for the welding in of the plates and full door repaint and match. I know it sounds a lot when you tot it up but the end result justify the expenditure.
  16. Had them fitted last week well pleased!!!! JMR workmanship once again. Very happy with the end result and they open so softley as well. I think they match in really well with the mirros surrounds which were plastic welded and painted and also the standard fuel cap. Cheers Woody
  17. Gavin i buggered my clifford bonnet switch over a year ago, Its a 300 systems, Are the bonnet switches the same, If so any chance of one for a pound. Cheers Woody
  18. The left hand ones are the same as the right hand ones. I had mine fitted the other week. Its the same with the water pipes they only list LHD but they fit right hand fits not problem althrough all of the pipes can be a tight fit, remember to get new hose clips as the old ones will be quite tired now, also remeber samco work on a 4 week delivery schedule. Cheers Woody
  19. I have full supercharger & Water samco hoses on my G60 fitted by JMR a month ago and while they brighten up the bay away from the OE hoses, the reason which I did mine as that I got a new water pump and the OE hoses would have all been 15 years old and some were cracking. On the down side I now have to clean the rest of the bay to bring it up to scratch.
  20. woody

    6 puck clutch

    Why not just fit a VR6 clutch, i beleive most people do this when their clutch goes on their G60.
  21. Anybody got any idea where such stuff can be purchased from. I was under the bonnet the other day and saw that some of mine is falling apart. Cheers Woody
  22. woody


    Dont forget the extra costs of bump strips, sill protectors, Roof strips, window seals, fron and rear windscreen seals door seals. If you want to get your car looking as new some or all of these will be quite tired or get damaged in removal. All of the above you would need to add another £300 ish from VAG
  23. Nice that looks greatr and a lot cheper than EL sheets. Cheers
  24. woody

    sunroof problems

    right all you have to do is set the sunroof in one of the three positions ( normal closed position would be best, remove motor away from the sunroof and connect up the power connector. Press the button a couple of times and run the moror through its range and then set it on the middle setting. That should do it Cheers Woody
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