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Everything posted by quicky1980

  1. congrats nick! Let me know when you want to pic the lot up. Its all ready to go for you.
  2. two and a half hours left, get bidding before you loose out!
  3. hmm, youve got me wondering now if a6 handles are better. I shall have to re asses things
  4. cheers for that. The ones I have are A4 which I found out recently are different to the A6 so now have a spare delocked drivers side door handle up for grabs. grr
  5. well Ive managed to do a bit of work this weekend and now have the engine bay cleared of the lump. Once I sell the interior I should be able to get really started on this. Not had much luck finding rear arms for the beam but still plenty of time. I could use syncro rear arms but wish to go wide track so am attempting to obtain vr6 syncro arms (and hopefully a beam with it too!)
  6. hi Nick, this is now on ebay so cant really remove it. Place a bid you may get it for less that my original asking price The engine and bits are all out ready for collection.
  7. bump http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/120885389320?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649#ht_500wt_1203
  8. hi, sorry didnt see your reply. my setting must be screwed. Decided these have to go, PM me a price you have in mind
  9. so sounds like it was the blue exciter wire/cirevuit at fault? wow, what a pain youve been through to resolve the issue!
  10. dubnut, well let me know as I would preffer to get everything sold in one go. Chiller1, whats Lloyd interior. Not selling and plastic trim in black. this advert is for an engine setup
  11. wouldnt be able to deliver the engine Im afraid as there is so much included and wont fit in the car let alone with the interior. if you can arrange some sort of courier then we could probably work something out. where abouts are you then?
  12. anyone? open to sensible offers
  13. now on the bay http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120885389320#ht_500wt_1156
  14. ahh, that clears it up. thanks
  15. The pictures dont do these justice. No marks etc only selling due to replacing them with recaros Just note that the pictures make the seats look ripped, marked etc , they are it how the pictures came out due to the dust from where these are stored.
  16. not sure why youve been told your top mounts are wrong. maybe worn but not sure how you can get wrong ones fitted. Easy enough to sort out especially on coilovers as the strut can stay on the wishbone while the top mounts get swapped around. exhaust came out lovely!
  17. im still having isues with my ebay cable, how did you fix yours then?
  18. sorry guys, didnt see your replies. I'll get some pics taken tomorrow but the drivers seat is fine just needs a new foam insert. pattern is hard to explain, kinda chequered
  19. Have you cleaned all the contacts for the wiring between the alternator and battery, including earth points? the wiring on these is dead simple from what I can see. have you tried running wires directly from the alternator to the batter (bypass the cars wiring)
  20. I may have found a local company who specialise in cf and fg parts and do small to large batches. I'll try and get some more info from them.
  21. Hi James Your welcome to come round any time. I think your questions have been answered above however I've just checked and the guide also tells you most of this so make sure you read it properly. I hate to sound like an ar5e, but make sure you read it thoroughly, alot of work went into putting it together so take your time to read it! I didnt cover anything about the fuel pump because it wasn't needed to be changed. When (if) I update the guide I'll put a comment of that in. All the best with what you decide
  22. Hi james, love the user name. I put the guide together and it should cover everything you need to know plus its everything I know lol so no good me giving you my number. What are you trying to find out?
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