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Everything posted by dr_mat

  1. Moi, nope. Don't really /need/ one so I'll pass, thanks.
  2. Tis not visible in Tapatalk even if you had...!
  3. Yet another series spending more airtime on the presenter's acting ego than the tech of working on cars. They spent days, weeks, sourcing bits for that car. Where...?? No mention at all.
  4. I never found a solution, but I think people don't *want* to do it so make it easy for them to see your car. Fluorescent strips around the bumpers and wings?
  5. Hah. They made them to last 100k but told you they lasted forever.. At least they are straight with you now.. ;)
  6. Checked the spark plugs? May have got dosed in fuel or oil after long term seepage.
  7. You don't hear about tensioner/chain related failures on the forum because forum members are obsessive about checking and replacing chains and tensioners.. Outside the forum it's probably more common. A more likely consequence is rough running caused by jumped cam teeth followed by diagnosis of chains.
  8. Might just need an oil change tbh..
  9. The cam position sensor can cause it to be noticeably down on power and rough at high revs but you will see that straight away on an OBD fault code scan. All VR6 tail off in torque output at the top end and it's rarely worth going past 6k rpm on any of them. I don't believe there's significant difference between the CP and distributor cars in that respect - after all the rest of the engine is the same.
  10. dr_mat

    Black stealth shelf?

    Anyone looked at retrofitting one of the smart spare wheel subwoofers from e.g. the mk7 golf dynaudio setup? Would obviate the need for 6x9s. Edit: (Sorry, realise this is OT.)
  11. Given these car's propensity for killing batteries if you don't have another car sitting around to jump from I would be inclined to own one of these: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/322118718630
  12. Well I know, it's not nice. I have always been sceptical of the real risks of a jump start tbh, but frankly it *is* much simpler to just boost start than pushing the car down the road and dropping the clutch..
  13. The issue is the engine jerks into motion Jim, so jump starting is ok but be gentle lifting the clutch.. Always better to charge the battery up, or at least use a jump starter battery.
  14. Inevitable accusation of me owning a Scirocco the other week from a random passer by in the garage. On the upside the MoT tester offered to buy the car..
  15. Stalling VRs usually points to issues between the MAF, throttle, ISV and the inlet gaskets. Basically either the ISV is seized so it doesn't open in time when you drop off the throttle, or there's more air getting in than it expects and it fails to fuel sufficiently to keep it idling. Any battery that fits will be fine. Aim for 64Ah or more if you have air-con or a big ICE setup. I would assume, personally, that the Bosch S4 and S5 are the same internally - you pay more for the longer warranty ... And what kills batteries is being discharged - so keep it topped up on a trickle charger and you'll be good for ten years or so.
  16. Ok well I vote "too low". :) IMHO the wheel should sit centred in the wheel arch, as if the centre of the wheel was the centre of the rounding of the arch.
  17. dr_mat

    Outer Sills

    Yes that's looking familiar. Doesn't need doing just yet but sometime..
  18. dr_mat

    Outer Sills

    Hmm, yes you may well be right there..! Looks like the bottom of the A pillar is more or less in contact with the lower section of the wing there then, so both pieces rust together?
  19. dr_mat

    Outer Sills

    Actually looking at the car again, the very outer section of the sill right at the front by the wheel arch is part of the wing. Maybe I'll just have to find a replacement outer wing in the next year or two. The sills look (and sound) good, so far.
  20. dr_mat

    Outer Sills

    Yes, that front A pillar goes all the way down to the sill level too doesn't it. The centre section is showing as discontinued now though [on the VW-Heritage UK website at least].
  21. dr_mat

    Outer Sills

    Anyone else sourced any recently? I heard from other threads they are not available any more ..
  22. Well yeah. "It's not necessary". But it's really cheap and easy and on a 20 year old car specialists should add this to their routine list of things to check!
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