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Everything posted by dr_mat

  1. dr_mat

    DSG for G60

    The question would have to be "what for?"!! DSG is a gimmick for the overly wealthy, so they can play at being Michael Schumacher on the way to Safeway's... ;) Ok, so it maybe slightly improves the speed of your gear changes, and it's definitely a cool toy, but really, if you want two clutches I'd rather have two cars..
  2. Another "design quirk".. They never think about the poor sap who owns the car in ten years time, just the poor sap who pays £23k for the thing when it's new. ( == ~ £32k in today's money!! )
  3. dr_mat

    Suspension setup

    I think it will only get worse. If anything, standard shocks with lower, stiffer springs will just be unable to control the spring. IMHO.. Most likely that's simply the way it is with those springs.. I've never heard anyone say that Eibach springs were anything other than "a bit harsh". Try knocking a few PSI off your typre pressures. 2-3 should make a noticeable difference..
  4. It's funny, I've seen one other car where VAG-COM can't login to the ECU when the engine isn't running (regardless of the ignition being on). Couldn't explain that either. You could still login to the ABS controller and other bits+pieces, just not the engine... At least, not until we got the car fired up, at which point it logged in just fine.
  5. To clarify what I said: VW will sell you the OE (red) leads individually, or a black set that are pants and to be avoided. You can also get a full set of the OE BERU leads (only in black), from some other company, possibly C&R but I am having trouble remembering..
  6. dr_mat

    Super Unleaded V

    Nowhere in shell's marketing or documentation does it state an Octane rating for Optimax, other than "at least 95", so they are under no obligation to make sure it's any good! The supermarkets often use the big suppliers (obviously they don't do their own refining/blending), but they also often use the "cheaper" supplier chains - and it's when they do this that you have to be worried about the state of your engine...
  7. The cheapie set from the dealers are pants - don't waste your cash... Either buy the two leads you need from the dealer (the quality, original ones are available as separate items), or buy a full OE set of black ones (they're only red when you buy 'em from VW) for about £70.
  8. No really? A fault on a Corrado? Wow! :lol: ;)
  9. Thank god you fixed that link. I was needing all 2560 pixels wide to read it!!
  10. Insurance? Does that cover you for being stoopid..? :?
  11. Here we go again. Either it's a bad month for Corrados, or the insurance companies are making comedy offers more often now, cos there seems to be another "bad price offered for Corrado" post about every two weeks!! You should be aware that the insurance company is *negotiating* to buy the car from you. You have every right to refuse and ask a higher value if you think they are being unfair. You don't have the right to claim it was a 20k mile minter and ask 8k however... :)
  12. I believe the VR has longer drive shafts, to match the longer wishbones...
  13. dr_mat

    VR6 engines

    Yes, there was a V5 engine, 2.4 litres, based on the same VR6 block (but shorter). They used (use) it in the Golf too.
  14. Yup, have to concur. Auto boxes are known for handling huge torque on big trucks and the like. Manual boxes don't have the guts. They aren't efficient, tho..
  15. Fuse? Does your rear spoiler work??
  16. You want a car with a turbo for £1500? Wow that's brave! :)
  17. The owner's handbook contains all that info. They pop up on ebay from time to time. Otherwise ring round the scrapyards. Meanwhile, if the car has any VW history, VW can give you a printout of what was done and when.
  18. VR uses different driveshafts, gearbox, hubs, wishbones, struts, but the engine mounts and wishbone mount points are the same (afaik). If you want to do the switch, you need the lot..
  19. No, he was typing phonetically again: he meant "Cacky" Corrado colour.. ;)
  20. Ah, now you're talkin. Yeah, could be a rear engine mount indeed!
  21. The whole chassis will be replaced by rubber. The front of the car will have finished the std qtr, and the back of the car will be just twanging off the start line... But when that rubber band snaps back.. you really don't wanna be in it.. ;)
  22. True enough. But who cares? Not many other 2.9 litre Vs get fitted to road-going hatchbacks are there? It makes up for the low BMEP with lots of extra ccs over the competition. :D (Vauxhall 2.5 V6? 175 bhp ish, istr - i.e. higher specific torque, but lower overall output. And then planted in a bloody Vauxhall chassis, so it's completely unable to put any torque on the ground... ;) )
  23. The petrol VR6 crank was not designed with diesel operation in mind. It's possible that the block and/or timing CHAIN (as opposed to belt) arrangement was, but the crank and bearings were not...
  24. And only in reverse? Seems highly bizarre to me! Perhaps the gearbox input shaft bearings are iffy and it only shows up when you use reverse? But I think that's a long shot...
  25. I think all your evidence points at the CP, no other combinations of failures would give a double misfire and ONLY a double misfire (on the same cylinders to boot!), that I can think of.
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