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Everything posted by dr_mat

  1. Could also be the dizzy/rotor arm etc.. Had same symptoms on an old Jetta TX once..
  2. Nah, if he'd removed the bolt we wouldn't be talking about it! No, not having new wishbones, just new (rear) wishbone bushes. Wishbones are fine, not crooked, not rusted through, no problems to report. I don't pay for new things just for fun, you know!
  3. It's just the bolt seized in. I dunno what he's tried, I tend to assume he knows what he's doing...
  4. I don't know. Which end of the engine did the noise come from? He's right about not going to the dealers tho....
  5. Gotta be the rack then... :( Meanwhile, my VR is insistent that it WILL NOT let go of the passenger side wishbone bush. That baby is seized in TOTALLY solid. Vince doesn't wanna try any harder for fear of trashing the captivated nut on the subframe!! Which means I'm gonna have uneven wishbone bushes. Smeg.. :(
  6. Why are the babes wearing cloth booties??
  7. Is there something equivalent for the rears?
  8. dr_mat

    VR6 wont start

    Aye, rumour has it that jump starting VRs can prematurely stretch the timing chains. Dunno how true it is, but it's gotta be worth avoiding, just in case...
  9. Good grief, Henny, is that an engine or a surgical implement? Bit clean ain't it? You wanna spray some old dirty oil around it a bit or somethin.. ;)
  10. Well I'll be interested to hear what your experiences are... I'll be picking mine up on Friday afternoon, assuming Vince doesn't find something heinous under the hood between now and then...
  11. True, if it sticks open... I'm not sure which way it sits when switched off - fully open or fully closed?
  12. dr_mat


    Give it a long run (an hour or so) at motorway speeds, then see if it doesn't run MUCH better afterwards.. Mine does!
  13. ISV shouldn't effect throttle-open situations, but it'll still effect those times when changing from throttle-open to throttle-closed and vice versa. It seems the cold temps have been killing off a few VR6s just recently...
  14. Yeah, I noticed that with my cable too. VERY weird.
  15. Make sure we're talking about the timing chains (on the RHS of the engine as you look under the bonnet), for which dinkus is 100% correct, or the auxiliary belt, on the LHS of the engine, which usually suffers from a seized tensioner. Timing chain rattle is at it's most noisy at around 1200rpm, usually. Aux belt tensioner can scream at any revs if the bearings are shot.
  16. Over or under fuelling would. If the engine thinks it's a warm start and it isn't it's going to be running a bit lean!
  17. Reminds me of a story.. Can't remember if it's been on here already, so here goes.. A few guys in Oz got a speed camera "safety partnership" guy talking, while their mates popped round the back of the camera van and nicked the number plate. They then thrashed up and down past the camera for the next happy half hour, wearing the van's own plate! :)
  18. So it'll favour goodyear tyres then? Since they tune their own tyres to their own test track....
  19. Well mine wasn't like that when I got it, so I have to assume it's not normal... You're having a new rack too then? At Stealth? What's the £550 cover?
  20. There were probably fewer 2.0 8vs than there were storms.. No matter what the colour. (Within the UK at least.) But bear in mind there's 100,000 Corrados ever made, of which only 500 are storms. Not so common when you look at it like that!
  21. Erm, if it starts and idles fine chances are the ISV is perfectly ok. Sounds more like a temp sensor problem to me.
  22. Interestingly, despite everyone on here saying that only early VR6s had red "VR6" badges, my 96 VR had red badges.. Now of course I've no guarantee that they weren't put on after it left the factory, but there you go. Maybe it's "early and late black VR6s" that had red badges?
  23. VW charge 10 hours for timing chains and that doesn't include the clutch.. (But the official procedure is gearbox off, rather than block out, at least that's what I was told..) 10 hours at my local VW place would be 850 + VAT, then you have to include the nigh on £200 for the chain parts, you're looking at a bill for £1200 !!
  24. Yeah, as I was saying earlier, I'd offer ya no more than £3.5k for it... ;)
  25. I know, but it makes you have more faith in the structure of these old cars, doesn't it, when you see them being treated like that and coming out of it unscathed!
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