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Everything posted by dr_mat

  1. Did you see my comments on the latest group buy thread? With a Schrick VSR and 263 cams I gained ~7-10 lbft across the entire rev range by having another map done. (The car was previously mapped for the Shrick VSR only.)
  2. dr_mat

    30k Miler VR

    Yeah, look around. This is the UK, where we elect idiots to screw things up, give all our money to bankers, who repay us by crashing the economy and "minimising" their tax through various government-sponsored schemes. We are fools, and they have our ****ing money. It's about time we were rioting on the streets again.
  3. dr_mat

    30k Miler VR

    Doesn't change the fact that low mileage cars are worth more money.. ;)
  4. Much of the windows performance drop is down to ever-growing anti-virus overheads. The more virus signatures that there are created the more have to be checked against every file you interact with on the desktop. Anyway, we all know Win Vista was a bag of crap (essentially like windows 7 but with all the insane internal debug code still turned on - it was an engineering beta more or less..!). W7 or W2008 server are much better. I've yet to try a W2012 server, but I'm looking forward to the end of rdesktop and the introduction of proper, system-wide scripting support.
  5. dr_mat

    30k Miler VR

    I think an easier way to make money might well be to rob banks than relying on doing up Corrados..
  6. Lol, nice one. At least my diagnosis was pretty sharp..! :)
  7. Sort yourself an ebay special - and note that the later cars with five pin MAF are common with more cars so they're easier to get hold of.
  8. Bah, mercs are for hairdressers and poofs.. ;)
  9. Those prices don't look right to me. I'm sure rear shocks are about £50 a side, fronts £75 or so (or they were when I last looked). You'd be a fool to buy that stuff from VW though when you can get Sachs or Boge gas shocks (i.e. the exact same parts) for more like £120 the full set. I'd go and buy some used struts from a breakers and replace the shocks with new if I were you. The springs *do* wear, but you're unlikely to notice any issues unless they've actually got fractures in them. ---------- Post added at 9:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 9:22 AM ---------- Edit: can't believe VW can "run out" of rear shocks for a Corrado.. ffs! It's a common part with numerous other cars!
  10. Yes it does, but could also be the MAF sensor. It'll take a few minutes before the ECU writes it off and drops back to "failsafe" fuelling map. As always, VAGCOM or equivalent will tell you the answer pretty much straight away.
  11. Bloomin VWs with their adjustable camber... just means you have to keep adjusting it!
  12. These are the in-pro clears? I was tempted to get some smoked ones...
  13. dr_mat

    30k Miler VR

    This is also true. But balls on VW for not fitting decent bloody security themselves and forcing chimps to tear the car apart just so you get to keep the car for almost six months before it's nicked instead of losing it overnight. Condition is king to the end user, of course, but a very tatty 30k mile Corrado can be turned into a pristine £10k Corrado by the right person. That same person can't make a 200k mile Corrado worth any more than £5k, no matter what they do ...
  14. dr_mat

    30k Miler VR

    See, the only people allowed to get together and artificially set prices for things are governments and oil companies. Individuals get taken to court if they do that..
  15. dr_mat

    30k Miler VR

    Fair enough, but rust happens anyway. Radiator leaked maybe. Anyway, for a given condition of car, there's still a premium applied for low mileage.
  16. dr_mat

    30k Miler VR

    Each car will have its own foibles. Most high miles 'rados rattle like *******s because VW didn't figure out how to design dashboards until another ten years after they came out.
  17. It's easy to hate a company that behaves like a spoiled little bully boy. They charge a big premium for a nicely cohesive package and pay their desingers well to make that cohesiveness possible, and they've been rewarded for that work by becoming *the* gadget company to beat. They don't *need* to throw thier lawyers at the opposition and register patents for obscenely generic and obvious "features", and worse, chase their competition through the courts. Personally I'd like to see Samsung simply pull out of supplying parts to Apple. Let's see how apple maintain their product lead without their screens and most of the ASICs they rely on to make their kit work? Samsung may well be copying some of the more *obvious* aspects of the Apple designs, but ffs Apple didn't invent this **** either. So, I'd be happy to accept Apple's products if they weren't a complete twat about everything they do.
  18. dr_mat

    30k Miler VR

    Bit harsh .. 15 year old car with "some rust", well big woopee doo. Show me one that doesn't! :) The low miles IS worth money, the chassis hasn't been bent, the dash won't rattle, the trim might not be broken, hell even the bloody air direction controls might still work properly. The car will, most importantly, *feel* like a new car. That's why it is truly worth a significant amount more than an even excellent high miler. Meanwhile you can bet that if someone with a concourse quality 30k miles example was selling it you'd be looking at £10k and upwards, and fair enough too. Personally I wouldn't pay £7k, and it's a bit cheeky buying it two years back for £5k, doing nothing at all then selling it on with a 40% markup, but low miles is worth a premium.
  19. Been having the same debate myself. Leaning towards the samsung galaxy s2 (s3 is getting silly big and really not pocket friendly - not to mention the S2 is available with some pretty good deals). I would buy the google or a HTC but i'd rather fund the anti-apple court case (and get a better screen too..). You wouldn't catch me giving apple any money (not many folks round here will be surprised to hear that..), though I'd grudgingly have to admit that the products are alright, even if all they're really doing is honing someone else's ideas (then charging others for stealing the same ideas).
  20. Sounds like a temp sensor issue...
  21. Sounds like a good explanation to me! Check it out..
  22. Crank sensor tends to go the opposite way - it'll die on you whilst driving and won't restart until things cool down. I don't think that's the problem here.
  23. 1) the immobiliser *could* be hooked into any circuit - including the trigger lines for the spark, so yes that's always possible. 2) correct. The ECU won't do nuffink until it knows where top dead centre is, and it won't guess that based on the cam sensor alone, it must have a solid signal from the crank.
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